Drupal 9 administration interface accidentally changed - drupal

Hello to everyone and thanks in advance,
I accidentally changed the administration pages interface, I will attach an image for everyone to see. Is it possible to go back to default interface??
new interface
old interface
Thank you,
I tried going to theme settings but did not find an option

Go to /admin/appearance
Check for the dropdown button on the "Administration Theme" Section.
Update (with the old one) and save it.
If you can't find it, you can set it by using drush.
As I could check from the screenshot, the admin theme you need to switch back seems to be 'claro'.
You can also use drush to update it. Here it goes:
drush theme:enable claro
drush config-set system.theme admin claro
drush cr
If you don't know what theme to enable, you can list'em by typing
drus pm-list --type=theme


How to change baseurl of revolution slider after moving wordpress app from local to cpanel

I just moved my wordpress app from my pc to cpanel and I realized the images were not showing. I noticed from the developer console that the img-src were http://localhost...
I already changed the permalink of the app. I also went to revolution slider settings, then import/export/replace and I replaced localhost with my domain name but its still pointing to localhost. Pls what can do about this
Domain Switch is not free, it requires that you have a currently active license through Envato for $21.
Such a shame for Theme Punch to remove this feature. It's been causing a lot headaches and wasted time.
If you have recently changed your domain, you will need to to install a free Rev Slider addon called Domain Switcher. (New to me, I have migrated many sites without it, but the new version may require it.) You find the addon inside of Rev Slider in the dashboard, Slider Revolution > AddOns > DS (Domain Switch). See Here
Install Better Search Replace plugin and activate it.
Then search for youroldsite.com and replace with yournewsite.com
then select all tables.
NOTE: Make sure that you have checked "Run as Dry run" to see number
of changes occures before update the database.
Domain switch is a built-in add-on. if you have a license key then you are able to install it. check the process of how to use it to replace the old URL.
Step 1
Step 2

What is the "Endurance Cache" feature in my WordPress website?

I noticed this new wordpress version I'm running has a "Endurance Cache" option at the bottom of the "Settings > General" page.
That is caching all of the changes I'm doing on css. So whenever I update something the changes don't reflect on the browser instantaneously.
I'm wondering if that's wordpress native or if I can remove it.
I'm using wordpress 4.8.1.
My other website that has an older wordpress version doesn't have it.
It's not listed as an installed plugin. So that I don't think it is.
I'm using thesis theme.
It is a plugin installed by hostgator. They install two plugins "Endurance Browser Cache" and "Endurance Page Cache."
You can disable the Endurance Page Cache plugin by going to "Plugins" > "Must-Use" then locating the "Endurance Page Cache" plugin and clicking "disable."
The other plugin called "Endurance Browser Cache" does not have a disable button.
I hope this works for you. I do not know if hostgator will remove these plugins for you.
Here is the easiest solution I found for it:
Log into your Cpanel and click on Files.
Choose your domain/subdomain and click on the WP-Content.
Click on the "mu-plugins".
Rename the File "endurance-page-cache.php" to "endurance-page-cache.php.old"
Create a blank file there and name it "endurance-page-cache.php"
That's it, problem solved. And if you ever in the future want to activate it again, simply delete the blank file that you created and remove the word "old" from the original file name.
I found the issue. It's a plugin installed by hostgator.
Unfortunately it's not listed in the wordpress plugins area.
So I needed to request them to remove it.
To get rid of Endurance Page Cache or whatever other mu-plugin that you don't need, you can now use Mu Manager.
After activation Go to Plugins => Must Use, and deactivate the unneeded mu-plugins that you don't need. It will be like deactivating standard plugins.
Of course, you should know which mu-plugin are not needed. In the case of Endurance Page Cache, I think you never need it if you have a proper caching plugin.
If you prefer to use FTP it will be not enough to rename the mu-plugin, because it will run the same. You need to delete it or replace the extension .php with something else.
This caching plugin was installed most probably by your hosting provider. A brief and quick solution to the problem:
Instal WP File Manager Plugin:
Go to the plugin settings and head over to htdocs/WP Content/mu-plugins
Find the file "endurance-page-cache.php" and either rename it for temporal deactivation or delete it altogether if you want to get
rid of this plugin.
If this was the only file in the folder mu-plugins, you may as well delete the folder mu-plugins. "MU" stands for "Must Use". Sometimes a hosting provider or a developer might install their custom code for a site project as an mu-plugin so it doesn't get uninstalled by their customer.
Uninstall WP File Manager Plugin as it's not needed anymore. Better look on how to access your site files using C-panel if provided by your hosting provider or via FTP (like Filezilla) rather than a plugin.
Get a proper caching plugin. (Give Cachify plugin a go - it is free).

wordpress theme customization is blank in admin

I am having an issue that i have been unable figure out. The problem im having is when i login to wordpress admin and try ro customize the theme nothing displays besides the nav. I can edit pages, posts, basically do everything in The Admin except customize the theme. When i upload to a live server i dont have this issue. I'll attach a link to an image for visual reference.
I'm running wamp on windows 8 with wordpress 3.5.1. I added the plugin server buddy to check the setup and everyhing appears fine. Permissions were 755 and I temporarily set it to 777 to make sure wasn't that for any strange reason. One thing I notice with folders is if I look at properties read only is highlighted not checked and applying win't save the change. Could be because have them applied in advance security settings?
I have tried this with multiple themes all the same result.
Here is the screenshot.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I had the exact same problem. I was forcing SSL/HTTPS on the admin console as well. I turned off HTTPS on the admin console (still in use for my shopping cart) and all is well.

