I'm preparing an extension to Visual Studio Code. When I specify the path to the icon in package.json, but don't specify "repository" property (which is an optional property as far as I know), I get the following warning:
"An icon requires a repository with HTTPS protocol to be specified in this package.json."
Why does the "icon" requires "repository"? Is the icon taken from the repository, and not the package (as I would expect).
I had a look at properties description here: https://code.visualstudio.com/api/references/extension-manifest , but I didn't find the answers to my questions there.
This is the best I could find: Warning in package.json when specifying icon without https repository.
The apparent rationale for the warning is the assumption that the extension will be published to the Marketplace.
A few people said the icon shows despite the warning. There is also a suggested fix adding some code to your webpack.config.js file in the issue you could try.
In VSCode, in settings.json for one of my extensions is a line
"extends": "C:/Users/snarl/.vscode/extensions/stylelint-config-wordpress",
But that line is dimmed compared to the rest of the text in the file, as if disabled, or path not found (screenshot). Is that indicating some kind of error I need to resolve? That folder does indeed exist at that location (screenshot).
Motivation For My Question
I ask because this is a line of code I manually added to settings.json, as part of installation instructions for a particular extension. I'm currently using the stylelint extension to help notify me of errors while I type. I am now trying to install a separate extension--stylelint-config-wordpress--which is a set of rules to be used with stylelint. But that new ruleset doesn't seem to be working properly. So I am now trying to troubleshoot why the new rules are not working properly. The settings.json file I edited is part of the stylelint-config-wordpress extension.
Of Note
I am running Windows 10.
When I initially installed stylelint, I installed it globally. I can confirm it was installed properly and linting errors in my code, as expected.
In the GitHub repo for stylelint-config-wordpress, there is one issue related to this (see here). I posted there and received some initial replies. But nothing worked, and I've not heard back since.
After opening an issue in the relevant GitHub repo, I was able to understand the answer to my question.
Short Answer: The code I was adding was incorrect. I was adding:
extends": "C:/Users/snarl/.vscode/extensions/stylelint-config-wordpress",
when I should have been adding something more along the lines of this:
"stylelint.config": {
"extends": "C:/Users/snarl/index.js"
Long Answer: If anyone is really curious about how to get this ruleset working in VSCode, you can read this issue.
I am trying to create a project assosiated with the SimConnect SDK.
I am new to QT, and in Visual Studio, I just had a SimConnect.h file, a .lib file, and a .dll file, and I managed to make it work. Now I am trying to create a C++ widget project, using the same SDK, but in QT.
I put the header file in my QT project's folder, where the other default code and header files are located, and then I went to the project and added them as existing files, as I read in Google. I'm having problems with the actual library.
I've been searching Google for a guide on how to add a library file to the project, I did some things I saw on the internet, like the LIBS line for example, but I probably did it wrong, even though it looked very simple.
I am not sure where to drop my dll/library files in the project directory, maybe the problem is I always put them in the wrong spot.
The furthest I got to, was an error message saying "Unresolved external symbol", and a red writing saying ".obj file not found" on every function I tried to use from the SimConnect functions, which probably means QT couldn't find my library/dll file.
I also tried to add the libraries from the "Add library" option in the project, but that didn't work too.
EDIT: it also warns "warning: LNK4272: library machine type 'X86' conflicts with target machine type 'x64'" maybe it has to do something with it.
(Posted on behalf of the OP).
Solved! My problem was my machine was set to 64bit, while the library was set to 32bit, so I downloaded the 32bit kit, and ran the project through that, and it worked!
Following the guidelines here: http://docs.ionic.io/docs/push-from-scratch I am having trouble with step 2 - installing ionic add ionic-platform-web-client.
My index file within my app adds <script src="lib/ionic-platform-web-client/dist/ionic.io.bundle.min.js"></script> as it should, however the file doesn't exist at this location, even after running 'ionic lib update'.
(For ease of explanation in this section I am using the non minified version of the bundle: ionic.io.bundle.js (the results are the same with both full and minified versions of the files)).
Manually adding ionic.io.bundle.js from https://github.com/driftyco/ionic-platform-web-client/tree/master/dist will give me this error:
"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'get' of undefined
ionic.io.bundle.js (3429,0)"
from this code:
key: "get",
value: function get(name) {
return this._settings.get(name);
I found a 'hacky' way to get the dev pushes working by simply returning this instead of the full return this._settings.get(name) statement, although this only really suits the purpose of debugging and additionally does not allow removal of developer mode by settings 'ionic config set dev_push false' or manually setting "dev_push":false in .io-config.json.
