How to make the minimum width of SplitMenuButton's popup menu not less than the width of the button itself? (JavaFX 19) - javafx

I want the minimum width of SplitMenuButton's popup menu to be bound to the SplitMenuButton's widthProperty. When the width of the SplitMenuButton changes, the minimum width of the menu also changes. The desired effect is that the width of the menu will not be smaller than the width of the button. How to achieve it?


CSS Animation grid flex wrapped expand smoothly, return original when closed

I want a grid of tiles when clicked on single tile it expands and occupies the whole width and auto height and rest of the unclicked cards to animate and hide. when clicked again the grid tile should collapse and take its place in the grid. I am adding css class selected and not-selected to determine.
Desired output would be to animate to parent top and expand full width and height fit to content. when clicked again to animate shrink to original position
Current Output:
The problem is that css width animation is laggy when entering and exiting. Is there a way to do with transform translate or flex transitions

Css flexbox conditional wrapping

I have a skinny list that I'm showing in a resizable panel. The items in the list itself are dynamic (not known before hand and generated using "ng-for" directive in angular).
The panel I'm showing the items in can be resized to pre-set which is a factor of some min-width. So let's say the min-width is 100px, the user can resize the panel to be 200, 300 or 400px.
The way I need to style it is a bit complex and I'm wondering if it's even possible.
If the panel is min width (100px) show the items in a single column with vertical scroll if list overflows max height (300px). (in the example below, you've to scroll to see the 3rd item)
If the user resizes the panel and increases the width, on overflow, the items should start wrapping.
|item1| |item3|
I was playing around with flex box and wondering if I can conditionally set the flex-wrap property.

tinymce adjust height and button height of toolbar

How can i adjust the style of the toolbar of TinyMCE? I want a smaller toolbar, with smaller buttons. So the height of the buttons and toolbar has to be adjusted. Also i want to remove the border around the buttons.
Have a look at the editor_css setting of tinymce.

How to make WinJS.UI.ListView scale across screen resolutions and show horizontal scroll bar?

What value should I set for the width property of WinJS.UI.ListView so that it scales to all screen sizes and I can make the grid view layout scroll horizontally?
If I set the width property of the div for which the data-win-control is set to "WinJS.UI.ListView" to 100% then the horizontal scroll bar does not appear.
Adaptive Layout sample -
WinJS ListView Deep Dive -
Styling a ListView -

fixed width box with scrollbar height of the full window

I'm trying to make a fixed width, fixed height box that "mimics" overflow:scroll, but the scroll bar is actually the widow scrollbar (or a pseudo-window scrollbar). What I mean by that is, the box is sitting there and you have the scroll bar on the side of the browser scroll the box contents up and down. Possible with just css? If not, is there a solution with javascript?
Your box height is exceeding your window height. In following manner this could happen if you are in resolution 1024 by 768px
div style="width:400px; height:1000px; overflow:scroll;"
css- reduce height of the box
js- control height of the box [screen.Height] for different
