Xamarin.Essentials: Connectivity Internet Network SSID - xamarin.forms

Does Xamarin.Essentials: Connectivity provide a way to get the SSID i.e Connected internet network name in xamarin forms?

Xamarin.Essential has the Connectivity class and it lets you monitor for changes in the device's network conditions, check the current network access, and how it is currently connected. You can check the Xamarin.Essentials: Connectivity for more information.
In addition, you can check this answer about How to get the connected SSID in Xamarin.Forms?


How to get back a name of a hidden network i forgot

I have hidden network ssid just for iot devices. My router stopped to work and i had to change it. The point is that i forgot the ssid name and i was wondering if there's a way to 'listen' the ssid those disconnected devices are trying to connect (kind of wireshark stuff).
You should be able to do that using any wireless sniffer.
Just set up Wireshark to capture wifi packets (plenty of guidelines online how to do that), chose the correct channel for the router (or make it scan all the channels).
Your IoT clients should scan for known networks every once in a while (depends on implementation) so you need to catch this scan and look for the SSID in that request.
See some more details here - https://wiki.wireshark.org/CaptureSetup/WLAN

Share Bluetooth connection between device

With WiFi you can control which device can connect to your WiFi device by managing which devices know the SSID+wpa2 couple. Is it possible to do the same thing in bluetooth?
In other words, I want to be able to do with Bluetooth what I do in WiFi by connecting two devices with a default SSID+wpa2, once the connection is established, automatically generate new SSID+wpa2 and share this couple to control which others devices can connect.

Connecting to a wifi network while acting as an access point

I have a raspberry pi (model 3 B+) acting as a wireless access point. I would like the pi to be able to connect to an available wifi network while remaining a wireless access point.
The use case for this would be as follows:
Connect to the access point from a laptop
From the laptop, navigate to pi_ip_address:port in a browser
From the browser, a list of available networks would be shown
From the browser, select an option and enter the password
From the Pi, connect to the selected network
Is this possible? If so, has anyone had success doing this and/or is there documentation available?
Thanks in advance

How can the Android device programatically infer the IP address of the Linux device it's tethered to?

Hi! Asked this question on many forums and nobody could answer me so PLEASE help!
I have Android device connected to Linux device via USB tethering.
On Android device I have front-end(html, js, css) browser app and on Linux device I have back-end(node.js).
There is a socket connection between front-end and back-end with defined IP:PORT.
Androids gateway is Linux device. Linux device is connected to local network.
When Android device is connected to Linux device, Linux device initializes new network interface called usb0 with static IP address.
Sockets are based on that network IP that is same on every instance of front-end+back-end devices.
I have more than 5 instances of same front-end+back-end devices connected to local network.
Is there a way to somehow find the back-end device IP address without setting it static?
My problem starts when starting all devices at the same time. Sometimes Android device in instance 1 connects to Linux device from other instance and I want to prevent that by not connection to usb0 with Android but to eth0 DHCP of Linux device. I can never know which IP address will be on Linux device but front-end app needs a IP:PORT to connect.
PORT is defined so the string for connecting is {IP + ":3000"}
I know I can see all the IP addresses on network with arp or similar but I need to do that automatic in front-end app on app start up.
I want to find first device IP address that android device is connected to. That is always a front-ends pair Linux device.
Or if it is not possible to prevent Android device to be able to connect another instance with IP tables on Linux device.
P.S I know that Android is also Linux but someone who wants to answer will know what I'm talking about.
Here is a solution describing how to listen for tethering state changes:
First you need to be familiar with BroadcastReceiver. You can find a lot of tutorials describing in great detail how this works (try googling how to listen for connectivity changes in Android).
In order to get the Tethering state update, you need to use a hidden filter action of Android (see ConnectivityManager) and in your BroadcastReceiver class:
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter("android.net.conn.TETHER_STATE_CHANGED");
then register the filter to your BroadcastReceiver:
myApplicationContext.registerReceiver(this, filter);
In your onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent) method, the Intent.extras information contains 3 arrays filled with the corresponding tethered network interface:
erroredArray / availableArray / activeArray
It's a little bit tricky but you can get the tethering status information.
In addition, you can do some reflexion on a hidden function of Android code:
Search for getTetherableIfaces() in the Connectivity Manager.
Here is a link: https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/master/core/java/android/net/ConnectivityManager.java#L1604

Arduino yun wifi network not appearing in my available network on windows 8

I'm connecting my Arduino Yún to my laptop via USB cable and as I read in Arduino documentation:
When you first power on the Yún, it will create a WiFi network called
ArduinoYun-XXXXXXXXXXXX. Connect your computer to this network.
But in my case nothing appears and I didn't found anything related to this on the web.
I'm running Windows 8.1 on my laptop.
Any idea how I can solve this problem?
It sounds as if something is wrong with the wifi configuration on the Yún. Has it previously been configured? Try resetting the wifi by pressing the "Wifi RST" button for more than five seconds (but less than 30).
More info here.
The question you asked is already answered by #mellbratt. You have successfully configured Yun and connected it to the network (configuration of WiFi by providing SSID and security key in web panel). The thing you have to do now, is to find what IP your Yun device is assigned on that network. You can use tools like Angry IP Scanner to scan the network and find your IP if you cannot access it from myusername.local. Using that IP you can access the web panel.
