Is there a way to get Firebase Crashlytics Unity C# line number crash information? - firebase

I've been using Firebase crashlytics for some time and have been trying to get more information on crashes and exceptions on iOS & Google builds. However, I'm can't seem to get the line numbers to show up in Unity C# scripts. Does Crashlytics offer line number details? or I'll have to include another sdk?
Below is an example of an iOS crash.
Non-fatal Exception: InvalidOperationException
0 ??? 0x0 ThrowIfCheckDependenciesRunning (Firebase.FirebaseApp)
1 ??? 0x0 GetInstance (Firebase.FirebaseApp)
2 ??? 0x0 get_DefaultInstance (Firebase.FirebaseApp)
3 ??? 0x0 get_DefaultInstance (Firebase.RemoteConfig.FirebaseRemoteConfig)
4 ??? 0x0 FetchRemoteConfig (FirebaseServer)
5 ??? 0x0 ForegroundPostSynced ()
6 ??? 0x0 OnSuccessEmp ()
7 ??? 0x0 OnSuccessEmp ()
8 ??? 0x0 OnSuccess
9 ??? 0x0 OnSuccess

Unity iOS builds should upload crashlytics symbols automatically (after Crashlytics version 8.6.1) as part of the Xcode build process. This then allows stacktraces to show c# line numbers.
What versions of the following are you using?
Unity Editor
Firebase SDKs (they should all be at the same version number)
External Dependency Manager for Unity
Additionally, as another thing to check, are those stack frames/method calls in your user code, in a plugin or somewhere else? If they are not in your code, less information may be available.


How to check if the biometric scanner is available and initialized in Xamarin android BiometricPrompt

Failed biometric(fingerprint) scan attempts are handled by OnAuthenticationFailed() callback of BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback class.
The behavior I noticed is, it lets the user attempt 5 invalid fingerprint scans (each time the fail callback is invoked) and then the prompt dismisses. Within the next 30 secs, if we try to re-build a BiometricPrompt instance and try to authenticate, it does not show the prompt which I think is the default behavior of BiometricPrompt.
Is there anyway to check if the biometric scanner is available and initialised if the user attempts to re-invoke biometric prompt within the said 30secs?
How can I handle that use case?
xamarin android BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback does not have an override method "onAuthenticationError" to handle error callbacks and thus I'm unable to handle error code "BIOMETRIC_ERROR_TIMEOUT".
If someone has a solution for this, please do let me know your resolution.
I believe that BiometricPrompt is not fully ported to Xamarin yet...
I'm still looking for a source that can double check this info for me, but I haven't found it either.

iOS 11 firebase crash while getting the FCM TOKEN

I’m facing a real weird, struggling and non common error with firebase.
I implemented firebase for using dynamic’s link’s and push notifications services, In my devices, when I install the application, everything work perfectly, the FCM notification appears asking if I want to receive notifications and so on, everything’s good, my application opens the dynamic link and i can continue with the main flow…but..when a external user download my app (From testflight) and try to register, it even can move the slider that the app have, showing important information to the user…For me, it was so strange, when I start debugging I notice that the firebase configuration crashes in some devices…not all devices, just in some devices, its totally weird, I got the error from Xcode:
2018-03-09 11:15:29.791075-0800 [576:166962] TIC TCP Conn Failed
[3:0x1c017b3c0]: 12:8 Err(-65554) 2018-03-09 11:15:29.797689-0800
[576:166913] Task <4FEC7052-68C6-4AB4-9D28-D2948C86D95B>.<2>
HTTP load failed (error code: -1003 [12:8]) 2018-03-09
11:15:29.798539-0800 [576:166963] Task
<4FEC7052-68C6-4AB4-9D28-D2948C86D95B>.<2> finished with error -
code: -1003 2018-03-09 11:15:35.381234-0800 [576:166980] Task
<306AF6B3-1502-4C6C-BA9C-7050EE81DCDD>.<1> finished with error -
code: -1001 2018-03-09 11:15:35.385275-0800 [576:166962] Task
<306AF6B3-1502-4C6C-BA9C-7050EE81DCDD>.<1> HTTP load failed (error
code: -999 [1:89]) iPhone detected: iPhone SE 2018-03-09
11:15:46.436282-0800 MyApp[576:166815] [MC] System group container
for path is
2018-03-09 11:15:46.436717-0800 [576:166815] [MC] Reading from public
effective user settings. 2018-03-09 11:15:46.475048-0800 [576:166962]
TIC Read Status [1:0x0]: 1:57 2018-03-09 11:15:46.475136-0800
[576:166962] TIC Read Status [1:0x0]: 1:57 2018-03-09
11:15:55.143857-0800 [576:166939] XPC connection interrupted Message
from debugger: Terminated due to memory issue
When the application starts, I configure firebase to obtain the FCM token but, in some devices crash at that moment…I’m using swift 4 and iOS 11.2.6
I don’t know if there’s a bug with firebase…Please let me know about this issue…My head its gonna explode!
Thanks for the help~

Apigee BaaS emails me weird error messages

I am using Apigee BaaS and everytime I run the cordova app that consumes these apis I get this error message in an email
[org-name-app-name timeStamp Sat Dec 27 19:52:03 UTC 2014][ Tag : CRASH][ Device Platform : android][ Platform Version : android UNKNOWN][ Device Model : UNKNOWN][ Devicd ID :794DCBC2-4D1D-9EEC-A86560412878]Error:[object Event] for url:undefined on line:undefined
What exactly is this? Why do I get this?
Apigeee BaaS SDKs also include App Performance Monitoring (APM) functionalities. APM catches crashes in iOS and Android Apps. When it comes to JS, it captures all errors and will send email notification in group depending on how frequently errors/crashes are happening and some configuration parameters. If you don't want to get notification, then you can turn off entire APM or just crash notification. To disable monitoring completely, see . Just to suppress crash notification, see section "Disabling alert.."

Stacktrace begins with 0x0

I am currently analysing an odd callstack that starts from 0x00000000. How is it actually possible for ELF ring3 application? It has a default 0x8048000 as entry point.
Thank you.
There was a missing library for GDB, so the debugger mapped its call as 0x0.

How to solve 488 error with mjsip codec mismatch?

I am using Mjsip to build a softphone. I have integrated multiple codecs with it. For test purpose when I make call to another client which is a Portsip 2.0 (G729, ULAW, ALAW, GSM, ILBC) I get an 488 error (Not accepted here). I have integrated G729, ULAW, ALAW, ILBC with my project and codec precedence is g729:ulaw:alaw:ilbc. But after compiling the project if i initiate a call from portsip to my phone. It rings. Then If I call back from my phone it doesn't show any error. It always show error if I tried to call from my softphone after compiling.
