Joining Dataframes in R, Matching Patterns in Strings - r

Two big real life tables to join up, but here's a little reprex:
I've got a table of small strings and I want to left join on a second table, with the join being based on whether or not these small strings can be found inside the bigger strings on the second table.
df_1 <- data.frame(index = 1:5,
keyword = c("john", "ella", "mil", "nin", "billi"))
df_2 <- data.frame(index_2 = 1001:1008,
name = c("John Coltrane", "Ella Fitzgerald", "Miles Davis", "Billie Holliday",
"Nina Simone", "Bob Smith", "John Brown", "Tony Montana"))
df_results_i_want <- data.frame(index = c(1, 1:5),
keyword = c("john", "john", "ella", "mil", "nin", "billi"),
index_2 = c(1001, 1007, 1002, 1003, 1005, 1004),
name = c("John Coltrane", "John Brown", "Ella Fitzgerald",
"Miles Davis", "Nina Simone", "Billie Holliday"))
Seems like a str_detect() call and a left_join() call might be part of the solution - ie I'm hoping for something like:
df_results <- df_1 |> left_join(df_2, join_by(blah blah str_detect() blah blah))
I'm using dplyr 1.1 so I can use join_by(), but I'm not sure of the correct way to get what I need - can anyone help please?
I suppose I could do a simple cross join using tidyr::crossing() and then do the str_detect() stuff afterwards (and filter out things that don't match)
df_results <- df_1 |>
crossing(df_2) |>
mutate(match = str_detect(name, fixed(keyword, ignore_case = TRUE))) |>
filter(match) |>
but in my real life example, the cross join would produce an absolutely enormous table that would overwhelm my PC.
Thank you.

You can try fuzzy_join::regex_join():
regex_join(df_2, df_1, by=c("name"="keyword"), ignore_case=T)
index.x name index.y keyword
1 1001 John Coltrane 1 john
2 1002 Ella Fitzgerald 2 ella
3 1003 Miles Davis 3 mil
4 1004 Billie Holliday 5 billi
5 1005 Nina Simone 4 nin
6 1007 John Brown 1 john

join_by does not support inexact join (but unequal), but you can use fuzzyjoin:
df_2 %>%
mutate(name = tolower(name)) %>%
fuzzy_left_join(df_1, ., by = c(keyword = "name"),
match_fun = \(x, y) str_detect(y, x))
index keyword index_2 name
1 1 john 1001 john coltrane
2 1 john 1007 john brown
3 2 ella 1002 ella fitzgerald
4 3 mil 1003 miles davis
5 4 nin 1005 nina simone
6 5 billi 1004 billie holliday

We can use SQL to do that.
sqldf("select * from [df_1] A
left join [df_2] B on like '%' || A.keyword || '%'")
index keyword index_2 name
1 1 john 1001 John Coltrane
2 1 john 1007 John Brown
3 2 ella 1002 Ella Fitzgerald
4 3 mil 1003 Miles Davis
5 4 nin 1005 Nina Simone
6 5 billi 1004 Billie Holliday
It can be placed in a pipeline like this:
df_1 %>%
{ sqldf("select * from [.] A
left join [df_2] B on like '%' || A.keyword || '%'")


Unlist dataframes but also keep the original

I have the following data which i wish to unlist to make a new dataframe, probably easier here if i show show what im looking for; so i currently have names and codes like this;
name code
joe blogs/john williams 100000/100001
what i want:
name code
joe blogs 1000000
john williams 1000001
joe blogs/john williams 100000/100001
so im unlisting the original but also keeping it whilst making a new df
Something like this may work for you
rbind(data.frame(sapply(df, strsplit, "/")), df)
name code
1 joe blogs 100000
2 john williams 100001
3 joe blogs/john williams 100000/100001
df <- structure(list(name = "joe blogs/john williams", code = "100000/100001"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
You can use seperate_rows() for that:
df <- data.frame(name = "joe blogs/john williams",
code = "100000/100001")
df |>
separate_rows(everything(), sep = "/") |>
# A tibble: 3 × 2
name code
<chr> <chr>
1 joe blogs 100000
2 john williams 100001
3 joe blogs/john williams 100000/100001
Using reframe
df %>%
reframe(across(everything(), ~ c(unlist(strsplit(.x, "/")), .x)))
name code
1 joe blogs 100000
2 john williams 100001
3 joe blogs/john williams 100000/100001

