dark mode in tailwindcss with adonisjs project not working - tailwind-css

I'm using TailwindCSS 2, vue 3, in an adonisjs project.
I have a simple html button, which when clicked should toggle to dark mode on/off.
If I use the tailwindcss cdn version, and set darkmode in the config in the html, everything works fine. If I use my css, it doesn't. I guess I'm missing some step.
My tailwind.config.js does have the darkMode: 'class' definition
content: ["./resources/**/*.{edge,js,ts,jsx,tsx,vue}"],
darkMode : 'class',
options: {
safelist: ['dark']
I prepare the css using the command:
npx tailwindcss -i resources/css/style.css -o resources/css/app.css
I load the asset using adonisjs assets
<link href="{{asset('assets/css/app.css')}}" rel="stylesheet">
when I click in the button, I can see that the html tag now has the "dark" class, but nothing happens. The background does not change. The body tag has "dark:bg-slate-800" definition.
But like I said, if I use the cdn version, everything works.
Am I missing a configuration step?

I fixed my issue doing a few things:
reinstalled the packages described here https://tailwindcss.com/docs/guides/adonisjs (maybe I had missed something)
moved my css to app.css
added an style entry point in webpack.congfig.js:
Encore.addStyleEntry('style', './resources/css/app.css')
now I load my css using:
now when I run "npm run dev" I guess tailwind is run under the hood by webpack and everything is working


Style leak from Svelte component

I'd like to use a plugin (daisyUI) for TailwindCSS in one of my Svelte components. It looks like style information leaks from this component and affects the entire site. How can I avoid this?
I don't think this is related to daisyUI specifically.
Below I'm describing a minimal reproducible example based on sveltekit. But the problem is not related to sveltekit. I'm encountering this in the development of a webextension which doesn't use sveltekit. The sveltekit setup is only to make the smallest possible demonstration for this question.
To illustrate the problem, I've set up a sveltekit skeleton project, then added one single additional svelte component which uses Tailwind. When I add the plugin, the background color of my page turns from white to gray. I don't understand how this can happen, as far as I can see, I'm only using Tailwind within that component. But the style seems to leak.
Minimal example on github:
Fastest way to reproduce:
git clone git#github.com:lhk/minimum_example.git
cd minimum_example
npm install
npm run dev -- -- open
Now you can edit tailwind.config.cjs and add/remove the plugin:
plugins: [
Step-by-step explanation
I'd like to use Svelte together with Tailwind and DaisyUI.
Here's a minimal project setup
# choose the skeleton project, typescript syntax and no to everything else
npm create svelte#latest minimum_example
cd minimum_example
npm install
npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
npx tailwindcss init tailwind.config.cjs -p
npm i --save-dev daisyui
Now edit tailwind.config.cjs:
/** #type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
content: ['./src/**/*.{html,js,svelte,ts}'], theme: {
extend: {},
plugins: [
Add a new Svelte component under src/components/Problem.svelte:
<p class="bg-blue-700">Using Tailwind class</p>
<style lang="postcss">
#tailwind base;
#tailwind components;
#tailwind utilities;
And include it in src/routes/+page.svelte:
<script lang="ts">
import Problem from "./../components/Problem.svelte";
<h1>Welcome to SvelteKit</h1>
<p>Visit kit.svelte.dev to read the documentation</p>
You can run the project with
npm run dev -- -- open
If you open the website you'll see the sveltekit skeleton app, plus one paragraph with a blue background (this is my test that Tailwind is working). Now you can uncomment the plugin in tailwind.config.cjs. The background of the page will turn gray.
I think this is a theme that somehow leaks from the Tailwind plugin to the entire site.
The way you use tailwind with svelte is quite wrong. The tldr answer is remove #tailwind directives and use #apply instead.
<p class="my-element">Using Tailwind class</p>
<style lang="postcss">
.my-element {
#apply bg-blue-700;
The way how svelte scopes styles is by using a unique class name alongside your custom selector, e.g. .my-element becomes .my-element.svelte-x57u2q. This also means you must use a selector so that this scoping mechanism can kick in.
But with vanilla tailwind, those builtin class names have to be global in order to be useful, in other word “leaked”. This is by design, not bug.
So if you want to use tailwind but also leverage svelte’s scoped style, #apply is the only solution.
The official doc has a section titled Using #apply with per-component CSS that reveals more technical details, I think it’s worth reading.