I am unsure as to whether manually adding ionic.io.bundle.js is simply adding to my problems or whether this is the right approach to take and that the errors produced are the real problem?
I am running:
ionic 1.1.0
ionic CLI 1.7.7,
cordova 5.3.3,
bower 1.6.2,
npm 2.11.3,
visual studio 2015 community with cordova/ionic setup,
I've also updated my android platform - for which I am currently building to (deploying to nexus 7).
TheCannot call method 'get' of undefined in ionic.io.bundle.js happens because of missing settings in the bundle.
This could be fixed by running:
ionic config build
Although I still haven't been able to install the ionic web platform via 'ionic add ionic-platform-web-client' in the cli I have managed to get the ionic push notifications working.
Firstly I made sure in my app directory within the cli to use 'ionic lib update'. As the setup of my project was different (thanks to visual studio). You will likely already have these files using a custom setup, but I found it's good to have the directories in place.
Secondly I manually downloaded the web client https://github.com/driftyco/ionic-platform-web-client4 not just the ionic.io.bundle.min.js which seemed to fix my "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'get' of undefined" problem mentioned previously, after I moved the entirety of this in my lib directory. (Make sure the name of the downloaded folder matches: "ionic-platform-web-client" exactly, and doesn't contain any words like master).
Thirdly, as I couldn't add version 1.3.0 of the push plugin (which continually gave me the beloved 'uh oh' error) I used 1.2.3 instead. I installed this via: 'cordova plugin add https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugin-push.git#1.2.31'. Although I have just noticed 1.4.0 is available which may also work?
This should hopefully fix any issues you have, even if it's not a perfect solution. As a side note: I know it is mentioned somewhere on one of the ionic pages that you need to have a traditional project setup and then move the relevant files but it would be nice to have some description of how to go about this - as you may not know what the relevant files are. For anyone who comes here scratching their heads, If you're using visual studio to create your ionic projects from scratch or any other custom setup, you will likely run into the same issues, as the relevant directories created using 'ionic start myApp' will likely have been omitted.
I've used plugins before, but after I recompiled my qt libraries, I haven't been able to successfully use .svg image files any longer. There error I get is as follows:
file:///C:/Users/RBhatia/Documents/SettingsMenu/SettingsMenu/SlicingComp.qml:41:5: QML Image:
Error decoding:
file:///C:/Users/RBhatia/Documents/SettingsMenu/SettingsMenu/img/sliceStep_slice1.svg: Unsupported image format
I have checked all my .dll files to make sure they are in 64 bit format. I also checked my environment variables, and even tried to use different librariesm but I simply cannot figure out what changed to cause this issue.
The problem is not missing header files. It's due to missing dependencies to Qt libraries as mentioned in that comment here: Comment by JamesL
To use SVG images you need to specify QtSvg, QtXml, QtGui, and QtCore to be deployed with your project.
The most probable reason I can think of is that you were missing some svg header files when you compiled your qt. If you do not add -svg to your configure, svg is treated as optional. Means if everything is there to build the svg plugin, it is build, else this feature is silently dropped.
You said, you checked your .dll files. Did you also check the plugins folder? Something like $QTDIR/plugins/imageformats. Must contains a qsvg4.dll. Or qsvg5.dll for Qt5.
I am trying to compile a Qt Library Project to use its DLL as a plugin of my Main Application.
I've come across this particular error and I cannot seem to get past it, no matter what I try.
I believe cluttering the question with code tags is pointless when I can just provide you with the "working issue" (for lack of better wording).
This is a link to both projects. The main application AND the plugin I am currently testing on.
(please remember to modify the path in the Application project of the dll. I am using absolute path, which will most likely never be the same one you will use. I used absolute paths to make sure the problem was unrelated to finding the file itself)
So far I've checked:
My Qt version is, indeed, 4.8.2. Built with VS2010 Command Prompt.
As far as I understood the documentation, my code (particularly the APlugin project) follows the documentation instructions word by word. There's some space for human error, but I believe I got it right. as specified here(The Lower-Level API: Extending Qt Applications)
I am able to generate other QPluginLoader::errorString() errors (for example, using an invalid path to the .dll file will return a "file not found" error). Thus diminishing the margin of error in its use.
As of today, Google results are, at best, cryptic and/or do not apply to my current context of development (I am on VS2010, Win7 N Ultimate, Qt 4.8.2)
I believe it's better that I provided projects where the issue is reproducible, instead of just cluttering the question with code, but if you think I still should copy-paste my code, let me know and I will provide it explicitely in the question.
The only thing I am able to provide so far is that, albet I don't use a .pro file, I shouldn't need it, because my application will be windows exclusive, and the vcproj file already contains that data.