Is there a way to quickly initialize an array with a sequence of values in Ada? - ada

For instance if I want to initialize an array of elements like so:
someArray : array(1..10) of Integer := (2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20);
Is there a short-hand way or some mechanism to do this quicker?
Matlab and python has for example the linspace function that returns a sequence of equally spaced numbers. Is there a similar functionality for Ada that works for any array type of any length?
I can make a generic function to do this, but that would require separate initialization for each individual array type and that seems a bit cumbersome for a function that will essentially be used once for each array type.

Ada 2022 (e.g. GCC 12 with -gnat2022) allows
package Aggregates is
type A is array (Integer range <>) of Integer;
V : A := (for J in 1 .. 10 => J * 2);
end Aggregates;


How to add index to array in Ada, like append for array in Java?

I want to append an index to an Integer array during a loop. Like add 3 to [1,2] and get an array like [1,2,3]. I don't know how to write it in the format and I cannot get the answer on the Internet.
You can use Vectors to do the something similar using the & operator. You can access the individual elements just like an array, though you use () instead of []. Or you can just use a for loop and get the element directly.
See the below example:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
procedure jdoodle is
-- Create the package for a vector of integers
package Integer_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors(Positive,Integer);
-- Using subtype to make just the Vector type visible
subtype Vector is Integer_Vectors.Vector;
-- Make all the primitive operations of Vector visible
use all type Vector;
-- Create a variable
V : Vector;
-- Add an element to the vector in each iteration
for i in 1..10 loop
V := V & i;
end loop;
-- Show the results
for Element of V loop
end loop;
-- Print the 2nd element of the array
end jdoodle;
Ada arrays are first class types, even when the array type is anonymous. Thus a 2-dimensional array is a different type than a 3-dimensional array. Furthermore, arrays are not defined by directly specifying the number of elements in a dimension as they are in languages derived from C.
For instance, if you define a 2-dimensional array such as
type array_2d is array (Integer range 0..1, Integer range 1..2);
You have defined an array with a first range of 0..1 and a second range of 1..2. This would be a square matrix containing 4 elements.
You cannot simply add another dimension to an object of the type array_2d described above. Such an array must be of a different type.
Furthermore, one cannot change the definition of an array object after it is created.
Ok, so while this is a simple question it gets into the interesting details of design very quickly. The first thing is that an array "always knows its bounds" -- this language design element impacts the usage of the language profoundly: instead of having to pass the length of the array as a parameter, and possibly going out-of-sync, like in C you simply pass the array and let the "it knows its bounds" take care of the management.
Second, the Array is always static-length, meaning it cannot be changed once created. Caveat: Creating an array can be done in a "dynamic" setting, like querying user-input.
Third, if the subtype is unconstrained than it can have "variable" length. -- This means that you can have something like Type Integer_Vector is Array(Positive Range <>) of Integer and have parameters that operate on any size value passed in (and return-values that can be any size). This, in turn, means that your handling of such subtypes tends itself toward the more general.
Fourth, all of these apply and combine so that a lot of the 'need' for dynamically sized arrays aren't needed -- yes, there are cases where it is needed, or where it is more convenient to have a single adjustable object; this is what Ada.Containers.Vectors addresses -- but in the absence of needing a truly dynamically-sizing object you can use processing for achieving your goals.
Consider the following example:
Type Integer_Vector is Array(Positive range <>) of Integer;
Function Append( Input : Integer_Vector; Element : Integer ) return Integer_Vector is
( Input & Element );
X : Constant Integer_Vector:= (1,2);
Y : Integer_Vector renames Append(X, 3);
These three design choices combine to allow some intere

How can I increment an access type as if it were a C pointer?

