I need to connect the "ZKTeco uface800" to the internet, independent of LAN. I tried to do port forwarding from the router. On the router, it shows the port is forwarded successfully. But actually, it's not. Any guideline would be much appreciated. Thank You.
I try to setup OpenVPN server behind a firewall, but it didn't work as expected.
I suppose my problem is about port forwarding but i don't know how to procede.
Here is my network scheme :
I tried to port forward on my Modem to my VPN (from * to, but it never works.
Can you help me ?
I have done 2 port forward and it works now.
The first one on the model to my router (
And the other one on the router to my VPN (
Thank for help Vidal.
I have a router (belkin) with many devices connected.
I ran a application on one my devices and the application assigned a port number for remote connection.
Now for me access this device i tried doing something like:
But unable to connect. I am not sure if the router can be used to accomplish the above.
Any suggestions on how to achieve the above?
P.S my router assigned unique LAN IP to all the devices.
I achieved the following using Port Forwarding mechanism. A port forward is a way of making a computer on your home or business network accessible to computers on the internet, even though they are behind a router.
I found the following tutorial to be useful:
I am having some trouble allowing my 2wire router (provided by AT&T to forward certain ports.
I have a raspberry pi running subsonic (a music server) and I would like to access it from the outside internet. I have configured the pi with a static LAN IP address and have opened the specified ports (4040 and 80) on both TCP and UDP. I have also confirmed the service is active and is listening on the specified ports via netstat.
When I attempt to connect, however, from my WAN IP I am confronted with a connection refused dialog. Checking the firewall logs on my router, I see this message
IN=br1 MAC=--:--:--:--:--:-- SRC=(my computer IP) DST=(My WAN IP) LEN=40 TTL=240 PROTO=TCP DPT=5060 Unknown inbound session stopped
It appears that my firewall is still blocking the external connection. What strikes me as odd is, although I am unable to connect I can still see that the port is open from an outside port scanner. Using the service provided from http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ I have confirmed that my IP has port 4040 to be open.
Once again, I have confirmed that the service is indeed listening on the raspberry pi, setup a static LAN address and created the protocol for both TCP and UDP....
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Ok so for whatever reason it was working all along. Apparently it was just getting confused by me trying to connect to my own router. I confirmed this by connecting to the server via 4G on my phone.
Dumb mistake by me.
I just tried to publish my website via IIS.
I forwarded the right ports to my LAN and it successfully connects to the LAN, but can't connect the internet.
When using (which is my local IP address), it connects to the website, but when using my external IP address it doesn't work.
What do I do wrong?
It likely has something to do with the port being auto-blocked by your Windows firewall or :80 not being routed to :8080 in your router.
I had this issue too, Windows Firewall's default was to block the :80 port. I just had to go in and make an exception.
-first of all you should have a static IP address.
-second make sure you add the make sure you add that IP address to your Network (NIC) card Interface and I hope it will work fine.
Check This Please or this topics
I have a working SSL server implementation, but the problem is that the server is visible only for devices in my local network, and can't be accessed from outside.
Is this a common problem for servers, or have I done something wrong? Could it be my Linux distribution limiting the visibility?
Best regards,
If you are behind a NAT firewall which most modem/router/switch all-in-one boxes use, then you will need to set up port forwarding on the router.
Port forwarding allows an incoming connection on a port on the WAN side of the modem/router to get forwarded to a LAN computer.
See http://portforward.com/ for help setting up port forwarding.