Why is my internet connection not stable? - tcp

After connecting, I have no internet connection in several cases. The status indicator does not write an error, it shows that the Internet is available, but the websites do not load. I took one pictures with Wireshark when the error exists.
I try Driver reinstallation, connection reset, but the problem is same.


SMSC has many connections with the client, but the client has only one single connection

First off, there a similar question with the same issue here, but there is no answer, so I rewrote the question once again in more detail.
I am connected to an SMSC, and I noticed that there are a lot of messages are not delivered to us, we asked the SMSC to check the routing and it was fine, but SMSC noticed that there are too many connections established from your side to his side, although, we have one single connection only.
I was using NowSMS SMPP Client application to handle the connectivity, then, the SMSC asked me to change the application although I was thinking that NowSMS had no issues as I am using it 7 years ago, however, I asked NowSMS's team to investigate by opening a support ticket.
Later, I had to change NowSMS and install Kannel on a new Linux machine, after getting connected over Kannel to the SMSC, we got the same issue once again, and when I read all Kannel's logs, I found "System error (104): Connection reset by peer" which makes me, logically, to open a new connection with the SMSC. Accordingly, I suggested to have a live TCP trace from both sides at the same time, and I found the below packet in Wireshark trace file:
As you see, this is a RST/ACK from SMSC to me without requesting RST or anything from my side, and when I asked them why do you send RST/ACK or why do you RST the connection, I didn't get any useful answere, but they told me to read more about the RST/ACK and RST and I have no idea about networking, but when I read, I found that I had no control on RST connection as there was no requests from my side to the SMSC asking for the same. They always guid me to this post and what I see that it doesn't belong to me.
NOW: I just need to know what should I do or what should I ask whom about? As, I asked the Data Center's team about the same, and they confirmed that the VPN between me and the SMSC works normally without any exceptions. I believe, that there is no issue in application layer, but I cannot recognize the root of the issue.
P.S. Kannel's log file, and both TCP Trace file are here
Ask them to activate the Enquire link packet in order to drop inactive connections. It's clearly a problem from their side.

Swift 3 URLSession TCP/IP Connection Issues

Here is my frustrating problem that I'm out of ideas how to troubleshoot. I have a code to upload a post to a .php script. It's a standard multi-form post request done with a URLSession and dataTask(with: request) method.
I got the following error at home, then I moved to a different home and get the same problem:
error=Optional(Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1005 "The network connection was lost." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x60800045eff0 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1005 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-4, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4}}, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=http://www.somedomain.com/upload.php, NSErrorFailingURLKey=http://www.somedomain.com/upload.php, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-4, NSLocalizedDescription=The network connection was lost.})
However, I went out of town on business and it worked fine from the hotel. Then I tried it at another location and it worked fine there too.
My old home and new home: doesn't work
Hotel two states away, and
near my office: works fine
ALSO, old home used cable modem/router combo and new home uses a different device (DSL modem/router combo), so I don't think old home and new home have anything in common.
I've got traceroutes and a wireshark capture file for connections at my new home, hotel, and near my office.
When the problem happens, there is a tcp stream that transfers lots of data, but always gets RST packets from the server before it can finish.
I realize that this appears to be a tcp/ip networking problem more than it is a Swift/Xcode problem, but I'm not sure where exactly the problem lies.
Any troubleshooting ideas?

When a browser says that an http request is aborted what has actually happened?

On some occasions an http request appears to be aborted by the browser. Using Firebug or something in the status column where it might normally say, for example, 200 OK it says "aborted" (in red). When this occurs in Internet Explorer the user may see an IE generated message "Internet Explorer cannot display this page".
What has happened here?
I don't think it is a timeout issue as this occurs in quite a short time frame and I believe that I can get a successful response (e.g. a 200) when the response takes longer.
And it isn't to do with the server; the request is aborted by the browser. It isn't that we have had a server error back. (E.g. 500).
Also; the same request (to the same URL with the same method) usually works. So it isn't something to do say with SSL being misconfigured.
I am assuming that this is something to do with internet connectivity. But I don't know enough about networking / the internet to know what that really means.
So. The specific question is; what cases could cause this error?
This can happen when the browser is using an outdated SSL/TLS version and requests a resource that requires a secure connection
The server, your browser or any machine (or operating system) in between can drop the underlying TCP connection for any reason (timeouts, digging machines, intrusion detection).
You won't get a server error from those situations, because the server either didn't receive your request, it did but it took too long to process, or the server sent its (proper) response but it wasn't fully transmitted.
This can happer when a post are fired during a get (for example during dowload of a image), or when some image tag have not a src

network error (Tcp error)

