Authorization failed for URI for DBMS_CLOUD.send_request - plsql

I am facing issue with running DBMS_CLOUD.send_request to invoke a function via Autonomous DB.In the credential I am giving the right API signing key but it doesn’t seem to work and keeps trowing “Authorization failed for URI” not sure what am I missing as I am able to invoke the same function with the same credentials using SDK and same invoke endpoint. Also, in the private_key parameter of DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_CREDENTIAL i am providing the private key content without the line breaks and excluding the BEGIN and END RSA PRIVATE KEY, would like to know if this is the right way to provide the key content.
Also, Please note that my Autonomous DB workload type is "APEX" and I have given EXECUTE GRANT on DBMS_CLOUD to my APEX Principal using ADMIN

Is your private key protected with a passphrase ...? AFAIK these are not supported, so you might work without a passphrase.
Also, you might try creating an APEX Web Credential (Use the OCI type), and then use APEX_WEB_SERVICE.MAKE_REST_REQUEST to call the REST API. This would at least help to verify the credential.


VAULT - How to unwrap Secret ID with HTTP request

I want to integrate vault with a Java application. I follow this blog to do it.
The question is when I have wrapping token, I want to Unwrap it in step number 9 in the picture above with HTTP request and get the secret_id. I see the API document in here, but it require X-Vault-Token which can not store in my JAVA application. Without it the API response permission denied.
But when I use vault command: VAULT_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxx vault unwrap -field=secret_id, it response a secret that what I want (I do not login to Vault).
Any have experience about this please help. Thank you.
In your linked diagram, step 10 (the next step) is literally "Login with Role ID and Secret ID". If you want to wrap a different secret, then you can change the pattern completely, but the blog post you're referencing wants you to use the Secret ID from the wrapped token response to then log into Vault with that role and get your final secrets.
So, take the output of SECRET_ID=$(VAULT_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxx vault unwrap -field=secret_id), export it, and then run a resp=$(vault write auth/approle/login role_id="${ROLE_ID}" secret_id="${SECRET_ID}"); VAULT_TOKEN=$(echo "${resp}" | jq -r .auth.client_token), export the VAULT_TOKEN, then call Vault to get the secret you really want (vault kv get secret/path/to/foobar) and do something with it.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
wrap_token=$(cat ./wrapped_token.txt)
role_id=$(cat ./approle_role_id.txt)
secret_id=$(VAULT_TOKEN="${wrap_token}" vault unwrap -field=secret_id)
resp=$(vault write -format=json auth/approle/login role_id="${role_id}" secret_id="${secret_id}")
VAULT_TOKEN=$(echo "${resp}" | jq -r '.auth.client_token')
# Put a secret in a file
# Best to ensure that the fs permissions are suitably restricted
UMASK=0077 vault kv get -format=json path/to/secret > ./secret_sink.json
# Put a secret in an environment variable
SECRET=$(vault kv get -format=json path/to/secret)
export SECRET
In case you want to reduce the security of your pattern, you can read below...
If you want to avoid logging into Vault and simply give the app a secret, you can avoid many of these steps by having your trusted CI solution request the secret directly, i.e. vault kv get -wrap_ttl=24h secret/path/to/secret, and then the unwrapping step you're doing will actually contain a secret you want to use, instead of the intermediary secret that would allow you to log into Vault and establish an application identity. However, this is not recommended as it would make your CI solution want to access more secrets, which is far from least privilege, and it makes it incredibly difficult to audit where the secrets are actually being leveraged from a Vault perspective, which is one of the primary benefits of implementing a central secrets management solution like Vault.

How to change encrypted password in context file without using the studio

I am using a group context to configure the db connection. The password of the db has a password type. When deploying the job, the password is automatically encrypted in the under the contexts folder.
What if i want to change the password without using the studio (on a client environment)? what can i use to encrypt the new password?
I was able to do it by creating a separate encryption job with a tjava component and the following code:
where context.Password is an input context variable of type String. When running the job, the user is prompted to enter a password and then the encrypted Talend password will be printed. It will have the following format: enc:routine.encryption.key.v1:[encryptedPassword] The routine encryption key can be modified if needed by following this link:
There's actually a few ways for this: --context_param myPassword=pass123
this unfortunately can be seen by anyone via ps / task manager.
You can also edit the contexts/ file and change the context parameters there. This way the context can only be seen if you have access to the file.
Theoretically both should be able to accept the cleartext/encrypted password.
Implicit context load feature can also be used to load contexts:

