How to correct GTK theme difference across platforms? - css

I have a GTK3 application with buttons which contain a transparent image over a coloured background, when I compile it on a Linux Mint machine I get a perfectly normal "flat" image, but when I compile it on a Raspberry Pi (in Raspbian OS) I get buttons that have a weird white highlight effect on the image.
All I can guess is that the default GTK theme on Raspbian includes some sort of shadow effect that is being applied to the button images but I don't know which one & hence how to override it.
I've dug through the GTK theme/CSS docs but can't find anything obvious that would be applying this effect to an image. I've also poked about in the system(s) for GTK themes/gtk CSS files but there's loads of them, so I'm hoping someone can help me narrow this down to a particular tag/style I can apply to my buttons/widgets/window to make it look right all the time.
Image 1: normal "flat" image:
Image 2: weird fringe highlight / shadow effect on image:

Well after some mucking about with GTK_DEBUG=interactive ./my_app I found it was caused by this setting in the default Raspbian theme:
That one-liner in my application's overall window CSS has fixed it.


Cannot browse white icons in Mac OS Monterey

When I try to browser my white icons with transparent backgrounds, I get this:
Finder adds it's own white backgrounds behind my icons. It makes my design work impossible. Similair threads have been made in the past, where the chosen solution was to create and automator script that looks like this:
However, the "add thumbnail icons to image files" option is missing in Mac OS Monterey. Anyone has a fix, a workaround? This is quite a widespread problem as it makes working with white icons on Mac simply impossible.
Many many thanks, any info would be appreciated!

gulp-iconfont: Iconfont rendering wildly different on Windows

I can't for the life of me figure out why the same font that I build using gulp-iconfont renders so wildly different on Windows vs. basically all other OSes, including mobile OSes. I've tested practically all of them through Browserstack, and consistently all browser running on Windows render the font with a massive amount of space above/below each icon while all other platforms render as expected.
I highlighted the elements using the inspector for the following screenshots:
I think I have narrowed it down to be the font rendering, as when I change the font-family in the css, the spacing around the characters evaporates. I have messed around with the gulp-iconfont options (fontHeight is set to 1024 and font is being normalized) without success.
Is my only option to let go of compiling my own iconfont and just using svg's, or does anyone know what I might be doing wrong? I feel the stench of defeat upon me so any faint scent of hope would make me simmer with joy.

Xcode 4 Source Editor Not Displaying Text Properly

My Xcode has suddenly began to display unreadable text in the source editor. No other apps are affected. It is most notable with white/bright-colored text on a black background but it occurs in every theme.
The text looks like the the background is bleeding through the foreground text characters. It doesn't really look like "the jaggies" that you used to see with bitmapped fonts.
Here is s side by side comparison between Xcode and the terminal using the same orange on black theme, at the same font of Menlo 12. Even in the reduced resolution screen shot, the difference is obvious. On screen, the terminal text display is crisp and easily readable while the Xcode text is barely readable and, as a practical matter, useless.
I don't know when the problem may have started because I haven't been working in Xcode recently. The only change is that I added a second monitor to my dev box but removing the monitor did not resolve the problem.
I tried using the defaults to set the anti-aliasing of Xcode to 24 point but that too had no effect.
I'm stumped. My next step will be to reinstall Xcode but I was hoping someone else may have hit this problem before and has a neater resolution.
A reinstall of Xcode resolved the issue. Haven't the foggiest why.
This answer over at Ask Different might be relevant as well.

Where can I find the icon set Github uses?

I'm talking about the icon set that Github uses for their own site design.
Example Page
On this page, near the top right corner, the "Watch" and "Fork" buttons, as well as the buttons next to them have beautiful icons!
Any idea where the full set can be found?
To clarify, I'm just looking for minimalist grey icons of that size and style to be used in web apps.
I am unsure if the icons Github utilizes are under creative commons. However, the icon packages below are used in other popular software packages that might be a fit for your project (e.g. you can always convert to grayscale and resize them using Gimp):
famfamfam icons
fugue icons
mini icons 2 (already grey for you)
They use wireframe mono icons. You can find them here.
FWIW, I think you can find them here...
The directories seem from famfamfam... But the other answer already told you that.

Vertical scrollbar scrollup-scrolldown images look jagged on Qtopia machine

I am trying to use a vertical scrollbar in my Qt project.
The issue is when use the Cleanlooks widget style for the vertical scrollbar,it looks ok on the Linux Ubuntu machine,where Qt-4.3.3 is running.
But,when i run the same project on a Qtopia-4.3.3 Linux(ARM) machine,the scrolldown and scrollup images look totally jagged. They,look very bad. I tried using stylesheets,but without luck. Any suggestions regarding using stylesheets are most welcome.
Is there any way,to overcome this problem?
In my relatively small experience with styles on embedded platforms, some of the styles are designed so they use an image for certain things, and scale it as necessary. This produces very jagged graphics if the source is small and the target it large. One possibility is to inherit your own QStyle from the Cleanlooks style, and override the drawing of the arrow images with your own drawing code. It shouldn't be too hard to draw a proper arrow in code, rather than using an image.
