hvplot taking hours to render image - bokeh

I'm working with Gaia astrometric data from the data release 3 and saw hvplot/datashader as the go-to for visualizing large data due to very fast render times and interactivity. In every example I'm seeing, it's taking a few seconds to render an image from hundreds of millions of data points on the slow end. However, when I try to employ the same code for my data, it takes hours for any image to render at all.
For context, I'm running this code on a very large research computer cluster with hundreds of gigs of RAM, a hundred or so cores, and terabytes of storage at my disposal, computing power should not be an issue here. Additionally, I've converted the data I need to a series of parquet files that are being read into a dask dataframe with glob. My code is as follows:
import dask.dataframe as dd
import hvplot.dask
import glob
does anybody have any ideas what could be the issue here? Any help would be appreciated
Edit: I've got the rendering times below an hour now by turning the data into a smaller number of higher memory files (3386 -> 175)

Hard to debug without access to the data, but one quick optimization you can implement is to avoid loading all the data and select the specific columns of interest:
df=dd.read_parquet(glob.glob(r'myfiles/*'), engine='fastparquet', columns=['col1','col2'])
Unless crucial, I'd also avoid doing .astype. It shouldn't be a bottleneck, but the gains from this float32 might not be relevant if memory isn't a constraint.


SQLiteStudio import extremely slow

SQLiteStudio is lightning fast with queries, but whenever I import a .csv of even modestly large size (say, 60,000 rows, smaller than 2MB), it takes 5 minutes or more to import. And somewhat larger files can run 15 minutes before I give up. The files appear clean, and this happens with others I know who use the program. Are we doing something wrong? Is there a way to speed this up? Thanks.
There was a bug: https://github.com/pawelsalawa/sqlitestudio/issues/3191
It's fixed for upcoming version 3.2.0. It's been optimized to import by over 1000 times faster.

Store an increasing matrix into HDD and not in memory

I'm facing a pretty expected problem while I'm running irritatingly the below code which creates all possible combinations for a specified sequence and then it stores them in the final.grid variable. The thing is that there is no only one sequence but about hundred of thousands of them and each one could have enough combinations.
combs = get.all.combs(sequence)
final.grid = rbind(final.grid, combs)
Anyway. Tried to run my code in a windows PC with 4GB RAM and after 4 hours (not even half of the combinations being calculated) R returned this error
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 4.0 Gb
What i was though as solution is to write after each iteration the final.grid to a file , free the allocated memory and continue. The truth is that I have not experience on such implementations with R and I don't know which solution to choose and if there are some of them that will do better and more efficiently. Have in mind that probably my final grid will need some GBs.
Somewhere in the stack exchange I read about ff package but there was not enough discussion on the subject (at least I didn't found it) and preferred to ask here for your opinions.
I cannot understand very well your question, because the piece of code that you put is not clear to figure it out your problem.
But, you can try saving your results as .RData or .nc files, depending on the nature of your data. However, it could be better if you are more explicit about your problem, for instance showing what code is behind get.all.combs function or sequence data.
One thing you can try is the memory.limit() function to see if you can allocate enough memory for your work. This may not work if your Windows OS is 32 bit.
If you have large data object that you don't need for some parts of your program, you could first save them, and them remove using 'rm', and when you need them again you can load the objects.
The link below has more info that could be useful to you.
Increasing (or decreasing) the memory available to R processes
You can use object.size function to see memory requirement for objects you have. If they are too big, try loading them only when you need them.
It is possible one of the functions you use try to allocate more memory than you have. See if you can try to find where exactly the program crashes.

R using waaay more memory than expected

I have an Rscript being called from a java program. The purpose of the script is to automatically generate a bunch of graphs in ggplot and them splat them on a pdf. It has grown somewhat large with maybe 30 graphs each of which are called from their own scripts.
The input is a tab delimited file from 5-20mb but the R session goes up to 12gb of ram usage sometimes (on a mac 10.68 btw but this will be run on all platforms).
I have read about how to look at the memory size of objects and nothing is ever over 25mb and even if it deep copies everything for every function and every filter step it shouldn't get close to this level.
I have also tried gc() to no avail. If I do gcinfo(TRUE) then gc() it tells me that it is using something like 38mb of ram. But the activity monitor goes up to 12gb and things slow down presumably due to paging on the hd.
I tried calling it via a bash script in which I did ulimit -v 800000 but no good.
What else can I do?
In the process of making assignments R will always make temporary copies, sometimes more than one or even two. Each temporary assignment will require contiguous memory for the full size of the allocated object. So the usual advice is to plan to have _at_least_ three time the amount of contiguous _memory available. This means you also need to be concerned about how many other non-R programs are competing for system resources as well as being aware of how you memory is being use by R. You should try to restart your computer, run only R, and see if you get success.
An input file of 20mb might expand quite a bit (8 bytes per double, and perhaps more per character element in your vectors) depending on what the structure of the file is. The pdf file object will also take quite a bit of space if you are plotting each point within a large file.
My experience is not the same as others who have commented. I do issue gc() before doing memory intensive operations. You should offer code and describe what you mean by "no good". Are you getting errors or observing the use of virtual memory ... or what?
I apologize for not posting a more comprehensive description with code. It was fairly long as was the input. But the responses I got here were still quite helpful. Here is how I mostly fixed my problem.
I had a variable number of columns which, with some outliers got very numerous. But I didn't need the extreme outliers, so I just excluded them and cut off those extra columns. This alone decreased the memory usage greatly. I hadn't looked at the virtual memory usage before but sometimes it was as high as 200gb lol. This brought it down to up to 2gb.
Each graph was created in its own function. So I rearranged the code such that every graph was first generated, then printed to pdf, then rm(graphname).
Futher, I had many loops in which I was creating new columns in data frames. Instead of doing this, I just created vectors not attached to data frames in these calculations. This actually had the benefit of greatly simplifying some of the code.
Then after not adding columns to the existing dataframes and instead making column vectors it reduced it to 400mb. While this is still more than I would expect it to use, it is well within my restrictions. My users are all in my company so I have some control over what computers it gets run on.

