I have two properties inside nodes, which are:
Package Name
Package Version
Some nodes share package names, but have different versions. I want to write a gremlin query that results these nodes having multiple versions only.
We are stamping user permission as a property (of SET cardinality) on each nodes and edges. Wondering what is best way to apply the has step on all the visited nodes/edges for a given traversal gremlin query.
like a very simple travarsal query:
// Flights from London Heathrow (LHR) to airports in the USA
add has('permission', 'team1') to all the visited vertices and edges while traversal using the above query.
There are two approaches you may consider.
Write a custom TraversalStrategy
Develop a Gremlin DSL
For a TraversalStrategy you would develop one similar to SubgraphStrategy or PartitionStrategy which would take your user permissions on construction and then automatically inject the necessary has() steps after out() / in() sorts of steps. The drawback here is that your TraversalStrategy must be written in a JVM language and if using Gremlin Server must be installed on the server. If you intend to configure this TraversalStrategy from the client-side in any way you would need to build custom serializers to make that possible.
For a DSL you would create new navigational steps for out() / in() sorts of steps and they would insert the appropriate combination of navigation step and has() step. The DSL approach is nice because you could write it in any programming language and it would work, but it doesn't allow server-side configuration and you must always ensure clients use the DSL when querying the graph.
We are stamping user permission as a property (of SET cardinality) on each nodes and edges.
As a final note, by "SET cardinality" I assume that you mean multi-properties. Edges don't allow for those so you would only be able to stamp such a property on vertices.
I'd like to create different graphs based on different domain. So, a kind of namespace or schema are needed. Just like the "Schema" conception in RDBMS. Therefore, does Gremlin support Namespace or similar sth?
There is no notion of a schema name in the Gremlin language that is exactly like what you typically have in SQL. Your Gremlin query is bound to the graph to which you connect. If you have two or more domains then you either:
Create one graph per domain in which you can't traverse across those domains (you'd have to combine results after traversals - without explicit edges, i.e. joins, to connect the domains Gremlin has no way to do those sorts of queries), or
Create one large graph to house both domains and then constrain your traversal to the domain (in TinkerPop this is sometimes accomplished with PartitionStrategy)
I created an edge without attribute and guess what? it was created but still can not query it but then i created the same edge again and now they both are having same rid>?
I suggest you to start using OrientDB from the tutorial. This is an extract:
Starting from OrientDB v1.4.x edges, by default, are managed as lightweight edges: they don't have own identities as record, but are physically stored as links inside vertices. OrientDB automatically uses Lightweight edges only when edges have no properties, otherwise regular edges are used. From the logic point of view, lightweight edges are edges at all the effects, so all the graph functions work correctly. This is to improve performance and reduce the space on disk. But as a consequence, since lightweight edges don't exist as separate records in the database, the following query will not return the lightweight edges:
In most of the cases Edges are used from Vertices, so this doesn't cause any particular problem. In case you need to query Edges directly, even those with no properties, disable lightweight edge feature by executing this command once:
ALTER DATABASE CUSTOM useLightweightEdges=false
This will only take effect for new edges. For more information look at Troubleshooting.
You can query for a list of names of edges with:
select name from ( select expand(classes) from metadata:schema ) where superClass="E"
I've been experimenting with Titan over the past few weeks and would like some pointers on the way forward, plus a few specific questions. The purpose of the project is to store log data on a Cassandra cluster (for this question let's use the example of web traffic) and represent relationships in a Titan graph. All nodes are modelled as having an entity value and type (e.g. "google.com","hostname"), and edges have a label (e.g. "connects") as well as several attributes of the relationship (timestamp, flow length and so on).
Once this data is stored in cassandra and represented as a Titan graph, I plan to use d3 code to generate visualisations. At the end of the tunnel I am hoping to be able to build large-scale, interactive, complex graph networks that look something like this: http://goo.gl/CVEd55
My current setup is as follows:
A python script to convert log files into vertices.csv and edges.csv files for Gremlin to load in
Titan Server 0.4 (using CassandraThrift as the storage backend) - gremlin script to load converted data into Titan
Python script that uses NetworkX to open a RexPro connection, allowing the analyst to enter a custom Gremlin query, outputting the result as a JSON
Local web front-end that uses the generated JSON and d3 to display the results of the query as a graph
Ideally as a test base case, I would like the user to be able to type a Gremlin query into the web front-end and be directed to a page containing an interactive d3 graph of the result.
My specific questions are are follows:
What is the process for assigning attributes to edges? I have had trouble finding sample code that helps me represent the graph using the model listed above.
My gremlin script to load data into Titan uses bg.commit() to create a batch graph which is later referenced in the RexPro connection conn= RexProConnection('localhost,8184,'bg'). This was working originally but after changing my load script, clearing the graph in Gremlin and then reloading, the RexPro connection cannot be opened due to the graph bg apparently not existing. What is the process of updating graphs in Titan? Presumably running a load script twice using the same graph will only add nodes/vertices to the existing one, so how would I go about generating a new graph with the same name every time I update my model, and have RexPro be able to reference it when running a query?
