Ubuntu Desktop 22.10 How to cache windows updates? - nginx

I tried to setup an Ubuntu LANCache server with Nginx and Bind9, following tsvcathed's nginx_lancache instructions, I'm too stupid for this!
I get lost at step 3 (Implement Method 2 [local DHCP option])! Step 3 instructs: Install "bind" and implement the /etc/named.conf and /etc/named/intercept.zone files. Change the DNS forwarders in named.conf to your own forwarders - eg. / Edit the /etc/named/intercept.zone file to point to the IP of your linux vm. Ihave absolutely no idea how to do this!
Any assistance and/guidance would be much appreciated!
I tried several sippets from various sources, including:
Building a local Steam caching server, and Steam Caching Tutorial! My setup isn't nearly as complicated! I don't need to cache crap like games, just need to cache Windows Updates, driver updates from MS and from OEMs! I just need to know how to implement /etc/named.conf and /etc/named/intercept.zone files in bind9 as instructed in step 3 (Method 2)!


puppet client reporting to wrong host in Foreman

This is my first post!
I have 100's of nodes managed by puppet/foreman. Everything is fine.
I did something I already did without problem in the past:
Change the hostname of a server.
This time I changed 2 hostnames:
Initially I had 'gate02' and 'gate03'.
I moved gate02 to 'gate02old' (with dummy IP, and switched the server OFF)
then I moved gate03 to gate02 ...
Now (the new) gate02 reports are updating the host called gate02old in foreman.
I did clean the certs in the puppetserver. I rm the ssl dir in the (new) gate02 and run puppet agent. I did not fing any reference to 'gate' in /var/lib/puppet. I changed the certname in puppet.conf and in hostname, and in sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-xxxx.
The puppet agent run smoothly, and sends it to the puppetserver. But it updates the wrong host!
Anyone would have a clue on how to fix this ?
Foreman 2.0.3
Puppet 6
I do not accept that the sequence of events described led to the behavior described. If reports for the former gate03, now named gate02, are being logged on the server for name gate02old, then that is because that machine is presenting a cert to the server that identifies it as gate02old (and the server is accepting that cert). The sequence of events presented does not explain how that might be, but my first guess would be that it is actually (new) gate02old that is running and requesting catalogs from the server, not (new) gate02.
Fix it by
Ensuring that the machine you want running is in fact the one that is running, and that its hostname is in fact what you intend for it to be.
Shutting down the agent on (new) gate02. If it is running in daemon mode then shut down the daemon and disable it. If it is being scheduled by an external scheduler then stop and disable it there. Consider also using puppet agent --disable.
Deactivating the node on the server and cleaning out its data, including certs:
puppet node deactivate gate02
puppet node deactivate gate02old
puppet node deactivate gate03
You may want to wait a bit at this point, then ...
puppet node clean gate02
puppet node clean gate02old
puppet node clean gate03
Cleaning out the nodes' certs. For safety, I would do this on both nodes. Removing /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl (on the nodes, not the server!) should work for that, or you could remove the puppet-agent package altogether, remove any files left behind, and then reinstall.
Updating the puppet configuration on the new gate02 as appropriate.
Re-enabling the agent on gate02, and starting it or running it in --test mode.
Signing the new CSR (unless you have autosigning enabled), which should have been issued for gate02 or whatever certname is explicitly specified in in that node's puppet configuration.
Thanks for the answer, though it was not the right one.
I did get to the right point by changing again the hostname of the old gateold02 to a another existing-for-testing one, starting the server and get it back in Foreman. Once that done, removing (again!) the certs of the new gate02 put it right, and its reports now updates the right entry in Foreman.
I still beleive there is something (a db ?) that was not updated right so foreman was sure that the host called 'gate02' was in the GUI 'gateold02'.
I am very sorry if you don't beleive me.
Not to say rather disappointed.

Problem communicating over a local area network (LAN) with ROS on WSL2

I am a developer of ROS projects. Recently I am trying using ROS(melodic) on WSL2(Windows Subsystem for Linux), and all things works just great. But I got some trouble when I want to use another PC which also in the same local area network(LAN) to communicate with. Before setting the environment variables like "ROS_MASTER_URI, ROS_IP", I know that since WSL 2 work on Hyper-V so the IP show on WSL2 is not the one in the real LAN. I have to do some command like below in order to make everyone in LAN communicate with the specific host:PORT on WSL2.
netsh interface portproxy delete v4tov4 listenport=$port listenaddress=$addr
But here comes a new question:
The nodes which use TCPROS to communicate with each other have a random PORT every time I launch the file.
How can I handle this kind of problem?
Or is there any information on the internet that I can have a look?
Thank you.
The root problem is described in WSL issue #4150. To quote from that thread,
WSL 2 seems to NAT it's virtual network, instead of making it bridged
to the host NIC.
Option 1 - Port forwarding script on login
Note: From #kraego's comment (and the edited question, which I'm just seeing based on the comment), this is probably not a good option for ROS, since the port numbers are randomly assigned. This makes port forwarding something that would have to be dynamically done.
There are a number of workarounds described in that issue, for which you've already figured out the first part (the port forwarding). The primary technique seems to be to create a PowerShell script to detect the IP address and create the port forwarding rules that runs upon Windows login. This particular comment near the top of the thread seems to be the canonical go-to answer, although many people have posted their tweaks or alternatives throughout the very long thread.
One downside - I believe the script that is mentioned there needs to be run at logon since the WSL subsystem seems to only want to run when a user is logged in. I've found that attempting to run a WSL service or instance through Windows OpenSSH results in that instance/service shutting down soon after the SSH session is closed, unless the user is already logged into Windows with a WSL instance opened.
Option 2 - WSL1
I would also propose that, assuming it fits your workflow and if the ROS works on it (it may not, given the device access you need, but not sure), you can simply use WSL1 instead of WSL2 to avoid this. You can try this out by:
Backing up your existing distro (from PowerShell or cmd, use wsl --export <DistroName> <FileName>
Import the backup into a new WSL1 instance with wsl --import <NewDistroName> <InstallLocation> <FileNameOfBackup> --version 1
It's possible to simply change versions in place, but I tend to like to have a backup anyway before doing it, and as long as you are backing up, you may as well leave the original in place.

