Which API to use for Here.com to see a truck route drawn on a map? - here-api

It seems like I need to use the Routing API. I want to be able to get results drawn on a map, similar to what Google Maps provides. From the Here.com documentation, I can't tell if that's a possibility.

Yes, different transport modes in Routing API allow the creation of routes that consider rules and restrictions related to specific transport types: cars, trucks, scooters, and so on.
With a specific transport mode enabled, the various Routing services use road network segments allowed for use by vehicles of the selected type while taking into account the restrictions that might be applicable. More can be found here


Is it possible to use custom public transport line with Here routing service

We need to have a complement on public transportation services, so we need to input theses lines so that they will be considered together with the official public transit layers when invoking the routing Api in Here.
Is there a way to do that ?
You can customize your application the following ways:
1. Inorder to insert new connections you can use Custom Route Extension API. It provides numerous usecase including
Enable roads - Customer can open certain road links for their fleet, because their vehicles have special permissions.
Using the above api you can have your own links to destinations and use the Transit API under it to get public transport information and link it to your route.
2. If you are providing a transport service on existing roads in Here map then you need Intermodal Routing API. Your usecase is like any cab service which can be combined with other transport modes.
You can read more about the above two approaches in Here Developer site. Happy Coding!

Querying Link Over REST API

I'm running a few car simulations using the HERE Routing REST API, and I'd like to be able to get the accurate speed limit for where the car is so that it doesn't go too quickly or slowly for the simulation.
I can see that the speed limit is included within a link.
However, I can't seem to find how to get a link given its Link ID, or if that's even possible with the current API.
In the old API it seems like there was a getlinkinfo.json endpoint which ought to do what I need, but using it on my current freemium account says that I'm unauthorized.
Is this a feature tied only to pro accounts, is it deprecated, or is there just some other way I have to go about this?
As mentioned in the comment above getlinkinfo.json from Routing API has been depricated for sometime now and the alternative is to use HERE Telematics Advanced Data Sets API (https://developer.here.com/documentation/platform-data/dev_guide/topics/quick-start-view-map-data.html) The data is split into different layers and tiles which could be queried for link attribute information.

Google Maps Geocoding HTTP Service

I have reviewed every topic that seems relevant and I believe I am having a problem because the configuration in which I am attempting to use this service is different from any of the other postings.
I can get acceptable Reverse GeoCode results only without a Key.
But acceptable is not optimal. The Guide documents filtering which would be applied on the server side to reduce the number of results I would receive to check to determine which result is 'best'.
I do not believe that the ability to get server-side filtering is a Premier Service; I do not have a Premier License.
No matter whether I use a current Browser Key or Server Key, every request will result in REQUEST_DENIED status.
At console.cloud.google.com/apis I have enabled "Google maps JavaScript" and just by reading all the other postings, I have added, probably unnecessarily, and with not change in the result: "Google Place API Web Service".
My only remaining guess is that my request is being denied in relationship to the terminology of the service agreement requiring that this service include the display of a Google Map. My application DOES display a Google Map, but I do not see how to let the Google Maps Server know that. May API stack is using the Javascript API with XML results requested via this URL: "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?language=en&libraries=places", and the GeoCoding requests [forward and reverse] work fine via this URL:
http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/xml? but adding a key="" in order to take advantage of server-side filtering is always denied.
What am I missing that needs to be passed in the request in order to have my api key honored and for me to get a better result set consuming less network bandwidth?
As you use Geocoding API you have to enable it in your project. You have to generate a Server API key and use it with your request.
The official documentation covers this subject:
For Maps JavaScript API you have to use a Browser API key:

How do the limits work for the Google Javascript Places Library?

I'm working on building my first web/mobile app with Meteor, using Javascript for both the client and server.
Essentially, the app will allow users to rate restaurants based on a variety of factors, such as how loud it is or how nice it smells. The averages of each of these attributes would then be stored in my database along with the Google ID of the associated restaurant. Other users can then search for places near them and sort the results based on any of the rated attributes.
So if a user requests a list of places and a request is made to the Google places library API, and then those places are matched against data in my database, how are the limits applied? Since the server is also running with Javascript, can I call the API with the server? And if I do, is the API able to distinguish between different users and apply the individual limits? Or if it's all coming from a single server will it give me a total limit equivalent to a single user?
Thanks for any help and guidance.
The Google Maps JavaScript Places Library does not have a documented limit. However, if you perform request that have gone over its request quota, you will get OVER_QUERY_LIMIT. So maybe the Javascript API Usage Limits can help you to know more about limits by using this API.
Check also this related SO ticket.

Google Maps V3 APIs terms of service

I'm developing a Web Application (based on Google Maps API V3).
Whenever an user clicks on a map, a marker is placed on that point and
an "human readable" address is resolved (by the geocoding service). In
this way I can put in an infowindow, attached to that marker, the
corresponding address.
The question is: Can I resolve just one time that address and store it
on an external DB? Is this practice compliant with your terms of
The relevant section of the TOS is
10.1.3 Restrictions against Data Export or Copying.
(b) No Pre-Fetching, Caching, or Storage of Content. You must not pre-fetch, cache, or store any Content, except that you may store: (i) limited amounts of Content for the purpose of improving the performance of your Maps API Implementation if you do so temporarily, securely, and in a manner that does not permit use of the Content outside of the Service; and (ii) any content identifier or key that the Maps APIs Documentation specifically permits you to store. For example, you must not use the Content to create an independent database of “places.”
This precludes the use of reverse geocoding.
no, this is forbidden by the terms of use by google.
we would have done it your way in another project, but we had to change because of the terms of use.
