How do I see the name of the referenced library in the Isabelle 2020 version - isabelle

I am running the validation script of sel4, because it runs on Isabelle 2020 version, but it reports an error "Bad theory import HOL-Library.Word", I don't know how to solve this error, please help, thank you.
I found in my browser that "HOL-Word" has been changed to "HOL-Library.Word" in the 2021 version, but I tried and failed


Blackboard not importing

I'm trying to import the file created by r/exams but I got the following warning
Dec 10, 2020 2:00:36 PM - [FATAL] Fatal: An error has occurred. The error recorded is:
The .zip file you provided failed to import. Please try again with a new file.
For more information, see the detailed log.
Dec 10, 2020 2:00:36 PM - [WARNING] Status: The operation import did not complete.
I thought that it was problem of my R installation, and tried to import the file given in
and even so I get the same error message.
Does anyone knows what is happening? I even try to import a QTI 2.1 file generated by exams package and same error.
I really appreciate any help.
I asked my co-author Niels Smits - the main author behind exams2blackboard - to check what is going on. He confirms that the old file shared with our blog post from April 2018 does not work in current versions of Blackboard anymore. Potentially this is caused by a duplication of some files in the .zip that we had overlooked in earlier versions of R/exams
However, R/exams version 2.4-0 has fixed several problems with exams2blackboard which apparently also solves the problems you are describing. Thus, please update R/exams to a version of at least 2.4-0 and you should be able to avoid the reported issues. After that the output from exams2blackboard should work as an input for current Blackboard versions.
Regarding the QTI 2.1 support. The exams2qti21 function tries to follow the guidance in the official IMS QTI 2.1 description and has mostly been tested with OpenOLAT. The QTI 2.1 XML files produced by exams2qti21 do not cooperate with Blackboard, yet, presumably because Blackboard has introduced their own QTI 2.1 "flavor". (Note that Blackboard's QTI 1.2 flavor also deviated quite substantially from a plain QTI 1.2 implementation.) We still have to look into this to check whether we can support Blackboard's QTI 2.1 flavor as well.

AI platform R notebook

I have used RStudio to submit a job a few months ago to cloudml (AI platform) and it was successful.
Today I tried to use AI platform notebook to submit the same job but I get:
"ERROR: ( INVALID_ARGUMENT: Field: runtime_version Error: The specified runtime version '1.9' with the Python version ''"
I even ran which python in the terminal and then in the R env.:
use_python("result of the which python")
I tried R in the terminal as well and get the same error.
I don't know if it helps or not but the previous run and this one were in different regions.
us-central was successful
australia-southeast1 was getting this error.
This error occurs because as of March 16, 2020, you can no longer create training jobs that use runtime version 1.9. You can try submitting the job with version 1.15 which is the only Tensorflow 1.x version that is currently supported for training jobs. It is still possible though that you may experience errors due to incompatibilities in the code.

JEdit plugin error while loading Isabelle

I am working with a Windows 10 device and after some work with Isabelle I get the following error:
The following plugin could not be loaded:
Cannot start:
*** [line 1 of "preferences"] error: bad input
I note this problem appears in this version and in a previous Windows 8 version when not switching off properly the machine.
In the Isabelle list I got an answer to this problem:
The error indicates that the $ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/preferences file is in a bad state: the file is written each time Isabelle/jEdit shuts down, and switching off the computer in the middle might have corrupted it.
You can try to repair or delete that file. The location of $ISABELLE_HOME_USER on Windows is usually something like C:\Users\my_name.isabelle\Isabelle2018.
I think this problem may be encountered by other people in the community and this answer may save some time to them.

"TypeError: expected bytes, str found" when calling .MidiIn() from rtmidi-python

I installed rtmidi_python for Python 3.4.2 from the .whl provided on, and the import works fine, but as soon as I call "rtmidi_python.MidiIn()", I get a TypeError as follows:
Python 3.4.2 (v3.4.2:ab2c023a9432, Oct 6 2014, 22:15:05) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> import rtmidi_python
>>> rtmidi_python.MidiIn()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in <module>
File "rtmidi_python.pyx", line 72, in rtmidi_python.MidiIn.__cinit__ (rtmidi_python.cpp:1440)
TypeError: expected bytes, str found
As I understand, after some research, this means that the there's a mistake somewhere in the package itself or in the build of it, and there's nothing I can do about it, but I might be wrong. Can anyone confirm?
I use 3.4.2 because that is the version of Python used by the current version of Blender. I want to use rtmidi-python within the Blender Game Engine.
I am currently working on Windows 7 32 bit, and use .whls to install packages as I do not have the necessary C++ compiler for regular pip installs.
For comparison, I previously installed rtmidi-python for 3.5.1, also from the adequate .whl provided on the link above, and there the command worked perfectly fine.
Should any necessary information be missing, feel free to ask. Thanks ahead if the answer comes as a comment and I don't get to upvote it.
While not a perfect solution, this can be fixed in the manner described by sehqlr here... calling MidiIn() like this:
>>> rtmidi_python.MidiIn(b'in')

Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) in GME (aka Hawth's Tools) Not Working

I've been trying to produce Kernel Density Estimates using the "kde" tool from
Geospatial Modeling Environment (GME, see documentation on kde). But I keep getting the following error regardless of valid input:
bandwidth="100000", cellsize=6000, kernel="QUARTIC",
Error message:
Error: The command text could not be interpreted. Please check the syntax of the command. Error: An important error has occurred. Please include the information below if you submit a query about this error.
Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004025A
The most frustrating part is that I had this exact code working last week. I tried restarting, reinstalling GME, copying the input to a new GDB as suggested here, subprocesses with PYTHON 2.7. Everything still produces this error with the same HRESULT.
I'm running GME Version, ArcGIS For Desktop 10.2.2, R Version 3.1.1, and Python 2.7 on Windows 7. There's not much community support for GME, so any help here would be much appreciated.
