Solidity Deployment Error - "ProviderError: HttpProviderError" - http

Been attempting to deploy a new instance of a contract I've deployed before, from an environment I haven't used in a while (though which has successfully deployed before). None of the details of the contracts or my configuration have changed, and it appears that the http error is unrelated. What can I do to debug and resolve?
ProviderError: HttpProviderError
at HttpProvider.request (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/providers/http.ts:78:19)
at LocalAccountsProvider.request (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/providers/accounts.ts:187:34)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at ChainIdValidatorProvider._getChainIdFromEthNetVersion (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/providers/chainId.ts:33:17)
at ChainIdValidatorProvider._getChainId (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/providers/chainId.ts:17:25)
at ChainIdValidatorProvider.request (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/providers/chainId.ts:55:29)
at EthersProviderWrapper.send (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/#nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/src/internal/ethers-provider-wrapper.ts:13:20)
at getSigners (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/#nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/src/internal/helpers.ts:45:20)
at getContractFactoryByAbiAndBytecode (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/#nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/src/internal/helpers.ts:288:21)
at main (/home/user/Solidity/env/scripts/deployVerify.js:6:27)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
Found some great advice here:
Turns out my Alchemy RPC app had ceased working. I reset to a new app, and worked immediately as intended.


firebase-admin fails with error maxretry without much information about the underlying cause and stops the node script also

I have a mobile and web app that use firebase realtime database and there are some long running tasks which are served on servers with the help of firebase-queue and firebase-admin. The long running tasks is to find out who else is using the mobile app in a person's contact book. So, if you install the app, the app will send a task to the server with your contact book data and ask it to find the people in the contact book who are also using the app. Every now and then I see two types of errors in the logs. First error is below which also cause the node process to stop.
return queue[i].onComplete(new Error(abortReason), false, null);
Error: maxretry
at /Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:15373:52
at exceptionGuard (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:4018:9)
at repoRerunTransactionQueue (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:15386:9)
at repoRerunTransactions (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:15279:5)
at /Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:15260:13
at /Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:7061:17
at PersistentConnection.onDataMessage_ (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:7088:17)
at Connection.onDataMessage_ (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:5882:14)
at Connection.onPrimaryMessageReceived_ (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:5876:18)
at WebSocketConnection.onMessage (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:5778:27)
at WebSocketConnection.appendFrame_ (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:4491:18)
at WebSocketConnection.handleIncomingFrame (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:4539:22)
at Client.mySock.onmessage (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:4438:19)
at Client.dispatchEvent (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:2883:30)
at Client._receiveMessage (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:3042:10)
at Client$2.<anonymous> (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:2924:49)
at Client$2.emit (node:events:539:35)
at Client$2.emit (node:domain:475:12)
at Client$2.<anonymous> (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:2186:14)
at pipe (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:1503:40)
at Pipeline$1._loop (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:1510:3)
at Pipeline$1.processIncomingMessage (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:1479:8)
at Extensions$1.processIncomingMessage (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:1645:20)
at Client$2._emitMessage (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:2177:22)
at Client$2._emitFrame (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:2137:19)
at Client$2.parse (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:1863:18)
at Client$2.parse (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:2369:60)
at IO.write (/Users/varungupta/Projects/myapp-server/node_modules/#firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:186:16)
at TLSSocket.ondata (node:internal/streams/readable:754:22)
at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:527:28)
at TLSSocket.emit (node:domain:475:12)
at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:315:12)
at readableAddChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:289:9)
at TLSSocket.Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:228:10)
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:190:23)
There isn't much information about what exactly caused the maxretry error. The error happens at random after a few days of running the script. It doesn't happen right away.
The second error that I see that isn't as disruptive as the one above is
[2022-06-01T10:30:49.722Z] #firebase/database: FIREBASE WARNING: transaction at /queue/tasks/-N3TDQCAdt4y-akb0_MK failed: disconnect
This doesn't stop the node process and I can see that a transaction failed but not sure why did it disconnect and how can I resolve this problem.
I am using firebase-admin 9.6.0.

Cloud Run Run/Debug has stopped working - Exited with code 127

The cloudrun debug in cloud shell was working. It is no longer working for me with the following output.
I have 1) rebooted the VM and 2) I have tried another project that was also working previously.
I suspect something has changed in my environment
Starting to debug the app using configuration 'Cloud Run: Run/Debug
Locally' from .vscode/launch.json... To view more detailed logs, go to
Output channel : "Cloud Run: Run/Debug Locally - Detailed" Dependency
check started Dependency check succeeded Unpausing minikube flag needs
an argument: --status-check See 'skaffold debug --help' for usage.
Exited with code 127. Cleaning up... Finished clean up.
This bug was introduced in the v1.17.1 release of Cloud Code for VS Code, due to a change in v1.37.0 of Skaffold related to the --status-check parameter. This bug was addressed in v1.17.2 of Cloud Code for VS Code, and upgrading to this version (or later) should fix this issue.

TypeError: module.exports.v1 is not a constructor, error thrown from google-cloud/firestore when using firebase-admin sdk

Recently I encountered the above error (TypeError: module.exports.v1 is not a constructor) when trying to run firebase-firestore related tests. Earlier I had no issue running the tests but after doing a npm install was getting the above error.
The source of the error is from google-cloud/firestore which is required by firebase-admin.
Tried several options but it doesn't seems to get resolved. I then tried with an older node-module and it worked as expected.
The problem was due to the test framework I've been using. Once I changed from jest to mocha the problem got solved.
When I updated firebase admin sdk from 8.4.0 to higher then I had same error in running jest test code.
I fixed it to add --env node option for jest.
jest --env node
I hit this error when I left out an await on an async function. That caused my code to continue running after the jest environment had been torn down.
There was a message that said ReferenceError: You are trying to import a file after the Jest environment has been torn down. which should have been a tip that I was running async code and not waiting for completion.
We needed to upgrade node from v8.11.3 to v8.16.2.

Cause: org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.tooling.util.ModuleComponentIdentifierImpl

I have connected my Android application with firebase-database by putting this dependency (kapt '') but after that I am getting errors like the one mentioned in title also when I synchronized the project I am getting different errors like: Connection time out, Failed to resolved build listener.
Enabling/Disabling offline work and setting proxy in file doesn't work for me.
Also you guys have seen that I used 'kapt' in dependency as it is necessary to use, without it I am getting error "failed to resolve 15.0.0". Removing 15.0.0 doesn't work for me.
I am using Android Studio 3.2 and sadly I can't update this version.
Gradle version: 5.1.1 and
Plugin version: 3.4.0

Corda throws error trying to generate the basic nodes

Am trying to generate the basic nodes- PartyA, PartyB and Notary on Ubuntu 14 by running ./gradlew deployNodes or even ./gradlew clean deployNodes. The error reads:
... still waiting. If this is taking longer than usual, check the node logs.
Error while generating node info file /cordapp-template-java/build/nodes/Notary/logs
Error while generating node info file /cordapp-template-java/build/nodes/PartyB/logs
Error while generating node info file /cordapp-template-java/build/nodes/PartyA/logs
Task :deployNodes FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':deployNodes'.
Error while generating node info file. Please check the logs in /cordapp-template-java/build/nodes/Notary/logs.
Error while generating node info file. Please check the logs in /cordapp-template-java/build/nodes/Notary/logs.
The error logs do not provide any indication of error.
I have personally run into the above question myself. From what I saw, it seems it was a random incident on the Unix based machine.
The issue was resolved after I moved the project to the different location. It is absurd. But I have never ran into this issue ever again.
