Event "Click" (Outbound click) is not showing in my GA4 events [closed] - google-analytics

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Closed 3 days ago.
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I made two brand new landing pages, each on a different domain.
I connected the main landing page with GA4 + setup cross domain tracking (landing pages are different but I want to preserve the session information for the user and not be counted as 2 users). I also enabled enhanced measurement for more events.
All things are working properly except for the event "click" (which is the outbound clicks) that doesn't show at all in the events section :
list of events
Enhanced measurement is working because I can see that "scroll" event is captured, but I have no clue why the event "click" is not.
I've had multiple outbound clicks from my users and test it myself multiple times.
I've tried enabling / disabling enhanced measurement but no luck.


link with utm not tracked due to language being added to link [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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my client is sending a link to costumers across 3 countries with utm to track on google analytics. these links are send through linkedin, fb, twitter etc. something like this:
however these links are not being tracked on analytics, i believe due to the language prefix being added as you enter the website, like this:
is there a way to track this utm's without mentioning the language prefix?
Analytics parses query parameters. It doesn't care about the path itself. However, in your examples with lang set, the utm params are missing.
So what I believe your issue is, is a trivial redirection from a url where the language is not set to a url where it's set. During the redirection, you lose your utm-params.
Most likely, the redirection kicks in before GTM has a chance to fire a pageview (utm-params have to be set just on one hit in a session), thus, the attribution is lost completely.
Now the best fix for it would be changing the redirection rule to pass query parameters to the destination url. It should be a trivial task for whoever set up the redirection in the first place. Presuming the redirection is backend-driven. There may be other fixes for GTM, but they are out of scope.

Google Tag Manager - GTM Data layer problems

I've installed the GTM code on a HTML5 bootstrap 5 template, the GTM container and a analytics global site tag added to GTM appear to load and initialise the DOM fine within the GTM preview/debug. The analytics tag pushes click data and the limited event data to the analytics console without issue.
The problem is with GTM variables. In debug mode the loaded GTM container picks up scroll and page events and sets the associated variables but in the case of form data layer variables it has set them once while in debug/preview mode during a newsletter form submission, but doesn't seem to want to set them again in different later debug sessions.
The template in use is:
The developer doesn't want to offer support for GTM or GA so I was wondering if anyone could see an issue with why the newsletter signup at the end of the page for example that wouldn't set the form data layer variables as expected within GTM when filled and submitted.
So you're saying that it pushes the dataLayer event only once per form submission and not more?
Is there a value of tracking multiple form submissions for one user?
If there is enough value to bother fixing it, you can just consider either finding how they prevent subsequent form tracking and fix it, or you can just have custom tracking in GTM. So that you would be able to detect CTA clicks.
But tracking CTA clicks instead of actual form submissions will lead to the opposite problem: too many CTA clicks.
Basically, you have to understand why you're tracking it. What question is to be answered here. In this case the obvious question is whether a user converted. To answer this question, you actually don't need subsequent submissions tracking.
If the question here is how many times the user submitted the form, then simple CTA tracking plus error tracking will suffice. It's not connected to form submissions tracking tho. Different questions - different answers.

The frame is getting repeated in Classic ASP application [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am supporting an old classic asp application which is built on VB6.The problem is when I click the submit for approval button in the below
The frame is getting repeated as below...
But when I click on any option of leftmost menulist(For ex: Leave and Attendance Management in the left most menu list) or when I refresh the whole page, The page is displayed finely as below.
As the code is in classic ASP I was unable to debug the code.I am attaching the .asp code of Leave application form page (i.e., the code of first screen shot ) below.
Due to lack of space I am giving you a shared link : Click here...
Code is bit big.Kindly help me.Thanks in advance
Based on your screenshots and the code it looks like the leave application form is being loaded within an iframe on the page of your first screenshot, so when you submit you are loading the posted page into the same iframe. The code (in your shared link) at line 50 seems to target one frame over another depending on a querystring. I would debug the parent page to ensure you have the correct name or target _top to ensure the posted page takes over the whole screen

