How to retrieve related records using Dataverse client sdk? - dataverse

I am using Microsoft.Powerplatform.Dataverse.Client to interact with Dataverse, i want to fetch parent and child records using single query, is this possible? Please suggest how to achieve this.
var client = _client.GetServiceClient();
if (client.IsReady)
var queryExpression = new QueryExpression("ParentTable")
ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(columns),
NoLock = true,
TopCount = 1,
Criteria = GetFilterExpression(filterColumns),
var parentCollectionResult = await client.RetrieveMultipleAsync(queryExpression);
entities = parentCollectionResult.Entities;


Cosmos : Get all items from a partition in a container in c# / .Net #CosmosClient

I created a container to store user information for customers. The partitionKey is customerId. I want to read all items in a logical partition with customerId = X, that should return all user records with customerId = X. Is such an API available in CosmosClient in .NET SDK?
Example :
class User
string customerId,
string userId,
string userName
Assuming you are using SQL API, you can use Azure Cosmos DB SDK to fetch all the Users for your partition key. Here is the sample code:
var client = new CosmosClient("COSMOS_CONNECTION_STRING");
var container = client.GetContainer("DATABASE_NAME", "CONTAINER_NAME");
var queryDefinition = new QueryDefinition("SELECT * FROM c");
var iterator = container.GetItemQueryIterator<User>(queryDefintion,
requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions()
PartitionKey = new PartitionKey("CUSTOMER_ID")
var results = new List<User>();
while (iterator.HasMoreResults)
var result = await iterator.ReadNextAsync();
return results;

Bad Value error with my Google Apps Script to Firebase

function tree1(){
var secret =SpreadsheetApp.openById('My Database Secret') ;
var sheet = secret.getSheets()[0];
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var dataToImport = {};
for(var i = 1; i < data.length; i++) {
var admin = data[i][0];
var email = data[i][1];
var name = data[i][2];
var subject = data[i][3];
var year = data[i][4];
var testone = data[i][5];
var testtwo = data[i][6];
var testthree = data[i][7];
var average = data[i][8];
var progress = data[i][9];
dataToImport[email] = {
var firebaseUrl = "My Database URL";
var base = FirebaseApp.getDatabaseByUrl(firebaseUrl);
base.setData("", dataToImport);
I am attempting to use a Google Sheet App script to sync basic data for my users, using their email address as a reference.
So that when a user logs in with their email they can access test scores that the admin has.
The Database structure I would like is fairly simple that the three scores and other details are a child of the email, as you can see above.
However every time I attempt to complete the script I receive a Bad Value error.
Any ideas as to how I can remedy this problem.
Thank you in advance.

functions.database.ref & Auto ID

able to get function.database.ref to work for basic chains like this.
functions.database.ref("/following/{uid}/{followingId}").onCreate(event => {
var uid = event.params.uid;
var fromId = event.params.fromId
however I have no idea what to do when we are creating something with an autoId that has a sub branch in this case fromId.
exports.NewActMessage = functions.database.ref("/ActPosts/{uid}/messages/autoId/{fromId}").onCreate(event => {
var uid = event.params.uid; //JOSIAH SAVINO
var fromId = event.params.fromId
Whats even more challenging is the autoId is what is being created but I need to pull the "fromId" information from the branch inside of the autoId.
Firebase messaged me how to get first the autoId than the fromId from that like so...
exports.NewActMessage =
functions.database.ref('/ActPosts/{uid}/messages/{autoId}').onCreate(event => {
var uid = event.params.uid;
var autoId = event.params.autoId;
var fromId =;