Plugins menu doesn't appear in the admin panel

I'm having a very simple problem. I'm new to WordPress and I'm trying to install a plugin.
Everyone says there's a "plugins" option on the sidebar-menu in the admin panel, but I don't see one! I've looked for it in all the sub-menus too.
Whenever I try to search for this problem, I get results about creating a plugin to show on the admin menu.
Anyway, how can I get the plugins menu to show up?
The issue is almost certainly related to one of two things:
1) You don't have permissions (are you logged in as admin?)
2) The theme (or a plugin) has disabled the plugins menu.
After you've checked to be sure that you are an administrator, then you should attempt to view this page:
http://www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin/plugins.php (replacing www.yourdomain.com with your site's domain name).
If it's accessible, then it's time to start exploring the theme (which theme are you using?) and possibly some of the plugins that might have disabled the menu item.
FYI, the method to remove dashboard menu items is covered here: http://www.wprecipes.com/how-to-remove-menus-in-wordpress-dashboard
If you did double check your file permissions (i.e. 755 for folders and 644 for wordpress files on Linux), please consider editing your wp-config.php file and change
The Add New option in Plugins menu will show up, also if you have internet connection, possible updates will be shown up.
This what I found looking for the same problem, I guess this is your situation also:
If your site is hosted on WordPress.com:
Plugins: Plugins are tools used to extend the functionality of the WordPress platform. However, they are only applicable to self-hosted blogs and web sites using the WordPress.org software. Plugins are not permitted here at WordPress.com for various security reasons.
On wordpress.com hosted sites, you don't have permission to install plugins. You must have an own wordpress installation to do that.
I found this post searching for help with a similar issue with a self-hosted WordPress installation -- in this case it was a site that a friend had paid someone to make, but then took them off the work and asked me to help out.
There were several regular menu options missing -- it turned out to be down to a plugin called Admin Menu Editor that the previous web guy had installed to limit the options available to my friend, so they wouldn't mess with things.
In this case I could access the options for Admin Menu Editor by going to http://www.example.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=menu_editor
In one of my cases it turned out to be strictly file permission thing so apache users could not access the plugins directory.
I have never seen that problem before. However, try either expanding all the current menu items to see if "plugins" are listed there, or try deactivating some/all of your plugins to see if one of the plugins are conflicting somehow and making your plugins menu not display.
I know this is an old question but I hit this problem at work recently with a WordPress site I inherited that had been originally developed by an external company. I tracked it down to the roles assigned to the user account. The "admin" account I had been given was actually assigned a restricted role that didn't have permission to access most of the settings.
Fortunately, I have access to the database so I was able to modify the assigned role directly. The default database prefix in WordPress is wp but you may need adjust these steps according to your own database.
First, find the user_id in the wp_users table for the account you want to modify and then run the following SQL against your WordPress database.
UPDATE wp_usermeta SET meta_value = "a:1:{s:13:""administrator"";b:1;}" WHERE user_id = {your_user_id} AND meta_key = "wp_capabilities";
UPDATE wp_usermeta SET meta_value = "10" WHERE user_id = {your_user_id} AND meta_key = "wp_user_level";
The next time you log in with that user account it should now have administrator privileges.
If you are using the multisite feature of Wordpress you will only see the plugins menu if you are super admin.
In the menu go to "My Sites" at the top of the page then click "Network Admin". (If you do not have this option you are not super admin.) Under "Network Admin" click "Dashboard" and then the plugins menu will appear. In your Network settings you can enable plugins for the sites.
The issue I was having was even trickier: No one was super admin. I fixed this by overwriting the "is_super_admin" function (simply returning true always) and then editing the settings as needed, before removing the overwrite again.
If you install a local WordPress the Plugins sub menu will not appear for any of the sites you work. Click My Sites area at the top of the page then click Network Admin and then click Dashboard. The Plugins sub menu will appear there. Then install new plugins and use it on sites on which you are working.
Good luck.
For me, changing lines in wp-config.php worked. I changed:
define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);
define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true);
define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', false);
define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', false);
There might be a couple of reasons for the same. Some of them are:-
Reason 1 - When the website is hosted on wordpress.com
Reason 2 - When the user is logged in with a non-admin account
Reason 3 - When the WordPress website/blog is a part of a multi-site-network and the network admin has disabled the plugin menu
Reason 4 - Plugins Conflict

WordPress - Theme changes overwritten by GoDaddy

Greetings and thanks in advance for your feedback. Now I realize that this isn't GoDaddy tech support but I'm asking the question here before I step into those murky, black waters.
Scenario: I edit the CSS and various templates for the default template via Appearance > Editor. All looks and performs great. I hand off to my client. She reports back that after adding a new post the customizations are overwritten and the default theme files are restored! She claims that GoDaddy told her that its "on my end."
Nonsense, right? There is no relation between adding a post and updating theme files, right?
This is the second time this has occurred - the first time we assumed GoDaddy had backups of the customized files (not). At least with the second occurrence, I had a local backup.
Any ideas or suggestions?
either that or the wordpress install has been upgraded, if your theme folder is still using the default then it will be overwritten by wordpress on upgrade..
if so change your default theme folder to something else...
then edit the css file and give it a new name...
Use FTP and a text editor to edit the theme files directly and check their permissions. I think the changes are not taking effect because you've got file permission problems, and as soon as the client forces a reload of the site, she sees the unchanged files again.
And if you're using a Windows server, consider changing to Linux. GoDaddy has lots of problems with Wordpress on Windows, from permission problems to permalinks. You can change to a Linux server in a few hours: Switching Your Hosting Account Operating System - GoDaddy Help Center
