Add NGINX redirect to specific URL - wordpress

So I have a nice wordpress site, which has a translation. for example, this translation is located at
I also have another domain.
How do I get the other domain to redirect to the translated url? and how do I make sure the goes as well?
My provider gives me access to add custom nginx configs.
Alternately, is it better to do these kind of redirects in wordpress?
I have modified the dns already to point to the correct ip.


Netlify Custom Domains and WordPress admin access

Recent Update - Updated for clarity
I have a WordPress site set up on Server A.
Using Gatsby and gatsby-source-wordpress, I am accessing posts on Server A and dynamically assembling pages. I am then deploying a Gatsby site to Netlify.
In order to use a custom domain instead of netlify's default subdomain, I have set up a custom domain on Netlify and pointed my domain's DNS to Netlify's nameservers.
The problem is when I navigate to (the route to login to WordPress’s backend admin panel) or (the API endpoint to access post content), the URLs are redirected to Netlify's servers instead of Server A, where my WordPress installation lives.
So I am trying to solve how to set it up so that when I navigate to my WP login or WP API URLs, I can access those files on Server A, but navigating to goes to my Gatsby/Netlify build.
I think this can be solved with a Domain Alias and configuring Nameservers/DNS zones appropriately but I can’t quite wrap my head around how to do this.
Below is not the right way but maybe it will help you.
If you have FTP access then you can just create the custom fiel in your WordPress root folder and then you will have to write the below code
include "wp-load.php";
wp_set_auth_cookie($your_user_id); // generally 1 for the main admin user
Run your newly created file like below
then open the home page agian and you will able to access the WordPress admin panel.
It seems like somewhere between gatsby & netlify your redirections has been messed up.
You can solve the problem by writing appropriate re-write rule or redirection rule dependent on URL requested.
Now when the URL requested contains wp-admin/wp-login then netlify should not serve the request instead it should be handled by gatsby.
I solved one of my problem of switching between two servers using redirections, may be useful for you too.
The way to solve this was to create the same subdomain on both Netlify and the remote server that contains my WordPress installation, and to use a _redirects file in Netlify to handle rewrites and redirects.
For example, I'll create as my subdomain.
Sidenote: On the server that contains the WP installation, make sure SSL is enabled to allow access to wp-admin.
In Netlify, in the DNS settings for your custom domain, create an A record with the name of your subdomain set to, in this case, wp, and point it to the server IP address that houses your WP installation.
Next, in the root of your project, create a _redirects file (in my case, using Gatsby, I create the static folder inside the root of my project - not src) and place the following rules:
/wp-admin 200
This says that anytime I access redirect me to, the subdomain I set up on my WP server. This routes my request to my WP server and not Netlify.
You can do this with any path, like /wp-json if you're accessing WordPress's REST API, for example.
This was a pain to get working. I hope it helps someone out there!

Mapping elastic beanstalk (wordpress blog) to subdomain

So I have set up my static website via S3 and have attached it to my domain
Then, I have launched a separate wordpress blog via Elastic Beanstalk, let's say
I have already configured my CNAME settings in Route 53 such that maps to my elastic beanstalk site (, except, once I start clicking around on the blog itself, the URLs all become
How do I get a complete subdomain redirect? i.e., I want all of the pages in my blog to be in the form
Okay -- I have actually figured this out myself so just will share in case anyone else has the same question:
It's really simple - You just need to access Wordpress > Settings > General and then update your site address (URL) to your subdomain (in my case,

park a domain without redirecting in wordpress

i have a wordpress website with this name
i parked to this website. but when i type it redirect to
i want to address stay on .
i try some plugins but didnt work properly.
my host service told that this is a worpress error and you should change your codes.
i tried this but didnt work too
what can i do to do this?
thanks for your answers
First of all, make sure that you have the correct url at wordpress settings. Check Settings->General and make sure that site and home urls ar the one you want.
Next, check if there is any kind of redirection at .htaccess file.
Then, check at your cpanel if you have added any redirection there.
Finally, make a search at your wordpress database for your unwanted domain name. Make sure to change all old urls to the new one. Try this plugin for that:
Alternatively, you may want to mask your domain. This should be done through your domain name registrar.

What Cloudflare page rules should be added for a WordPress website to run on HTTPS naked (non www) URLs only?

Here is the existing configuration of my site:
I have a CNAME record www to in Cloudflare DNS settings.
Nothing in .htaccess of the original host server.
WordPress site has its Website and Home address set to
I don't have a clear understanding of what Cloudflare does and how it integrates with WordPress. However, I would like to achieve this without making any changes in WordPress. What DNS and Page Rules combo should I configure in order to serve all the URLs ONLY over https without www?
Based on this answer here, I tried changing my DNS settings but it didn't work. And I can't get my head around Cloudflare Page Rules.
In order to accomplish this you should create two Page Rules. One that redirects all traffic to https, and another that directs all www traffic to the root domain.
You can find directions for these Page Rules on this KB article (they are the first two). Or there is a video tutorial as well. If you are already maxed out on Page Rules there is also an option now to purchase additional rules without changing plans.
(I'm from Cloudflare)

Pointing domain at seperate sub-domain & domain

I have a domain residing with one organisation for managing DNS and a wordpress site built as a sub-domain of another site of mine.
I set up web forwarding, expecting the domain to be reflected in the address bar for site visitors, but the sub-domain is showing instead.
i.e. should forward to and show in the address bar. Meanwhile, my should still render the other wordpress site I have there.
Am I right in thinking I need to do this through my htaccess file? If so, can anyone advise on the syntax I need to use to do this? I can currently only find information on mapping a sub-domain to the www of the same domain.
Thanks in advance :-)
This comes down to the provider's definition of "web forwarding", which is a vague marketing term. It sounds like they're just doing a straight redirection unfortunately, which no amount of playing with .htaccess files can fix: you simply cannot make a website tell the browser to stick another domain name in its address bar.
What I'd suggest is talking to them and see if they can do a CNAME for to, or switch to it using the same IP address instead. You will then need to set up your Wordpress install to respond to "" requests.
do you have control panel for your domains?
Im using direct admin and they call it "domain pointers" - I believe it does exactly what you need.
You need to create alias for your which will point (not forward, if you forward it also url in browsers address bar will be changed) to the without url change.
If you are not using any control panel, you need to create alias manually by adding same dns for your (no matter A or CNAME) as it is for AND in server configuration set response for (ie. apache servername and serveralias, in iis binding)
I dont think .htaccess is a good idea for achieving what you described.