New Column Based on Conditions

To set the scene, I have a set of data where two columns of the data have been mixed up. To give a simple example:
df1 <- data.frame(Name = c("Bob", "John", "Mark", "Will"), City=c("Apple", "Paris", "Orange", "Berlin"), Fruit=c("London", "Pear", "Madrid", "Orange"))
df2 <- data.frame(Cities = c("Paris", "London", "Berlin", "Madrid", "Moscow", "Warsaw"))
As a result, we have two small data sets:
> df1
Name City Fruit
1 Bob Apple London
2 John Paris Pear
3 Mark Orange Madrid
4 Will Berlin Orange
> df2
1 Paris
2 London
3 Berlin
4 Madrid
5 Moscow
6 Warsaw
My aim is to create a new column where the cities are in the correct place using df2. I am a bit new to R so I don't know how this would work.
I don't really know where to even start with this sort of a problem. My full dataset is much larger and it would be good to have an efficient method of unpicking this issue!
If the 'City' values are only different. We may loop over the rows, create a logical vector based on the matching values with 'Cities' from 'df2', and concatenate with the rest of the values by getting the matched values second in the order
df1[] <- t(apply(df1, 1, function(x)
i1 <- x %in% df2$Cities
i2 <- !i1
x1 <- x[i2]
c(x1[1], x[i1], x1[2])}))
> df1
Name City Fruit
1 Bob London Apple
2 John Paris Pear
3 Mark Madrid Orange
4 Will Berlin Orange
using dplyr package this is a solution, where it looks up the two City and Fruit values in df1, and takes the one that exists in the df2 cities list.
if none of the two are a city name, an empty string is returned, you can replace that with anything you prefer.
df1$corrected_City <- case_when(df1$City %in% df2$Cities ~ df1$City,
df1$Fruit%in% df2$Cities ~ df1$Fruit,
TRUE ~ "")
output, a new column created as you wanted with the city name on that row.
> df1
Name City Fruit corrected_City
1 Bob Apple London London
2 John Paris Pear Paris
3 Mark Orange Madrid Madrid
4 Will Berlin Orange Berlin
Another way is:
df1 %>%
mutate(across(1:3, ~case_when(. %in% df2$Cities ~ .), .names = 'new_{col}')) %>%
unite(New_Col, starts_with('new'), na.rm = TRUE, sep = ' ')
Name City Fruit New_Col
1 Bob Apple London London
2 John Paris Pear Paris
3 Mark Orange Madrid Madrid
4 Will Berlin Orange Berlin

How to unpack lists in a data.frame column? [duplicate]

I have the following data.frame:
id name altNames
1001 Joan character(0)
1002 Jane c("Janie", "Janet", "Jan")
1003 John Jon
1004 Bill Will
1005 Tom character(0)
The column altNames could be empty (i.e. character(0)), have just one name, or a list of names. What I want is a data.frame (or a list) where each entry from name and/or altNames appears just once along with the corresponding id, like this:
id name
1001 Joan
1002 Jane
1002 Janie
1002 Janet
1002 Jan
1003 John
1003 Jon
1004 Bill
1004 Will
1005 Tom
What's the most efficient way of doing it? Even better is dplyr is utilized.
Edit: Here's the data:
df <- data_frame(
id = c("1001", "1002","1003", "1004", "1005"),
name = c("Joan", "Jane", "John", "Bill", "Tom"),
altNames = list(character(0), c("Janie", "Janet", "Jan"), "Jon", "Will", character(0))
Here's a possible data.table approach
setDT(dat)[, .(name = c(name, unlist(altNames))), by = id]
# id name
# 1: 1001 Joan
# 2: 1002 Jane
# 3: 1002 Janie
# 4: 1002 Janet
# 5: 1002 Jan
# 6: 1003 John
# 7: 1003 Jon
# 8: 1004 Bill
# 9: 1004 Will
# 10: 1005 Tom
A base R version (using the df added by #rawr)
with(df, {
ns <- mapply(c, name, altNames)
data.frame(id = rep(id, times=lengths(ns)), name=unlist(ns), row.names=NULL)
# id name
#1 1001 Joan
#2 1002 Jane
#3 1002 Janie
#4 1002 Janet
#5 1002 Jan
#6 1003 John
#7 1003 Jon
#8 1004 Bill
#9 1004 Will
#10 1005 Tom
Here's a full dplyr + tidyr solution, the way I'd tackle it:
df <- data_frame(
id = c("1001", "1002","1003", "1004", "1005"),
name = c("Joan", "Jane", "John", "Bill", "Tom"),
altNames = list(character(0), c("Janie", "Janet", "Jan"), "Jon", "Will", character(0))
# Need some way to concatenate a list of vectors with a vectors
# in a "rowwise" way
vector_c <- function(...) {
Map(c, ...)
df %>%
names = vector_c(name, altNames),
altNames = NULL,
name = NULL
) %>%
#> Source: local data frame [10 x 2]
#> id names
#> 1 1001 Joan
#> 2 1002 Jane
#> 3 1002 Janie
#> 4 1002 Janet
#> 5 1002 Jan
#> 6 1003 John
#> 7 1003 Jon
#> 8 1004 Bill
#> 9 1004 Will
#> 10 1005 Tom
Most of the hard work is done by tidyr::unnest(): it's designed to take data frame with a list-column and unnest it, repeating the other columns as needed.
Using tidyr, after cleaning the data with data.table:
First, fix the data:
dat$altNames[sapply(dat$altNames, length) == 0] <- NA
Now unnest from tidyr and some dplyr:
dat %>% unnest(altNames) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
id V1
1 1001 Joan
2 1001 NA
3 1002 Jane
4 1002 Janie
5 1002 Janet
6 1002 Jan
7 1003 John
8 1003 Jon
9 1004 Bill
10 1004 Will
11 1005 Tom
12 1005 NA
it has the NAs, but they are easily removed with %>% na.omit.
I think data.table is the winner on this one.