How should I extract #angular/material css file in Angular v13?

In my Angular[v13] project, I used #angular/material. I also want to use tailwindcss.
but #angular/materialcss is a style tag in head. so tailwindcss is not working.
Now i want to extract #angular/material css file. Or is there any way to solve this problem
To solve this issue, be sure to activate important flag on tailwindcss config, in order to automatically mark all css class with !important clause.
So every predefined classes of TailwindCSS will override #angular/material styles.
module.exports = {
important: true,

How to force VSCode to use default PostCSS syntax <style> tag?

I cant set vscode to mark tags in vue component as postcss syntax.
Is totally not a solition here as I figured it to work assets stopped loading by default but I dont want to struggle with webpacker for it.
I want force tag as postcss from vscode side.
How can I do it?

Keeping CSS out of JS in Angular 2/Angular-CLI

By default, Angular 2 compiles the CSS into JavaScript, especially when using WebPack as in Angular-CLI. I would rather this not happen for a couple of reasons.
The first reason is that when I'm developing, I find it really helps to be able to see in the developer tools exactly what style sheet a specific style rule was coming from and what line number it was on. The second reason is that I think compiling CSS into the code kind of misses the point of good CSS, which is that you can apply a different style sheet and have an entirely different look and feel with the same markup.
Is there a flag somewhere that I can set to leave the CSS in .css files, where IMO it belongs?
This is the whole point of encapsulated components.
A component should have it's own styles encapsulated with it so it can be shipped with the styles.
Imagine you want to publish one of your components to be used by others, shouldn't it have its own styles with it ?
That means Angular needs a way to link those css to the component , thus seperates them into chunks and injects them into head tag.
To solve your problem though , you have couple of options :
1- Not using the Emulated Encapsulation :
Components by default have a property called encapsulation which is set to Emulated , you need to change it to None:
Then , you can put all you css in the head tag your self like you'd do with a normal html page.
2- If the problem is theme ing , you can make your component themeable .
You can have a theme attribute for your component and then based on that change the styleing :
change what ever you want :
And then , using this component would be like :
<my-component [attr.theme]='"blue"'></my-component> // would be blue theme
<my-component></my-component> // would be default
Go to your base Html file(where the root module, main app is injected) and link the CSS stylesheets in your header section.
Webpack will not include it in it's compiled/combined css file which is injected into the page. The css file will still be included at run time in the browser.
<base href="/">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
//was not injected/modified by webpack
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="57x57" href="app/images/apple-icon-57x57.png">
//webpack's injected this below from other components's imported/inline css rules
<link href="index-c2cacb5fa3dfbca6116f4e4e63d5c3c7.css" rel="stylesheet"></head>
With angular-cli 1.6.5 you can do this:
ng serve --extract-css
You will still have the style-encapsulation features, but devtools will now point to the component css source file.
I use the angular-cli as well (v1.0.0-beta.22). When I am ready to build for production I run the following command:
ng build -prod -aot
This generates all my production-ready files (bundled, tree-shaken and minified etc). Of particular note is that it will generate two versions of the style sheets.
One in js:
And another version is plain css:
I run some post-processing on the css file with gulp and use the css version for my production build. I am not sure if the same holds true for lazy loading (where the cli will produced different chunks), but it works for sure when lazy loading is not being used (I haven't launched a production-ready project yet with lazy loading).
I also tried a build with JiT compilation:
ng build -prod
It also produced the raw/minified version of the css style sheet.
Now, I know for sure the folowing does NOT work:
ng build
This will produce all the css embedded within js file, styles.bundle.js.
Since you want to use the raw css file during development, the only workaround I can think of is that you run ng build -prod in order to get the css file. Copy/paste this manually into your assets folder. Run "format" on the file to un-minify the file. Then do a normal build with a modified index.html file referencing your raw css file, and removing the styles.bundle.js script reference. Not pretty, but it might work.
Put a wrapper class in html example-
<div class="component-1-wrapper">
all yout html here inside component-1-wrapper
Structure your sass(scss) in the following way. Since your styles are wrapped inside component-1-wrapper, therefore it will apply only to component-1-wrapperclass
// all the styles for component-1 here
// styles
You can compile your css with sass and put all the css(seperated by modules) in seperate folder.Start the filenames by _, sass can import them:
You can refer your styles-main.scss in app.ts file
The style-sheets will be structured this way and individual component's class styles will be applied to particular component since there is a wrapper class in html
Hope it helps!!!!!!