How easy would it be to extend the interface to allow an analyst to enter SQL queries into the front end, using RexPro to access the graph in a similar way to the one described?
Apologies for the long post, but if anyone could share their expertise that would be much appreciated!
For d3 visualization, you can use force directed graph. There are a few variations of them.
Relationship Graph
Force Layout Tree
If your network contains a large number of node and edges, you'll need to cluster data before visualizing. You can use tools like Gephi, NodeXL to perform clustering. Then use clustered data to build force directed visualization.
What is the process for assigning attributes to edges?
The process is the same as adding properties to vertices. Get an Edge instance then do:
Edge e = g.addEdge(v1,v2,'label')
As for:
What is the process of updating graphs in Titan? Presumably running a load script twice using the same graph will only add nodes/vertices to the existing one, so how would I go about generating a new graph with the same name every time I update my model, and have RexPro be able to reference it when running a query?
You don't want a reference to a BatchGraph after loading as it comes with limitations that will prevent you from querying. It sounds like you should just configure "yourgraph" in rexster.xml, when you load through your script, simply wrap your rexster.xml configured Graph in your code, and perform your load operations against it. When you want to query it, simply reference "yourgraph" instead of "bg".
conn = RexProConnection('localhost,8184,'yourgraph')
How easy would it be to extend the interface to allow an analyst to enter SQL queries into the front end, using RexPro to access the graph in a similar way to the one described?
It's hard to say if that's "easy" as that depends on factors outside of just the technology. I'll say that it's possible to to build an interface that accepts Gremlin queries (your wrote SQL, but I assume you meant Gremlin), passes them to Rexster and gets back an answer. What you do with that answer is up to you, but as far as Rexster's part plays into it, I don't see why that would be a problem.
I have an application that stores relationship information in a MySQL table (contact_id, other_contact_id, strength, recorded_at). This is fine if all I need to do is show who a contact's relationships are or even to generate a list of mutual contacts for two contacts.
But now I need to generate stats like: 'what was the total number of 2-way connections of strength 3 or better in January 2011' or (assuming that each contact is part of a group) 'which group has the most number of connections to other groups' etc.
I quickly found that the SQL for generating these stats became unwieldy real fast.
So I wrote a script that for any given date it will generate a graph in memory. I could then run whatever stat I wanted against that graph. Much easier to understand and in general, much more performant also -- except for the generating the graph part.
My next thought was to cache those graphs so I could call on them whenever I needed to run a new stat (or generate a later graph: eg for today's graph I take yesterday's graph and apply any changes that happened since yesterday). I tried memcached which worked great until the graphs grew > 1 MB.
So now I'm thinking about using a graph database like Neo4J.
Only problem is, I don't have just one graph. Or I do, but it is one that changes over time and I need to be able to query it with different reference times.
So, can I:
store multiple graphs in Neo4J and rertrieve/interact with them separately? i would then create and store separate social graphs for each date.
add valid to and from timestamps to each edge and filter the graph appropriately: so if i wanted a graph for "May 1st" i would only follow the newest edge between two noeds that was created before "May 1st" (and if all the edges were created after May 1st then those nodes wouldn't be connected).
I'm pretty new to graph databases so any help/pointers/hints will be appreciated.
Right now you can store just one graph database in a single Neo4j instance, but this one graphdb can contain as many different sub-graphs as you like. You only have to keep that in mind when doing global operations (like index queries) but there you can do compound queries that include timestamped properties as well to limit the results.
One way of doing that is, as you said adding temporal information to edges to represent the structure of a graph for a given date you can then traverse the structure of the graph back then.
Reference node has a different meaning in Neo4j.
Using category nodes per day (and linking them and also aggregating them for higher level timespans) is the more graphy way of categorizing nodes than indexed properties. (Effectively these are in-graph indices that you can easily include in your traversals and graph queries).
You don't have to duplicate the nodes as long as you are only interested in different temporal structures. If your nodes are also different (e.g. changing properties, you could either duplicate them, and so effectively creating different subgraphs) or create a connected list of history nodes on each node that contain just the changes (or the full snapshot depending on your requirements).
Your domain sounds very fitting for the graph database. If you have more and detailed questions feel free to join the Neo4j mailing list.
Not the easiest solution (I'm assuming you only work with one machine), but if you really want to separate your graphs, you only need to remember that a graph is a directory.
You can then create a dynamic loader class which takes the path of the database you want, load it in memory for the query, and close it after you getting your answer. You could also configure a proxy server, and send 2 parameters to your loader: your query (which I presume is a cypher query in this case) and the path of the database you want to query.
This is not adequate if you have tons of real-time queries to answer. But if it is simply for storing and doing some analytics over data sets, it can definitly answer your needs.
This is an old question, but starting with Neo4j 4.x, multi-tenancy is supported and you can have different databases within the same Neo4j server (with distinct RBAC permissions).