.net Querying a Global Secondary Index in DynamoDB via DynamoDBContext

I have a dynamoDB table with a schema as follows:
var request = new CreateTableRequest
TableName = tableName,
KeySchema = new List<KeySchemaElement>
new KeySchemaElement("CompanyId", KeyType.HASH),
new KeySchemaElement("Timestamp", KeyType.RANGE)
AttributeDefinitions = new List<AttributeDefinition>
new AttributeDefinition("CompanyId", ScalarAttributeType.S),
new AttributeDefinition("Timestamp", ScalarAttributeType.N),
new AttributeDefinition("UserId", ScalarAttributeType.S)
GlobalSecondaryIndexes = new List<GlobalSecondaryIndex>
new GlobalSecondaryIndex
IndexName = "UserIndex",
KeySchema = new List<KeySchemaElement>
new KeySchemaElement("UserId", KeyType.HASH),
new KeySchemaElement("Timestamp", KeyType.RANGE)
Projection = new Projection {ProjectionType = "ALL"},
ProvisionedThroughput = new ProvisionedThroughput(5, 6)
ProvisionedThroughput = new ProvisionedThroughput(5, 6)
I can query the primary key successfully as follows:
var client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient();
using (var context = new DynamoDBContext(client))
var sortKeyValues = new List<object>{minTimestamp};
result = await context.QueryAsync<AuditLogEntry>(companyId, QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual, sortKeyValues,
new DynamoDBOperationConfig {OverrideTableName = TableName}).GetRemainingAsync();
And I can query the global secondary index without any constraint on the range key as follows:
var client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient();
using (var context = new DynamoDBContext(client))
result = await context.QueryAsync<AuditLogEntry>(userId, new DynamoDBOperationConfig {OverrideTableName = TableName, IndexName = indexName})
But when I try to query the index with a range key constraint:
var client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient();
using (var context = new DynamoDBContext(client))
var sortKeyValues = new List<object> {minTimestamp};
result = await context.QueryAsync<AuditLogEntry>(userId, QueryOperator.GreaterThan, sortKeyValues, new DynamoDBOperationConfig {OverrideTableName = TableName, IndexName = indexName}).GetRemainingAsync();
I get the following error:
Exception thrown: 'System.InvalidOperationException' in AWSSDK.DynamoDBv2.dll
Additional information: Local Secondary Index range key conditions are used but no index could be inferred from model. Specified index name = UserIndex
Googling this error hasn't thrown any light on the issue. The reference to Local Secondary Index has me confused because I'm using a Global index, but I just can't see what's wrong with my code.
I've been able to get the query working by querying directly on the AmazonDynamoDBClient rather than using DynamoDBContext, but I'd really like to understand what I'm doing wrong and be able to use DynamoDBContext.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
In your model definition for AuditLogEntry you need to decorate properties that are part of the global secondary index with attributes - [DynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexRangeKey] and or [DynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexHashKey]. Example below.
public class AuditLogEntry {
// other properties ...
public string UserId { get; set; }

Retrieving CRM 4 entities with custom fields in custom workflow activity C#

I'm trying to retrieve all phone calls related to opportunity, which statecode isn't equal 1. Tried QueryByAttribute, QueryExpression and RetrieveMultipleRequest, but still has no solution.
Here some code i wrote.
IContextService contextService = (IContextService)executionContext.GetService(typeof(IContextService));
IWorkflowContext context = contextService.Context;
ICrmService crmService = context.CreateCrmService(true);
if (crmService != null)
QueryByAttribute query = new Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Query.QueryByAttribute();
query.ColumnSet = new Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Query.AllColumns();
query.EntityName = EntityName.phonecall.ToString();
query.Attributes = new string[] { "regardingobjectid" };
query.Values = new string[] { context.PrimaryEntityId.ToString() };
RetrieveMultipleRequest retrieve = new RetrieveMultipleRequest();
retrieve.Query = query;
retrieve.ReturnDynamicEntities = true;
RetrieveMultipleResponse retrieved = (RetrieveMultipleResponse)crmService.Execute(retrieve);
return ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed;
And almost same for QueryExpression
QueryExpression phCallsQuery = new QueryExpression();
ColumnSet cols = new ColumnSet(new string[] { "activityid", "regardingobjectid" });
phCallsQuery.EntityName = EntityName.phonecall.ToString();
phCallsQuery.ColumnSet = cols;
phCallsQuery.Criteria = new FilterExpression();
phCallsQuery.Criteria.FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And;
phCallsQuery.Criteria.AddCondition("statuscode", ConditionOperator.NotEqual, "1");
phCallsQuery.Criteria.AddCondition("regardingobjectid", ConditionOperator.Equal, context.PrimaryEntityId.ToString();
I always get something like Soap exception or "Server was unable to proceed the request" when debugging.
To get exception details try to use following code:
RetrieveMultipleResponse retrieved = null;
retrieved = (RetrieveMultipleResponse)crmService.Execute(retrieve);
catch(SoapException se)
throw new Exception(se.Detail.InnerXml);