Google Analytics tracking from forwarded domain? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I've wanted to apply google analytics on my music page at www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandid=976533
But I am unable to use that URL as my default on analytics because it contains a query.
I have a Domain URL at www.SilentNoizeMusic.com that forwards to the above address, but I'm questioning if using the www.SilentNoizeMusic.com url as my default on Analytics will actually track the stats for the real site.
Are my suspicions correct?
If so, is there any sort of workaround, like a modification to the original URL that could bypass the query error but still direct to the same page to be tracked?
(as a side note, I'm not sure how relevant it would be to any potential answers, but the music hosting site I'm using does not allow javascript, which is what initially prevented my from using analytics since I couldn't paste the tracking code. I have found a workaround that I want to test out, but I just need to fix the above problem in order to do so.)
If you are using domain forwarding provided by your DNS server, then no, Google Analytics won't be able to track stats of visitors who reach your soundclick.com page via your SilentNoizeMusic.com URL.
Some DNS providers offer a "domain cloaking" option, which makes the destination page appear in the browser at your SilentNoizeMusic.com URL. All this is doing is returning an HTML page containing an iframe that loads the destination page. Cloaking is a terrible hack and not very reliable, since any link clicked on in the destination page (inside the iframe) will cause the browser to navigate to the destination page anyway.
Another approach might be to try to embed a trackable item in the destination page. You said that soundclick.com doesn't allow you to embed javascript; do they allow you to embed HTML?
Option 1: See if you can embed an iframe in the html of your soundclick.com page. Point the iframe to an html page on some other web server that you have control of, and put your javascript and google analytics stub in there. The javascript won't violate the 'no javascript' mandate of soundclick.com, because it won't be executing in the context of soundclick.com - it will be sequestered inside the iframe. The iframe doesn't even have to be large enough to show on your soundclick.com page. Just having it there will be enough to get the sequestered page to load, and that's all that Google Analytics really needs. You won't get any stats about what the user is doing on the soundclick.com page, and you won't get any referal data (what sites contain a link to yours that users clicked on to get to your site) but you should get full stats about number of visitors, new vs returning, etc.
Option 2: If soundclick.com doesn't allow you to put an iframe HTML element on your page, will they allow you to reference an image on another server? Again, set up an image file (preferably small) on a server you have control of and place an link on the soundclick.com page referencing the image on the other server. You can then collect request stats on the image file, which will give you some small degree of traffic measurement. This is what the old-school hit counters did, basically.

guidelines for multi user, multi session, multi tab, cookie environment [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Our current application is working fine but when you try to misbehave like we found out that When login with same user in multiple tab with different organization(there is a organization dropdown in the master page which sets the cookie whenever it is changed.)
in tab one it is org 1 and tab 2 it is org2 , cookie has the later org 2 in it but when we go back in tab1(which had org1) and save the record org 2 will be saved with the record
So can some one share some sort of a checklist with us which address these types of problem.
Unfortunately there is not much you could do about this. Browsers share cookies between tabs. And forms authentication uses cookies to track users. That's the same behavior you will get with other sites as well such as gmail for example.
you can add hidden field with data for recognize each view.
you store all data in server side such as session,cache,Database and serve "unique" view
I hope you'll find an elegant solution to this problem, but AFAK one instance of browser simply shares one identity.
To deal with this situation we use HIDDEN on master page, that is a part of main form. Its value is randomly generated when first page loads. Later, the value is kept between requests. Session values are stored with HashTable key of hidden value.
2 more hacks needed to get it work.
Response.Redirect is done with simple form that uses POST method to pass HIDDEN value to the new page.
All hrefs clicked with left button also posting HIDDEN value (if user uses 'Open in new TAB/Window' direct redirect without post simply creates new HIDDEN value - new subsession.)