Can someone explain why Sencha Toolbar CSS is not working for Chrome?

I have a top docked toolbar, and I used firebug to inspect the element to find the css class, which was:
border-bottom-color: #000000;
I changed this to:
border-bottom-color: #000000;
background-color: transparent !important;
Now I see the toolbar as transparent in Firefox, but in chrome it still has the default background color (blue). Why does this happen? Maybe I don't need to use this technique here, but there are definitely instances where I need to find a very specific css class using firebug. Any help or information?
Note: I tried using the Cls attribute of the toolbar with the same result.
In Chrome the background image (it's a gradient) works meanwhile in Firefox it is ignored.
So all you have to do is set the background-image and the background-color of .x-toolbar-dark like this:
background-image: none;
background-color: transparent;
Sencha is for webkit browser, so it's CSS is made for webkit browsers like Chrome or Safari. So this kind or problem must be because there's a CSS rule with a -webkit prefix that is hence only applied on webkit browsers and ignored in firefox.
But anyway, toolbars have a gradient background, so if you want to override it you will need to do like so :
background-image: none;
background-color: transparent;
Two last thing
It's bad practice to override Sencha's CSS. Use the the cls config on you toolbar to assign it a CSS class and then use this class to style your toolbar.
Don't test you app with Firefox, but with Chrome of Safari.
Hope this helps
Can you creating a custom theme installing SASS and Compass. The instructions for installing SASS and Compass vary slightly for Mac and Windows users. Mac users will need to open the Terminal application and type the following:
i. sudo gem install haml
ii. sudo gem install compass
You will need to authenticate with your username and password to complete the install.
Windows users need to open the command line and type the following:
i. gem install haml
ii. gem install compass
Installing Ruby
Mac users get a break, since Ruby is already installed on OSX by default. Windows users should download the Ruby installer from rubyinstaller.org.
Once the installation is complete, we are ready to set up our folders and begin using SASS and Compass.
Creating your custom theme
The next thing you need to do is create your own theme SCSS file. Locate the sencha-touch.scss file in ../lib/resources/sass, and make a copy of the file. Rename the new copy of the file to myTheme.scss.
Now, you need to tell the index to look for your new theme. Using your previous example files, open your index.html file, and locate the line that says the following:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="lib/resources/css/sencha-touch.css" type="text/css">
Change the sencha-touch.css stylesheet reference in your index.html file to point to myTheme.css:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="lib/resources/css/myTheme.css" type="text/css">
Notice that you are currently including a stylesheet from the css folder, called sencha-touch.css, and you have a matching file in the scss folder, called sencha-touch.scss. When the SCSS files are compiled, it creates a new file in your css folder. This new file will have a suffix of .css instead of .scss.
.scss is the file extension for SASS files. SCSS is short for Sassy CSS.
Now that you have your paths set up, let's take a look at the theme file copy we made. Open your myTheme.scss file. You should see the following:
#import 'sencha-touch/default/all';
This code grabs all of the default Sencha Touch theme files and compiles them into a new CSS file located in the css folder. If you open up the sencha-touch.css file in the ../lib/resources/css folder, you will see the compressed CSS file you were previously using. This file is pretty huge, but it's all created from the basic commands.
The best part is that you can now change the entire color scheme of the application with a single line of code.
Base color
One of the key variables in the Sencha Touch theme is $base_color. This colour and its variations are used throughout the entire theme. To see what we mean, you change the colour of your theme adding the following to the top of your myTheme.scss file (above all the other text):
$base_color: #d1d3d4; //for example, color gray
Next, you need to re-compile the SASS file to create your stylesheet. From the command line, you need to change into the sass folder where your myTheme.scss file lives. Once you are in the folder, type the following into the command line and hit Enter:
compass compile
And have fun :), this will update your myTheme.css file with the new $base_color value. Reload the page in Safari or FF or anywhere, and you should see a new gray look to your application.
And look at this in http://www.netmagazine.com/tutorials/styling-user-interface-sencha-touch-application
I hope this helps. :)
