Nuxt 3 - how to add Vue3TouchEvents - vuejs3

I writing Nuxt 3 application and I wonder if it possible to add touch events to it.
If I try as plugin with
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vue3TouchEvents from 'vue3-touch-events'
I have and error Property 'use' does not exist on type 'typeof import("/Users/....../node_modules/vue/dist/vue")'.ts(2339)
If this library can not (or should not) be added - what would be a better way to handle touch events


Imported modules without server side rendering feature

I have an issue with Next.js. When I'm trying to import a node module,
the module uses the window object and Next.js is throwing an error: window is not defined.
The module is imported like this:
import * as widgets from 'survey-widgets';
I guess Next.js dynamic imports will not work in my case. Is there any way of doing it?
Try deferring all the code that uses window or any other api that is restricted to the browser, in useEffect, because the code in useEffect only runs in the browser.
If you can't do that, then make an intermediary module which you will use to import survey-widgets and re-export what you need. So in the end, you import that intermediary module dynamically.
import * as widgets from 'survey-widgets
export default widgets
For anyone looking for the solution for this, I solved it with NextJs Dynamic imports with no SSR.
What I did instead is importing my top level component using dynamic import like this:
const MyComponent= dynamic(
() => import('../components/hello3'),
{ ssr: false }
So the hello3 component will no longer be used in server side rendering and instead it will render on client side.
Then just use it like this:

How do I use CSS Houdini in Next.js

I would like to use CSS Houdini in a Next.js project I am building. I have installed, via yarn, both the CSS Houdini package I want to use along with css-paint-polyfill. I am following the webpack instructions here
Here is my component:
import 'css-paint-polyfill';
import workletURL from 'url-loader!css-houdini-lines';
import styles from './Separator.module.css';
export default function Separator() {
return <div className={styles.separator} />;
I am getting the dreaded
error - ReferenceError: window is not defined
at /home/tithos/code/web/new-tim/node_modules/css-paint-polyfill/dist/css-paint-polyfill.js:1:239
I tried putting the import for css-paint-polyfill in a useEffect, but the throw another error. I even tried const DynamicComponent = dynamic(() => import('../components/hello')) from, but I did not know how to reference the library.
Has any one solved this?
Seems like CSS Paint Polyfill eagerly accesses window, which means it will throw an error when in an environment which has no window, such as server phase of Next. There are multiple things you can do.
Modify your next.config.js to stub the aforementioned module when for Webpack when isServer is true. You can follow this page of the Next docs for this.
Create a dynamic component that's only imported on the client (I see you've tried this, but it should have worked, so maybe if you shared what you did in this regard, I could work out what's wrong with your approach).
Create an issue and send in a PR to the repository where the Polyfill is hosted to lazily access window depending on whether it's available or not.

Passing data to createApp (vue)

Using Webpack, I have this code:
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './components/ItemSearch/ItemSearch.vue'
On my website, I have a page for the search app that contains the <div id="search-app" /> to mount the root of the application to.
What I would like to know is, whether it's possible to somehow insert (preferably) some of the data from the page that includes the javascript file? There are a few things items I would like to include from the database, such as settings and search categories, and I'd like to avoid making an AJAX request for them if it can be helped.
Can it be helped or is there some way I can include this data inline at load time?
With Webpack, I don't quite understand how I can get access to App from the page that loads the javascript file, so that I can modify data before somehow passing it in to createApp(), or if it's even possible. Can I use import statements on a page that's loaded by the browser, or is this stictly a Webpack only (or similar) feature?
Many thanks in advance.
You can use createApp's second parameter to pass props.
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './components/ItemSearch/ItemSearch.vue'
createApp(App, {myProp: "value"}).mount('#search-app')

Fomantic UI - TypeError: $(...).toast is not a function

I am using Meteor with React and Semantic-ui-react. I needed a toast function so I wanted to change to Fomantic UI. Everything related is loaded by NPM.
I removed semantic-ui-css and added fomantic-ui-css.
I removed the
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" /> from the head.
I changed all import 'semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.css'; to import 'fomantic-ui-css/semantic.css';
When I try to execute a
title: 'LOOK',
message: 'See, how long i will last',
showProgress: 'bottom'
I get TypeError: $(...).toast is not a function
I can't find anything on it over various searches through SO and repository issues.
Thanks for any help you can give!!
You basically need to import the semantic.js file, which will add the functionality to your jquery instances:
import 'fomantic-ui-css/semantic.js'
import 'fomantic-ui-css/semantic.css'
However, there is no need to import the .min.* minified files, because Meteor will use a js and css minifier when you build your app for production / deployment later.

Webpack Encore select2 not working with not a function import error

Using Symfony 4 and Webpack Encore, I can't get Select2 to work.
I'm using select2#4.0.3 and importing it this way in app.js:
import $ from 'jquery';
import 'bootstrap';
import 'select2';
I also tried to use
in webpack.config.js, then taking care of commenting the
import $ from 'jquery';
line in app.js so that jquery is not imported twice.
I tried everything I could find in other answsers like:
import select2 form 'select2';
$(() => {
Almost all my attempts result in the same error:
TypeError: $(...).select2 is not a function
Working now. Everytime I made a change in app.js (and rebuilt) I used the firefox devtool console to check if it was working but I always got the
not a function
error even though the problem was solved and select2 was working.
Is this because I'm using Webpack that the browser console doesn't recognize the select2() function anymore?
First install it using yarn:
yarn add select2
Then use it with require instead of import:
at your app.js file.
It works the same using require or import.
Babel converts import and export declaration to CommonJS (require) which lets you load modules dynamically.
So, despite of them looking the same, try to always use require.