How to disallow Perforce UNIX server to generate thousands of IDLE processes

Im' asking this question because we run out of ideas on how to handle the current situation of our perforce versioning server.
The Server
The server is hosted on Scaleway and has a baremetal machine with two SSD under the hood (we know it is no hardware issue).
We are currently using the free license of perforce to evaluate it.
P4 info yields the following:
The Problem
We are using perforce on a UNIX server to version our Unreal Engine 4 project. Lately we discovered that the server stockpiled an amount of 2771 processes where around 80% of them are p4d processes. We suspect these IDLE connections / processes to swamp the server and to be the root of the connectivity issues we encounter at the office.
We enabled monitoring to keep an eye on RUNNING and IDLE processes
p4 configure set monitoring=2
When we now display the monitored processes we see IDLE ones running for more than one hour
p4 monitor show
We already tried disabling leepalive connections with
p4 configure set net.keepalive.disable=1
And we see the following which is going on for a while
The Question
Now the question I want to ask is:
Does anybody else ever has encountered this behaviour with a perforce server on UNIX?
Does anybody knows how we can tell the server that we want to discard IDLE connections ?
So after some tracking we discovered that the proxy our office network is behind causes the problems and for some reasons don't allow the connections to close. Does anyone has some clues how to get around these issue?
Based on the monitor output it appears that these clients are opening a bunch of connections and holding them open, basically DOSing the server. You could go through and kill the pids on the server side, but this sounds like a bug in the client that should be raised with Perforce technical support.

How many servers will be need to install OpenStack and CloudStack cluster?

If not use simulator or devstack, but use real production cluster, very necessary need will cost how many hosts(or nodes)?
CloudStack: 2 (management-servers and DBs) + 2 (Hypervisors) + 1 Storage(If you do not have a Storage Device, maybe you need a server for NFS or iSCSI)
Total: 5 servers for a minimal environment with load-balance and HA.
OpenStack: It depends on the component you have chosen. Every component can be installed in the right one server. But you need one more server for load-balance and HA.
Total: 2 servers for a minimal environment with load-balance and HA.
When planning a cloud platform, the total resource = ManagementServer*2 + Hypervisor*N + Storage(Server Or Storage Device)
Hypervisor number is the total cpus and memorys of how much vms you planned to run.
Storage is how much volumes you want to allocate for all vms.
For Cloudstack, unlike OpenStack, you can use just one physical machine or server for the installation of both the management server as well as agent (for execution of VMs) and yes, the database and NFS shares can be set up on the same machine too (assuming you need it for testing purpose).
You can follow the quick installation guide of Cloudstack here: http://docs.cloudstack.apache.org/projects/cloudstack-installation/en/4.11/qig.html
I have personally installed using the above documentation and can assure you the above works fine with CentOS 7.4 too. For more complex setup and architecture you can find more documentation here: http://docs.cloudstack.apache.org. Just be sure to have some free IPs available ;)

Use Synergy on a computer on a workgroup and a laptop on a different domain

So, I recently installed synergy because I was tired of using two mice and keyboards. Problem is, set up is not working. First, the setup.
Windows 7 64 - on our home network, part of Workgroup: WORKGROUP
work issued laptop
Windows XP SP2 32 - on home network, part of workd Domain: DOMAIN
Server is set up, all the computer names are correct. I'm a bit of a noob at networking things, and I don't want to mess up the configuration of my work laptop again (I already switched the domain to my workgroup, BAD). So, any suggestions that aren't too crazy please, since it's a company laptop.
I've tried putting in the ip on the client as well, firewall is allowing on the port in use, just can't get it to work. I think I'm SOL with the Workgroup/Domain difference though...
From what I remember, Synergy doesn't care about the workgroup and/or domain, it just needs to be able to communicate with the server/client IPs. Did you try to manually insert IPs of client/server?
In a very similar situation I discovered that when trying to ping my non-domain desktop with its workgroup name the dns resolver was appending the work domain to the desktops name. So when I tried synergy with an IP address I successfully connected the two computers.
The only caveat I can offer is maybe you needed to add the application to the windows firewall exception list for both machines. I would assume the port setting was the same between the two computers (default is 24800) in which case you should only use the IP address because the application knows to access 24800 via that setting in the advanced configuration.
You can add the program to the whitelist or specifically the port if you prefer via the Windows Firewall. On a side note - I am also using an older version of synergy (1.3.1) and not the latest as of this answer (1.4.2 Beta) which did not work for me, but I will assume it's because my server was running 1.3.1.
I chose not to update all 6 machines and their respective horrific configuration constructs that synergy loves to enforce upon us. [caution... rant: x is left of y and y is right of x... really? are you sure about that Einstein? Synergy could at least INFER that bit of logic instead of REQUIRING it!]
Hope that helps.