What is the ideal format to store large results generated by R?

I simulate reasonably sized datasets (10-20mb) through a large number of parameter combinations (20-40k). Each dataset x parameter set is pushed through mclapply and the result is a list where each item contains output data (as list item 1) and parameters used to generate that result as list item 2 (where each element of that list is a parameter).
I just ran through a 81K list (but had to run them in 30k chunks) and the resulting lists are around 700 mb each. I've stored them as .rdata files but will probably resave them to .Rda. But each file takes forever to be read into R. Is there a best practice here, especially for long-term storage?
Ideally I would keep everything in one list but mclapply throws an error about not being able to serialize vectors, AND a job this large would take forever on the cluster (split 3 ways, it took 3 hours/job). But having several results files results1a.rdata, results2b.rdata, results3c.rdata also seems inefficient.
It sounds like you have a couple of different questions there -- I'd recommend asking about optimizing your list format in a separate question.
Regarding reading/writing R data to disk, however, I'm not sure that there's a better way than Rda files in terms of efficiency. However, I have found that the level of compression can have a real effect on the amount of time it takes to read/write these files depending on the computational setup. I've typically found that you get the best performance using no compression (save(x,file="y.Rda", compress=FALSE)).
As a backup plan, you can try leaving the compression on, but varying the level of compression, as well.

Strategies for reading in CSV files in pieces?

I have a moderate-sized file (4GB CSV) on a computer that doesn't have sufficient RAM to read it in (8GB on 64-bit Windows). In the past I would just have loaded it up on a cluster node and read it in, but my new cluster seems to arbitrarily limit processes to 4GB of RAM (despite the hardware having 16GB per machine), so I need a short-term fix.
Is there a way to read in part of a CSV file into R to fit available memory limitations? That way I could read in a third of the file at a time, subset it down to the rows and columns I need, and then read in the next third?
Thanks to commenters for pointing out that I can potentially read in the whole file using some big memory tricks:
Quickly reading very large tables as dataframes in R
I can think of some other workarounds (e.g. open in a good text editor, lop off 2/3 of the observations, then load in R), but I'd rather avoid them if possible.
So reading it in pieces still seems like the best way to go for now.
After reviewing this thread I noticed a conspicuous solution to this problem was not mentioned. Use connections!
1) Open a connection to your file
con = file("file.csv", "r")
2) Read in chunks of code with read.csv
read.csv(con, nrows="CHUNK SIZE",...)
Side note: defining colClasses will greatly speed things up. Make sure to define unwanted columns as NULL.
3) Do what ever you need to do
4) Repeat.
5) Close the connection
The advantage of this approach is connections. If you omit this step, it will likely slow things down a bit. By opening a connection manually, you essentially open the data set and do not close it until you call the close function. This means that as you loop through the data set you will never lose your place. Imagine that you have a data set with 1e7 rows. Also imagine that you want to load a chunk of 1e5 rows at a time. Since we open the connection we get the first 1e5 rows by running read.csv(con, nrow=1e5,...), then to get the second chunk we run read.csv(con, nrow=1e5,...) as well, and so on....
If we did not use the connections we would get the first chunk the same way, read.csv("file.csv", nrow=1e5,...), however for the next chunk we would need to read.csv("file.csv", skip = 1e5, nrow=2e5,...). Clearly this is inefficient. We are have to find the 1e5+1 row all over again, despite the fact that we just read in the 1e5 row.
Finally, data.table::fread is great. But you can not pass it connections. So this approach does not work.
I hope this helps someone.
People keep upvoting this post so I thought I would add one more brief thought. The new readr::read_csv, like read.csv, can be passed connections. However, it is advertised as being roughly 10x faster.
You could read it into a database using RSQLite, say, and then use an sql statement to get a portion.
If you need only a single portion then read.csv.sql in the sqldf package will read the data into an sqlite database. First, it creates the database for you and the data does not go through R so limitations of R won't apply (which is primarily RAM in this scenario). Second, after loading the data into the database , sqldf reads the output of a specified sql statement into R and finally destroys the database. Depending on how fast it works with your data you might be able to just repeat the whole process for each portion if you have several.
Only one line of code accomplishes all three steps, so it's a no-brainer to just try it.
DF <- read.csv.sql("myfile.csv", sql=..., ...other args...)
See ?read.csv.sql and ?sqldf and also the sqldf home page.