Does flyway support Auth key based credentials for Snowflake

Using flyway to manage our snowflake objects, but would like NOT to use user/password based authentication and instead use user+ Auth-key based authentication mechanism supported by Snowflake.
However, with the flyway.url set to above pointing to my location of private_key_file, it simply prompts me for a "Database password:" from the command line -
./flywaydb/flyway -configFiles=<absolute_basepath>/conf/flyway-dw.conf info
I was hoping that the user's Auth would get done based on the private key provided.
Please edit your config file and enter a dummy password as flyway.password:
It should stop asking password and connect to Snowflake with the private key, in case you configured your user with rsa_public_key:

Scopus api wrong

I use this to test if I can retrieve references from a paper using doi from rscopus package
I use this:
object_retrieval("10.1109/ISCSLP.2014.6936630", ref = "doi")
but I receive this error:
Error in get_api_key(api_key, error = api_key_error) :
API key not found, please set option('elsevier_api_key_filename') or option('elsevier_api_key') for general use or set environment variable Elsevier_API, to be accessed by Sys.getenv('Elsevier_API')
Why do I receive it?
Please follow the steps I outlined in the section of
Which is posted below:
In order to use this package, you need an API key from You should login from your institution and go to Create API Key. You need to provide a website URL and a label, but the website can be your personal website, and agree to the terms of service.
Go to Login or create a free account.
Click "Create API Key". Put in a label, such as rscopus key. Add a website. is fine if you do not have a site.
Read and agree to the TOS if you do indeed agree.
Add Elsevier_API = "API KEY GOES HERE" to ~/.Renviron file, or add export Elsevier_API=API KEY GOES HERE to your ~/.bash_profile.
Alternatively, you you can either set the API key using rscopus::set_api_key or by options("elsevier_api_key" = api_key). You can access the API key using rscopus::get_api_key.
You should be able to test out the API key using the interactive Scopus APIs.
A note about API keys and IP addresses
The API Key is bound to a set of IP addresses, usually bound to your institution. Therefore, if you are using this for a Shiny application, you must host the Shiny application from your institution servers in some way. Also, you cannot access the Scopus API with this key if you are offsite and must VPN into the server or use a computing cluster with an institution IP.

NotificationHub Push Notification returns : The Token obtained from the Token Provider is wrong

I have Wp8.1 Silverlight app that receives push notification (WNS) from Mobileservice (the old azure service).
I therefore wanted to update to the new service because of the new features. I have now created/upgraded a new server to use App Service - Mobile App. And tested push notification with the sample app from azure (everything works).
Going back to my app WP8.1 -> Adding the new package Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client through NuGet (2.0.1), there is the issue that the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Ext does not contain the 'GetPush' extension. It seems like it is missing it? looking to the WP8 version, it only registers to MPNS, and I need WNS. So I do not know if any other assembly could be used.
Can I add another assembly reference?
The following code lets me register the device on the server, and I can see the device register correctly. where the channelUri and the installationInformation are retrieved by the client and send to the server.
Installation ins = new Installation();
ins.Platform = NotificationPlatform.Wns;
ins.PushChannel = uTagAndChan.ChannelUri;
ins.Tags = uTagAndChan.Tags;
ins.InstallationId = uTagAndChan.installationInformation;
await hubClient.CreateOrUpdateInstallationAsync(ins);
Sending a test toast-notification to the registered tags, results in the following error :
The Token obtained from the Token Provider is wrong
Searching on this issue I found Windows Store App Push Notifications via Azure Service Bus. Which the proposed solution says to register to the notification hub directly from the app, I would rather not have the app to have directly access to the hub. But is this the only way? (mind you the answer was not accepted, but I will try it all though it is not a desired solution)
Registering for notifications via client (WP8.1 Silverligt), makes a registration to MPNS, which I do not want.
The snippet on the server registers a WNS, the two registrations can be seen here:
The URI retrieval is done using
var channel = await Windows.Networking.PushNotifications.PushNotificationChannelManager.CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync();
which in the description states it returns a WNS. This seems to infer that the registration I am doing on the server (code snippet in the top) is correct and the registration on the client is faulty.
But the registration on the image seems wrong. Shouldn't the PNS Identifier be different for the two registrations? also expiration date seems wrong ?
How to mend this since the GetPush() (which was available in the sample registered the client correctly for notifications) does not exist in the NuGet package?
I read one place that deleting and recreating the NotificationHub could help. I will try this today. Even IF it works, it would be more desirable to have the solution, and to know if the registrations are done correctly?
Temporary solution:
Deltede, recreated, inserted Package SID and Secret. And it works again (strange)!
Still interested in the underlying issue!
Deleted and recreated the service, setting all the same settings made it work again.
I had same issue with my UWP. But in my case I had issue with self signed certificate.
When I set the AppxPackageSigningEnabled property to True (in .csproj) then notifications stopped working and I got "The token obtained from the Token Provider is wrong" (Test send from Azure Portal).
The certificate must have same issuer as Publisher in Identity element in .appxmanifest file.