How to increment an address of access type like a pointer in C? I am new to Ada...
procedure main is
type myarr is array(1..5)of integer; --creating array of 5 integer.
myarr_var:aliased myarr:=(2,5,7,9,0); --setting 5 values
type my_access is access all myarr; --creating access type (pointer)
var:my_access:=myarr_var'access; --holding address of 5 integer
-- since var holds the address of myarr_var now i want to increment
-- the address by adding 1 to print next value (5) as we do in c?
put((var+1).all); --???
-- i know this is bad but how to increment its base address of
-- var(pointer) so that it will point to next element 5?
end main;
Instantiate Interfaces.C.Pointers to do C-style pointer arithmetic in Ada.
Best explained by example:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Interfaces.C.Pointers;
procedure Access_Pointer_Arithmetic is
type Myarr_Indices is range 1 .. 5;
type Myarr is array (Myarr_Indices range <>) of aliased Integer;
Myarr_Terminator : constant Integer := 0;
package Myarr_Pointer_Arithmetic is new Interfaces.C.Pointers
(Myarr_Indices, Integer, Myarr, Myarr_Terminator);
use Myarr_Pointer_Arithmetic;
Myarr_Var : aliased Myarr := (2, 5, 7, 9, 0);
Var : Myarr_Pointer_Arithmetic.Pointer :=
Var := Var - 2;
end Access_Pointer_Arithmetic;
Running it:
This package provides single increment/decrement, addition and subtraction of ptrdiff_t, and both terminator-specified and fixed length element array retrieval.
(Mind running off the end of the array... :-)
UPDATE : I just found out that there's a standard package Interfaces.C.Pointers that directly supports C-style pointer arithmetic, and now I see that Marc C.'s accepted answer covers its usage. You can probably ignore my answer, which discusses how you might do pointer arithmetic in Ada if Interfaces.C.Pointers didn't exist (which, in earlier versions of the language, it doesn't).
If you really want to do C-style pointer arithmetic on Ada access types, you can use the generic package System.Address_To_Access_Conversions to convert an object pointer type to System.Address, and the System.Storage_Elements package to perform C-like arithmetic on System.Address values.
Note that the target object type is a parameter to the System.Address_To_Access_Conversions generic package. The package itself defines the access type. You can't define your own access type and use it (at least not directly).
Keep in mind that C pointer arithmetic is defined in units of the size of the pointed-to object. So given:
int arr[10];
int *ptr = &arr[0];
the pointer value ptr + 3 points to arr[3], which is three int-sized chunks of memory past the location to which ptr points not necessarily three bytes. The "+" and "-" operators in System.Storage_Elements work with offsets in storage elements (which are very likely equivalent to C's "bytes").
So if you have an Ada pointer, um, I mean access value, that refers to an element of an array of Integers, then advancing to the next element of that array requires:
Using System.Address_To_Access_Conversions to convert the access type to System.Address;
Using the overloaded "+" operator in System.Storage_Elements to add the size of an Integer in bytes (Integer'Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements) to the System.Address value; and
Using System.Address_To_Access_Conversions again to convert the System.Address value back to your access type.
An alternative might be to write C code to do whatever pointer arithmetic you need, and use Interfaces.C to call that code from your Ada program.
But it's very likely that you don't need to do pointer arithmetic in Ada. C has pointer arithmetic in the core language; it even defines array indexing in terms of pointer arithmetic. Ada does not. There's rarely a good reason to perform pointer arithmetic in Ada. Just let arrays be arrays, and let the compiler figure out how to generate the best code to access their elements. (That code will likely involve pointer arithmetic on the CPU instruction level.)

Proving that reads from an array are initialised in SPARK

Given a very simple SPARK function that sums an array of integers:
function Add (X, Y : in Ints) return Ints is
Sum : Ints;
for i in Ints'Range loop
pragma Loop_Invariant (for all j in Ints'First .. i - 1 => Sum(j) = X(j) + Y(j)); -- line 7
Sum(i) := X(i) + Y(i);
end loop;
return Sum; -- line 11
end Add;
(Where type Ints is array (Integer range 0 .. 9) of Integer_32)
Compiling without the loop invariant works fine (because I have a precondition that bounds the elements of X and Y such that overflow cannot occur). However, I need the invariant in order to show some properties of the post condition, but it results in:
7:69: warning: "Sum" may be referenced before it has a value
Phase 2 of 3: analysis and translation to intermediate language ...
7:10: "Sum" is not initialized
11:7: warning: "Sum" might not be initialized
I'm not sure how the concept of "being initialised" is expressed in the proof language so I don't know how to convince gnatprove that no uninitialised reads are occuring.
I can remove the warnings by explicitly setting all the elements of Sum to zero at the start of the function but I'm hoping that there's a better way.
In SPARK, arrays are considered as entire objects, and a component-by-component initialization like you do is not allowed. However, there is a heuristics in gnatprove which allows a simple for-loop over the range of the array, as you do. This is why without a loop invariant, you don't get the warning. This heuristics breaks down with the loop invariant, that's why you get the warning again.
You will have to accept the warning using pragma Warnings, as described here:
And to avoid the error you are getting at line 7, you may move the loop invariant after the assignment (and change the range of the quantificaton accordingly).

