Site in microsoft teams tab and tracking in Google Analytics - google-analytics

We have a company site that was recently added as a tab in our company microsoft teams.
However anything that happens on the microsoft teams tab is not tracked by GA.
Has anyone encountered this before and know how to fix it?


Track count of views,likes and comments in a community site

Can anyone tell me how can I track number of views,likes,comments and shares in a collaboration and community site. This is not a Google site. This site was created using lumapps. It's a collaboration site, Which works similar to Google+, where you can write a blog, post and like/ share the same. I need a way of keep tracking the likes/shares/views on such posts or blogs, So that I can display the same in Google data studio.
I heard it's possible using Google tag manager. Can anyone confirm this OR let me know about anyways of achieving the same.
Thanks and Regards
You would do this by sending an event to Google Analytics and using this source in Data Studios.
Please see reference on how to send events using Google Tag Manager and custom Variables.

Get Play store views and installs like "Google Play Referral Flow" with google analytics reporting api

I spent a few hours trying to get the "Play Store Views" and "Installs" metrics but I didn't found it how.
I checked the documentation where you could find all the dimensions/metrics but those are not there.
I hope someone from the google analytics api could helps me with this issue.
I have searched high and low for this. It would be very valuable information to have. I was unable to find the information in the Google Analytics API or the Google play APIs.
I had to go as far as double checking with the Google Analytics dev team.
This information is not available through an API at this time.
The data is available on the Developer Console.
On the ALL APPLICATIONS page, select your app and then User Acquisition (second item from top in left hand menu).

how to Installing and testing the "gmail contextual gadget"

I wanna ask about how to Installing and testing the "gmail contextual gadget". I'm getting trouble the deprecated document. In first step "1. Log into the console." but when I click it bring me to a page about Apps Marketplace
In this page, the document said, before you publish, you must pay a small fee using google wallet(it's 1st point in "Before you publish"). But when I click the link "Google Wallet", which has link:
it shows 404 error page.
Please help me. Thank you!!!
This is no longer true. The Google apps marketplace is back in business and is its own marketplace. You need to enable Google apps marketplace sdk api in the project to make it work.

Google Analytics Stopped Tracking My Site After I Reinstalled Google Analyticator Plugin

Last week I was looking for a bug that was causing my site to crash every time I updated the page and I thought that by deleting my plugins, which weren't many, would help resolve this issue. Deleting the plugins didn't help, but I did figure out that other problem. So, last week I reinstalled the plugin Google Analyticator and the process when through normally, however I checked today google analytics is reporting that no one is on my site. I was on the site at least 5 times a day, so it should report something.
I checked the page view and the account number for google analytics is correct and the tracking code is in the header. How else should I go about finding where this problem?

Why are PRWeb Referrals not showing up?

I created a PRWeb Release. When I check Google Analytics I don't find any referrals from the PRWeb link itself (even though my server logs show many visits). It does detect the referrals from news agencies that have picked up the release (Example).
Why aren't the PRWeb links being picked up by GA?
Surely because nobody came first to your site from the links on PRWeb site but from agencies that have picked up the release.
(you can check your server logs to verify if people coming from PRWeb do not come from another source just before)
