Stable Diffusion WebUI uses the Gradio framework to render the UI to the client. There is an input control labeled "Batch count" that is set to the maximum of 100. I would like to change it to 200. How can I do it?
So the answer is you can modify "Batch Count" parameters in the file called ui-config.json and then restart it.
I'm adding liquibase to an existing project where tables and data already exist. I would like to know how I might limit the scope of changelogSync[SQL] to a subset of available changes.
I've run liquibase generateChangeLog to capture the current state and placed this into say src/main/resources/db/changelog/changes/V2021.
I've also added another changeset to cover some new requirements in a new file. Let's call it src/main/resources/db/changelog/changes/V2021.
I've added a main changelog file src/main/resources/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml with the following contents:
- includeAll:
path: changes
relativeToChangelogFile: true
I now want to ensure that when I run liquibase changelogSync[SQL] against a particular version of the db that the scope is limited to the first changelog init01, thereby allowing from that point on a liquibase update or updateToTag et al, to continue with changes following init01.
I'm surprised to see that the changelogSync[SQL] commands don't seem to offer some way (that I can see from the docs for how to do this.
Besides printing the SQL and manually changing it, is there something I've missed? Any suggested approaches welcome. Thanks!
What about changelogSyncToTagSQL ?
Wouldn't it cover your needs?
Or maybe you could try changelogSyncSQL with additional parameters "label" or and "context" ?
As it stands, the only solution I've found is to generate the SQL and then manually edit its contents to filter the change sets which don't correspond to your current schema.
Then you can apply the sql to the db.
See, I have a requirement in which I am supposed to change the "Auto Number Prefix" for only one profile, I am wondering if there is any way to achieve that?
You should be able to set AutoNumberPrefix in a rule side effect and have it apply only to that rule/profile.
For those who wants the answer for this, I found the method to provide the different prefix for different profile type. Go in Admin Server-> Configuration -> Paste this code;
AutoNumberPrefix=<$if dDocType like 'Profile_name'$>Prefix Name<$else$>another prefix name<$endif$>
Adding the code shown as "correct" is actually the more inflexible way to do this. Any changes require a restart of the Content Server.
Jonathan's answer was really close, but the syntax used ensures that the variable "AutoNumberPrefix" remains in the profile context. It needs to be placed into local data to be used. This is accomplished using the function "dpPromote".
in prokb,its mentioned
In 10.0B02 and above, the client session startup parameter -noincrwarn was reintroduced
to allow the selective suppression of the above four warning messages ONLY. Since the
execution of the 4GL statement: SESSION:SUPPRESS-WARNINGS = YES. suppresses ALL warning
messages during the session.
Where and how could i set i this startup parameter -noincrwarn to suppress this warning
"SESSION:SUPPRESS-WARNINGS = YES." doesn't do much of anything useful. Or at least it didn't the last time I tested it.
The -mmax warning is harmless. It is a "soft" limit that is dynamically allocated and expanded as needed. You can ignore it. Or if the .lg file entries really bother you, you can simply increase it to a reasonable value. I routinely set it to 8192 for character sessions, 32768 for Windows. The default, as JensD says, is ludicrously low.
Startup parameters, such as -noincwarn, can set in a number of ways:
1) Via the command line. If your application starts via a script it will eventually invoke progress via "pro", "mpro", progress, prowin32, proapsv or some other executable (you can potentially link your own objects and create custom executables...) The command line that invokes Progress will have a number of parameters. You could add it there. Windows example:
#echo off
set DLC=\Progress\OpenEdge
%DLC%\bin\prowin32 -db mydb -p start.p -noincwarn
(On windows it is also common for the shortcut properties to have the command line listed.)
2) In a "pf" file. "PF" files are parameter files. They contain a list of parameters in a text file. This makes it easy to share and manage parameters between many scripts. To use a parameter file you need at least one -pf parameter. Unix example:
export DLC
${DLC}/bin/_progres -db mydb -pf
Where "" might contain:
-p start.p
There is a global .pf file in the Progress install directory called You could also add it to that.
3) In an "ini file". Sort of like the pf file but more complicated. Indicated by the -ininame startup parameter. Can also be influenced by registry keys.
Why not removing or trying another value for -mmax? If you're moving from an old version of Progress it might be that -mmax is set very low.
The Maximum Memory (-mmax) client session parameter specifies the maximum amount of memory allocated for r-code segments, in kilobytes.
Large memory consumption might depend on complicated business logic (things like very large and or deeply nested procedures) so you might consider looking into that.
However a much easier fix would be to increase the value. Default is 3096, meaning each client "only" gets 3 Mb for this. Not a very large amount with today's standards.
If you really only want to suppress the message. Set -noincrwarn in your client side startup script (or corresponding .pf-file/
Hosting a WPF element (windows Presentation Foundation) in an OpenEdge application can cause application to crash if any message cover the window. It is also the case of this message.
In order to suppress any messages including message 5409 ()
According to article "HOW TO SUPPRESS WARNING MESSAGES (5407),(5408),(5409),(5410) FROM DISPLAYING ON CLIENT SCREENS."
I used with expected results SESSION:SUPPRESS-WARNINGS = YES. As the first line in the starting procedure of the aplication.
Using -noincrwarn as the session startup parameter had no effect in Open Edge 11.4
Supress openedge messages:
.NET related error for OpenEdge-WPF hibrid application "Invisible or disabled control cannot be activated"
I need to use that api :
What I don't know is how to format activityFilter parameter ? What kind of things can I filter ? I'd like to set a max number of results, is it possible ?
I don't know where to find the documentation.
Thank you.
I don't know where/if the list is documented, but it isn't hard to find out the values you are looking for...
The first place to go is the Web Script Index, which is:
From there you can find that web script, click on its ID, and see its declaration, any accompanying documentation, and, often, the code of the web script controller.
In this case, the controller is Java-based, so you can get its class and go look at that in the source.
Often, that's not convenient. So the next thing to do is to realize that Alfresco Share makes use of the same web script. If you turn on Firebug and go to the Alfresco Share Global Dashboard you can see the activity feed dashlet. As you change the second dropdown (the one that defaults to "all items") you will see your browser doing GETs against that web script. By choosing the various choices available in the dashlet, you'll see that the values it uses to filter activities are:
You can pass more than one of these at-a-time to the web script by separating each with an escaped comma (%2C).
There may be more filters available, but those are the ones used by the activity feed dashlet on the global dashboard.
Usually using Visual Studio's debugger is a breeze. Scanning through Locals quickly shows the values of variables, etc. However, I'm at a loss how to find out the values contained in session state variables? Can anyone give me a hand?
Let's say I put a breakpoint right after:
Session["first_name"] = "Rob Roy";
How do I view the value contained in Session["first_name"] from locals?
It's pretty simple to inspect the session during debug. Just put a breakpoint in your code and just highlight your Session code (eg. highlight: Session["first_name"]) then right click and select QuickWatch....
This will setup up a watch on your Session for the value you had defined. You can also inspect other Session elements by adjusting the Expression field in the QuickWatch window and clicking the Reevaluate button.
In VS you can just put 'Session["first_name"]' in the Immediate Window and execute while the code is running. That will return the value that it holds.
If you can't find it go to: View > Other Windows > Command Window, or press Ctrl+W, A
It will look like this:
I know its a bit of a late reply but for anyone else who is interested, I hope this helps!
Isn't it HttpContext.Current.Session("..."), I ask as I haven't used ASP.NET for a long time.