Unpacking and merging lists in a column in data.frame

I have the following data.frame:
id name altNames
1001 Joan character(0)
1002 Jane c("Janie", "Janet", "Jan")
1003 John Jon
1004 Bill Will
1005 Tom character(0)
The column altNames could be empty (i.e. character(0)), have just one name, or a list of names. What I want is a data.frame (or a list) where each entry from name and/or altNames appears just once along with the corresponding id, like this:
id name
1001 Joan
1002 Jane
1002 Janie
1002 Janet
1002 Jan
1003 John
1003 Jon
1004 Bill
1004 Will
1005 Tom
What's the most efficient way of doing it? Even better is dplyr is utilized.
Edit: Here's the data:
df <- data_frame(
id = c("1001", "1002","1003", "1004", "1005"),
name = c("Joan", "Jane", "John", "Bill", "Tom"),
altNames = list(character(0), c("Janie", "Janet", "Jan"), "Jon", "Will", character(0))
Here's a possible data.table approach
setDT(dat)[, .(name = c(name, unlist(altNames))), by = id]
# id name
# 1: 1001 Joan
# 2: 1002 Jane
# 3: 1002 Janie
# 4: 1002 Janet
# 5: 1002 Jan
# 6: 1003 John
# 7: 1003 Jon
# 8: 1004 Bill
# 9: 1004 Will
# 10: 1005 Tom
A base R version (using the df added by #rawr)
with(df, {
ns <- mapply(c, name, altNames)
data.frame(id = rep(id, times=lengths(ns)), name=unlist(ns), row.names=NULL)
# id name
#1 1001 Joan
#2 1002 Jane
#3 1002 Janie
#4 1002 Janet
#5 1002 Jan
#6 1003 John
#7 1003 Jon
#8 1004 Bill
#9 1004 Will
#10 1005 Tom
Here's a full dplyr + tidyr solution, the way I'd tackle it:
df <- data_frame(
id = c("1001", "1002","1003", "1004", "1005"),
name = c("Joan", "Jane", "John", "Bill", "Tom"),
altNames = list(character(0), c("Janie", "Janet", "Jan"), "Jon", "Will", character(0))
# Need some way to concatenate a list of vectors with a vectors
# in a "rowwise" way
vector_c <- function(...) {
Map(c, ...)
df %>%
names = vector_c(name, altNames),
altNames = NULL,
name = NULL
) %>%
#> Source: local data frame [10 x 2]
#> id names
#> 1 1001 Joan
#> 2 1002 Jane
#> 3 1002 Janie
#> 4 1002 Janet
#> 5 1002 Jan
#> 6 1003 John
#> 7 1003 Jon
#> 8 1004 Bill
#> 9 1004 Will
#> 10 1005 Tom
Most of the hard work is done by tidyr::unnest(): it's designed to take data frame with a list-column and unnest it, repeating the other columns as needed.
Using tidyr, after cleaning the data with data.table:
First, fix the data:
dat$altNames[sapply(dat$altNames, length) == 0] <- NA
Now unnest from tidyr and some dplyr:
dat %>% unnest(altNames) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
id V1
1 1001 Joan
2 1001 NA
3 1002 Jane
4 1002 Janie
5 1002 Janet
6 1002 Jan
7 1003 John
8 1003 Jon
9 1004 Bill
10 1004 Will
11 1005 Tom
12 1005 NA
it has the NAs, but they are easily removed with %>% na.omit.
I think data.table is the winner on this one.