I am inside a network where I need proxy settings to access the internet.
I have a weird problem.
The internet is working fine.
But it is one particular instance when i get this error:
Network Error (tcp_error)
A communication error occurred: "Operation timed out"
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.
For assistance, contact your network support team.
This happens when I use hadoop in local mode.
I can access the UI interface. I can see the jobs running. but when I try to see the logs of each task.. i am not able to access those logs.
UI--> job-->map--> task--> all <-- this is where the error is..
Any clues?
Not sure about exactly what your tcp action is, or about Hadoop or your proxy setup, but if you can reliably repeat the error, and the timeout error happens at approximately the same time each time you test, and that time is on the order of minutes, my guess would be that you've got a true processing delay (perhaps caused by blocking somewhere) at the server, but not necessarily.

TcpListener stops accepting or accepts broken connections

We currently experience a problem with a self-written server application running on Windows (occurs on different versions). The server listens at a TCP port, accepts connections, exchanges some data and then closes the connections again. There are about 100 clients that connect from time to time.
Sometimes the server stops to work: Log files show that connections are still accepted, but that at the first read attempt a socket error (10054 - Connection reset by peer) occurs. I don't think it is a client issue because it suddenly stops working for all clients.
Now we found out, that the same problem occurs with our old server software, that is even written in another programming language. So it doesn't seem to be an error in our program - I think it has to be some kind of OS / firewall issue? Of course, firewalls have been deactivated, which didn't solve the issue yet.
Any ideas where to look into? Wireshark logs will follow soon..
Excerpt from the log (Timestamp, Thread Id, message)
11:37:56.137 T#3960 Connection from
11:37:56.138 T#3960 Client Exception: Socket Error # 10054
Connection reset by peer.
11:37:56.138 T#3960 ClientDisconnected
11:38:00.294 T#4144 Connection from
You can see that the exception occurs almost at the same time as the connection is accepted, in this case the client reconnects after a few seconds.
A "stateful" firewall or NAT keeps track of connections, and ought to send RSTs for connectiosn it doesn't know about. If the firewall loses track of connections for some reason, then you'll probably see random connections being reset.
Our router at work does this — it forgets about connections when the PPP connection dies, which is remarkably unhelpful when it rains and the DSL restart takes a bit too long. However, instead of resetting connections, it just drops packets (even more unhelpful!).
Sounds like a firewall or routing issue - maybe stale connections get disconnected after a timeout period. Are you using a ping/keepalive inside your protocol.
Otherwise you may ask Wireshark to see what is going on.
First, thanks for many hints - I'm afraid the problem was a completely different one which you couldn't possibly solve by reading my question.
The server application uses log4net, configured with a log file an ImmediateFlush = true. If every log statement is directly written into the file and multiple socket connections occur this slows down the whole application.
The server needed about a minute to really accept the connection. This was far more than the timeout on clientside. So in the log there was only shown "accepted" followed by "disconnected" - even the log was delayed!
Sorry for the inconvenience...
Have you tried changing the backlog and then see how much time or how many clients are served before this problem occurs
You don't say what Windows versions you're using for the server, but you should be aware that the Windows TCP/IP stack behaves differently in server and client OSes. There are limits on how many simultaneous incoming connections a client OS will allow, and they are significantly lower than you might expect.
What do the logs look like from the client side?
Since the error is stating that the client is dropping the connection; if you see the same error on the client side then it is a firewall or proxy that is dropping the connection (both side seeing the opposite side dropping the connection is indicative of a proxy/firewall).
If the error is not present on the client side; then I would say that your client side is where you will see the actual error.