Set array's rank at runtime

I have written a program which reads a file containing multidimensional data (most commonly 3D, but 2D could occur as well). To heighten simplicity I would like to store the data in an array of the same rank (or something pretending to be one), i.e. using a three-dimensional array for 3D data, etc.; the trouble is that the program only learns about the dimensionality on reading the data file.
Currently I store all data in an array of rank one and calculate each element's index in that array from the element's coordinates (this was also suggested here). However, I have also read about pointer rank remapping, which seems very elegant and just what I have been looking for, as it would allow me to scrap my procedures for array index determination (which are probably far less efficient than what goes on behind the scenes). Now, however, it looks like I'm facing the same problem as with directly declaring a multidimensional array - how to do the declaration? Again, it requires information about the rank.
How could I use pointer rank remapping or some other, more suitable technique for setting an array's rank at runtime - in case this can be done at all. Or am I best off sticking to the rank one-array that I am currently using?
I once asked something similar, i.e. how to treat a two-dimensional array as one dimension, see here: changing array dimensions in fortran.
The answers were about the RESHAPE instrinsic of pointers, however there seems to be no way to use the same array name unless you use subroutine wrappers, but then you need callbacks to have the eventual subroutine with only one name, so the problems get larger.
program test
real, allocatable :: data(:)
! read stuff, set is_2d and sizes
if (is_2d) then
call my_sub2(data, nX, nY)
call my_sub3(data, nX, nY, nZ)
end if
end program test
subroutine my_sub2(data, nX, nY)
real :: data(nx,nY)
! ...
end subroutine my_sub2
subroutine my_sub3(data, nX, nY, nZ)
real :: data(nx,nY,nZ)
! ...
end subroutine my_sub3
EDIT: as an alternative, set the third rank to 1:
program test
real, allocatable, target:: data(:)
real, pointer:: my_array(:,:,:)
logical is_2d
n_data = 100
! read stuff, determine is_2d and n
if (is_2d) then
end if
my_array(1:i,1:j,1:k) => data
write(*,*) my_array
end program test
Then you handle the 2D case as a special 3D case with third dimension 1.
EDIT2: also, beware when passing non-contiguous arrays to subroutines with explicit-shape arrays:
If I understand correctly, you read in data in and 1-D array and want to assign it to 2D or 3D arrays, which you know only after reading the file. Why not declare both 2D and 3D arrays as allocatable arrays, and allocate only one of them base on your data shape? You could use the intrinsic function RESHAPE to do this conveniently.
! Read data into 1-D array, arr1d;
You could use the EQUIVALENCE statement like this:
Program ranks
integer a_1d(12)
integer a_2d(2, 6)
integer a_3d(2, 2, 3)
equivalence (a_1d, a_2d, a_3d)
! fill array 1d
a_1d = (/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12/)
print *, a_1d
print *, a_2d(1,1:6)
print *, a_2d(2,1:6)
print *, a_3d(1,1,1:3)
print *, a_3d(2,1,1:3)
print *, a_3d(1,2,1:3)
print *, a_3d(2,2,1:3)
end program ranks
You can write a subroutine for different ranks of array and create an interface
Here in example I have shown that how to populate an array of different array using interface statement `
program main
use data
implicit none
nx = 5
ny = 10
nz = 7
call populate(nx,ny,nz,data)
print *,data
end program main `
data module is here
module data
interface populate
module procedure populate_1d
module procedure populate_2d
module procedure populate_3d
end interface
subroutine populate_1d(x,data)
implicit none
real,dimension(:),allocatable,intent(out):: data
end subroutine populate_1d
subroutine populate_2d(x,y,data)
implicit none
real,dimension(:,:),allocatable,intent(out):: data
end subroutine populate_2d
subroutine populate_3d(x,y,z,data)
implicit none
real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable,intent(out):: data
end subroutine populate_3d
end module data
There is an interface to populate 1d, 2d and 3d arrays. you can call populate interface instead of calling individual subroutines. It will automatically pick the relevant one.