Merge data frames with partial id

Say I have these two data frames:
> df1 <- data.frame(name = c('John Doe',
'Jane F. Doe',
'Mark Smith Simpson',
'Sam Lee'))
> df1
1 John Doe
2 Jane F. Doe
3 Mark Smith Simpson
4 Sam Lee
> df2 <- data.frame(family = c('Doe', 'Smith'), size = c(2, 6))
> df2
family size
1 Doe 2
2 Smith 6
I want to merge both data frames in order to get this:
name family size
1 John Doe Doe 2
2 Jane F. Doe Doe 2
3 Mark Smith Simpson Smith 6
4 Sam Lee <NA> NA
But I can't wrap my head around a way to do this apart from the following very convoluted solution, which is becoming very messy with my real data, which has over 100 "family names":
> df3 <- within(df1, {
family <- ifelse(test = grepl('Doe', name),
yes = 'Doe',
no = ifelse(test = grepl('Smith', name),
yes = 'Smith',
no = NA))
> merge(df3, df2, all.x = TRUE)
family name size
1 Doe John Doe 2
2 Doe Jane F. Doe 2
3 Smith Mark Smith Simpson 6
4 <NA> Sam Lee NA
I've tried taking a look into pmatch as well as the solutions provided at R partial match in data frame, but still haven't found what I'm looking for.
Rather than attempting to use regular expressions and partial matches, you could split the names up into a lookup-table format, where each component of a person's name is kept in a row, and matched to their full name:
df1 <- data.frame(name = c('John Doe',
'Jane F. Doe',
'Mark Smith Simpson',
'Sam Lee'),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df2 <- data.frame(family = c('Doe', 'Smith'), size = c(2, 6),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
str_df <- function(x) {
ss <- strsplit(unlist(x)," ")
data.frame(family = unlist(ss),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
splitnames <- df1 %>%
group_by(name) %>%
name family
1 Jane F. Doe Jane
2 Jane F. Doe F.
3 Jane F. Doe Doe
4 John Doe John
5 John Doe Doe
6 Mark Smith Simpson Mark
7 Mark Smith Simpson Smith
8 Mark Smith Simpson Simpson
9 Sam Lee Sam
10 Sam Lee Lee
Now you can just merge or join this with df2 to get your answer:
Joining by: "family"
family size name
1 Doe 2 Jane F. Doe
2 Doe 2 John Doe
3 Smith 6 Mark Smith Simpson
Potential problem: if one person's first name is the same as somebody else's last name, you'll get some incorrect matches!
Here is one strategy, you could use lapply with grep match over all the family names. This will find them at any position. First let me define a helper function
transindex<-function(start=1) {
function(x) {
ifelse(x, start-1, NA)
and I will also be using the function coalesce.R to make things a bit simpler. Here the code i'd run to match up df2 to df1
idx<, lapply(lapply(as.character(df2$family),
function(x) grepl(paste0("\\b", x, "\\b"), as.character(df1$name))),
Starting on the inside and working out, i loop over all the family names in df2 and grep for those values (adding "\b" to the pattern so i match entire words). grepl will return a logical vector (TRUE/FALSE). I then apply the above helper function transindex() to change those vector to be either the index of the row in df2 that matched, or NA. Since it's possible that a row may match more than one family, I simply choose the first using the coalesce helper function.
Not that I can match up the rows in df1 to df2, I can bring them together with
cbind(df1, size=df2[idx,])
name family size
# 1 John Doe Doe 2
# 1.1 Jane F. Doe Doe 2
# 2 Mark Smith Simpson Smith 6
# NA Sam Lee <NA> NA
Another apporoach that looks valid, at least with the sample data:
df1name = as.character(df1$name)
#[1] "John Doe" "Jane F. Doe" "Mark Smith Simpson" "Sam Lee"
regmatches(df1name, regexpr(paste(df2$family, collapse = "|"), df1name), invert = T) <- ""
#[1] "Doe" "Doe" "Smith" ""
cbind(df1, df2[match(df1name, df2$family), ])
# name family size
#1 John Doe Doe 2
#1.1 Jane F. Doe Doe 2
#2 Mark Smith Simpson Smith 6
#NA Sam Lee <NA> NA
