Test harness file is not creating for generic "when trying to test with generic instance" - ada

while testing generic file thruogh instance in GNAT test AUnit framework.I am getting below error. Test harness is not creating for the file under test, which has generic; instead of that it is creating all other unwanted test harness files.
error: corresponding test FAILED: Test not implemented.
error: corresponding test FAILED: Test not implemented.
Please let me know how to generate test harness file for generics which is implemented with its instance


Start second test only if first test fails in RobotFramework

I got 2 testcases defined in RobotFramework
Is it possible to start test2 only when test1 fails?
One way of achieving this is by making use of robotframework-dependencylibrary.
excerpt from this library
Declare dependencies between tests. Make tests automatically fail
based on the results of other test cases or test suites.
In the below example, you can make use of "Depends on test" keyword as shown.
*** Settings ***
Library DependencyLibrary
*** Test cases ***
Passing Test
No operation
Failing Test
Fail This test is intentionally hardcoded to fail
This Test Depends on "Passing Test" Passing
Depends on test Passing Test
Log The rest of the keywords in this test will run as normal.
This Test Depends on "Failing Test" Failing
Depends on test failure Failing Test
Log The rest of the keywords in this test will run as normal.

Why should we use" test template" while using "data driver" library in robot framework?

I'm getting the following error:
Calling method '_start_suite' of listener 'Data Driver' failed: Attribute Error: No "Test Template" keyword found for first test case.
This is the code that generates that error:
* Settings *
Documentation practice
Library Data Driver file=../../Test Data/LoginData.xlsx sheet_name=Sheet 1
Library Selenium2 Library
Resource ../../Keywords/Login Keywords.robot
* Test Cases *
test case 1->login test with excel
Open Website in chrome and
Login with valid username and
Logout Off the application
Goes as per documentation-
Test cases have to be defined with a Test Template. Reason for this
is, that the DataDriver needs to know the names of the test case
arguments. Test cases cannot not have named arguments.But Keywords can.
And for the error, Error: No "Test Template" keyword found for first test case. It might be because the Test template <keyword_name> you have defined did not match the <keyword_name> defined in the *** Keywords *** section.
And Also note this, which again is as per doc
The keyword which is used as Test Template must be defined within the
test suite (in the same *.robot file). If the keyword which is used as
Test Template is defined in a Resource the DataDriver has no access to
its arguments names.

Publishing test results through command line test runner in VSTS

I'm trying to use vstest.console.exe with the TfsPublisher logger in VSTS (cloud).
There's a URL example shown in the article for TFS onsite, but I'm trying to work out what parameters to use for my VSTS build. The example is:
But I just get an error saying the build cannot be found in the project, e.g.
Error: Build "1234" cannot be found under team project "MyProject".
I believe the problem is the BuildName parameter. My project and build definition have no spaces in the names. I have tried various values, e.g.:
BuildName=%BUILD_BUILDID% (resolves to number, e.g. 1234)
BuildName=%BUILD_DEFINITIONNAME% (resolves to build definition name OK)
BuildName=%BUILD_BUILDURI% (resolves to url, e.g. vstfs:///Build/Build/1234)
The error message confirms that the environment variables seem to be resolving OK, but I can't determine what I should substitute for "DailyBuild_20121130.1" in my case.
Updated: My vstest.console.exe logger parameter currently looks like
I effectively got the result I wanted using the Trx logger and one of the "Publish Test Results" build steps:
vstest.console.exe ... /logger:Trx
The build name is generated by "Build number format" under build definition "General" tab. You can get it from "BUILD_BUILDNUMBER" variable.

sbt stops at first failed test (quick fail mode?)

Is it possible to make sbt stop at the first failed test?
For example, during a refactoring, I'd use that feature like this:
and I'd fix test after test.

How log the command output in the Robot framework log file after test execution?

In Robot Framework log.html, I want to log the command output that I am executing from a python file . As shown in the attached screenshot of log.html, now I am not able to see the command output. Simple it prints or logs as PASS.
My Robot File:
*** Settings ***
Library test
*** Test cases ***
Python Keyword:
def test():
cmd = ' net test" '
output = os.popen(cmd).read()
match1 = re.findall('.* (successfully).*',output)
mat1 = ['successfully']
if match1 == mat1:
print "PASS::"
Can anyone guide me on this please?
If you want the output of the command to appear in your log, there are three ways to do it: using the print statement, using the logging API, or using the built in log keyword. These methods are all documented in the robot framework users guide.
Of the three, the logging API is arguably the best choice.
Using print statements
You're already using this method. This is documented in the user guide, in a section named Logging information:
... methods can also send messages to log
files simply by writing to the standard output stream (stdout) or to
the standard error stream (stderr) ...
def test():
cmd = ' net test" '
output = os.popen(cmd).read()
match1 = re.findall('.* (successfully).*',output)
mat1 = ['successfully']
if match1 == mat1:
print "output: " + output
Using the logging API
There is a public API for logging, also documented in the user guide
in a section named Public API for logging:
Robot Framework has a Python based logging API for writing messages to
the log file and to the console. Test libraries can use this API like
logger.info('My message') instead of logging through the standard
output like print 'INFO My message'. In addition to a programmatic
interface being a lot cleaner to use, this API has a benefit that the
log messages have accurate timestamps.
from robot.api import logger
def test():
logger.info("output: " + output)
Using the built-in Log keyword
Finally, you can also use the built-in log keyword. Using the built in keywords is documented in the user guide in a section titled Using BuiltIn Library.
Test libraries implemented with Python can use Robot Framework's
internal modules, for example, to get information about the executed
tests and the settings that are used. This powerful mechanism to
communicate with the framework should be used with care, though,
because all Robot Framework's APIs are not meant to be used by
externally and they might change radically between different framework
from robot.libraries import BuiltIn
def test():
BuiltIn().log("this is a debug message", "DEBUG")