Returning a variable-sized matrix from a function in Ada

I'm trying to learn Ada for a course at the University, and I'm having a lot of problems wrapping my head around some of the ideas in it.
My current stumbling block: Let's say I have a function which takes a Matrix (just a 2-dimensional array of Integers), and returns a new, smaller matrix (strips out the first row and first column).
I declare the matrix and function like this:
type MATRIX is array(INTEGER range <>, INTEGER range <>) of INTEGER;
function RemoveFirstRowCol (InMatrix: in MATRIX) return MATRIX is
Then I decide on the size of the Matrix to return:
Result_matrix: MATRIX (InMatrix'First(1) .. InMatrix'Length(1) - 1, InMatrix'First(2) .. InMatrix'Length(2) - 1);
Then I do the calculations and return the Result_matrix.
So here's my problem: when running this, I discovered that if I try to return the result of this function into anything that's not a Matrix declared with the exact proper size, I get an exception at runtime.
My question is, am I doing this right? It seems to me like I shouldn't have to know ahead of time what the function will return in terms of size. Even with a declared Matrix bigger than the one I get back, I still get an error. Then again, the whole idea of Ada is strong typing, so maybe this makes sense (I should know exactly the return type).
Anyways, am I doing this correctly, and is there really no way to use this function without knowing in advance the size of the returned matrix?
You don't need to know the size of the returned matrix in advance, nor do you need to use an access (pointer) type. Just invoke your function in the declarative part of a unit or block and the bounds will be set automatically:
procedure Call_The_Matrix_Reduction_Function (Rows, Cols : Integer) is
Source_Matrix : Matrix(1 .. Rows, 1 .. Cols);
-- Populate the source matrix
-- ...
Result : Matrix := RemoveFirstRowCol (Source_Matrix)
-- Result matrix is automatically sized, can also be declared constant
-- if appropriate.
-- Process the result matrix
-- ...
end Call_The_Matrix_Reduction_Function;
Caveat: Since the result matrix is being allocated on the stack, you could have a problem if the numbers of rows and columns are large.
Because your MATRIX type is declared with unbound indexes, the type is incomplete. This means that it can be returned by a function. In this case, this acts as it were pointer. Of course the compiler does not know the exact indexes in compile time, the result matrix will always be allocated in heap.
Your solution should be working. The only problem is when you create the result matrix is, that it will work only if the original matrix index starts with 0.
In this case m'first(1) is 11, m'length(1) is 5! So you get:
Use the last attribute instead. Even if you usually use with 0 index.
But remember, you do not need to use pointer to the MATRIX because the MATRIX is also incomplete, and that's why it can be used to be returned by a function.
The caller knows the dimensions of the matrix it passes to your function, so the caller can define the type of the variable it stores the function's return value in in terms of those dimensions. Does that really not work?
your function cannot know the size of the result matrix in compile time
you need to return a pointer to the new matrix :
type Matrix is array (Positive range <>, Positive range <>) of Integer;
type Matrix_Ptr is access Matrix;
-- chop the 1'th row and column
function Chopmatrix (
Inputmatrix : in Matrix )
return Matrix_Ptr is
Returnmatrixptr : Matrix_Ptr;
-- create a new matrix with is one row and column smaller
Returnmatrixptr := new Matrix(2 .. Inputmatrix'Last, 2.. Inputmatrix'Last(2) );
for Row in Inputmatrix'First+1 .. Inputmatrix'Last loop
for Col in Inputmatrix'First+1 .. Inputmatrix'Last(2) loop
Returnmatrixptr.All(Row,Col) := Inputmatrix(Row,Col);
end loop;
end loop;
return Returnmatrixptr;
end Chopmatrix ;
