DT outputtable in r Shiny bleeds out of shiny box - r

I am having an issue where the data for my DT table is "bleeding" past the edge of the box in my fluid row.
Here is the tabPanel section
tabPanel("Table title", h1('dataset', style = 'color: #23A595'),
p('Here we will have a paragraph of explanatory text to talk about the graphs below. Here we will have a paragraph of explanatory text to talk about the graphs below. Here we will have a paragraph of explanatory text to talk about the graphs below. Here we will have a paragraph of explanatory text to talk about the graphs below. Here we will have a paragraph of explanatory text to talk about the graphs below.', style = 'color: black'),
box(DT::dataTableOutput(outputId = "table"), width = NULL, solidHeader = TRUE, status = "primary"),
When the app is run here is the result of the render DT.
Here is what the data set looks like.
The red box highlights the issue.
Here is what i have tried:
output$table<- renderDT(
outputtable,options = list(columns.width = "3px"
rownames= FALSE
fluidRow(box(DT::dataTableOutput(outputId = "table"),width = #),
I was under the impression that shiny just automatically calculates the size needed despite window size an such.
in simple terms, shiny creates box + add DT table to box = box with DT table INSIDE of it.
I want the highlighted issue to not happen what do I need to do?
If there is anything I can add let me know.

The scrollX comment above answered the question.


How to use a vertical layout stepper within R Shiny?

I would like to create a nice vertical stepper (like that) within my Shiny app, for which some of the steps would be displaying R/shiny widget/reactive values (such as graphs, tables, etc.). Is there any specific widget that allows that?
It could looks like something like this within ui.R:
ShinyStepper(vertical = TRUE,
linear = TRUE,
theme = "default",
step1.title = "Title of first step",
step1.body = {
h3("This is a reactive barplot"),
plotOutput(outputId = "reactive_barplot")
step2.title = ...

R Shiny layout finesse conditional panel

I have a Shiny app which is working exactly as I want :-) ... except for an annoying layout glitch when a conditional panel is displayed - the layout is shown below ...
My issue is that when the "Other" check box is checked, a conditional textInput is displayed ( in-line) and all the form objects below 'jump' down the screen (by about half a line height).
I presume that it's because the textInput box is centered in its line (and taller than the other objects on the line) - but the 'jumping' of screen elements looks a little amateurish. Does anyone have ideas about how to stop this behaviour ?
The code for the UI element is ...
"Applicable Sample Type(s)", c("Blood","Serum","Plasma","Fluid","Tissue","Urine","Faeces","Swab", "Other"), selected = "Blood", width = '800px', inline = T)),
conditionalPanel(condition = "input.sampleTypes.includes('Other')",
placeholder = "Other Sample", width = "150px"), style = "display:inline-block;")

How to add scroll bar and cross button to pop up window in shiny app?

I want to have scroll bar to scroll up and down, cross button to close the pop up window and default of 10 records should display instead of 25 now.
I don't know how to write code for this.
data <- iris
ui <- tagList(
dashboardHeader(title = "Telemedicine HP"),
valueBox(60, subtitle = tags$p("Attended", style = "font-
size: 200%;"), icon = icon("trademark"), color = "purple", width = 4,
server <- function(input, output, session){
onclick('clickdiv', showModal(modalDialog(
title = "Your title",
shinyApp(ui, server)
By clicking on valuebox a pop up window will appear showing some tabular data.
But that window should have a scroll bar, cross button in right top corner and records should be shown 10 by default instead of 25 showing now in top left corner of the pop up window.
Can anyone help me with this ?
If your server part is like this, it is limited to 10 shown per page:
server <- function(input, output, session){
onclick('clickdiv', showModal(modalDialog(
title = "Your title",
renderDataTable(data, options = list(
pageLength = 10,
scrollY = "400px"
I'm not sure I understand the need for the other parts. With 10 records, you don't need to be able to scroll up and down, but even when I set this to a lot of records (say 100), the normal page scroll bar works fine. And there is a button to dismiss the table already (although I appreciate it is not the cross in the corner you are requesting).
You can change other parts of your DataTable using the options - you can see some examples here.
Hope this helps!
EDIT: I've added an option for a vertical scroll bar. You can change the number to suit you.
If that doesn't work then you might be using a setup (for eg Mac) where scrollbars are hidden by default until you start scrolling.

R Shiny selectInput and submitButton side by side

I am working on a Shiny app in R. The app is run by shiny server running on linux.
I need to create a side by side selectInput field and submitButton. I made the following attempt.
from my ui.r
label = h4(""),
choices = (Choices_cd),
multiple = TRUE,
selected = c("Slc26a5","Sri"),
selectize = TRUE,
width = '400px'
This code generates the following result
The problem with this is that there is a slight offset between the selectInput field and the submitButton. It is ugly and I hate it.
Does anyone know how i might solve this issue. I have tried adding br(), spaces but it just shifts the offset up or down and doesn't eliminate it.
Any advice on how to get these side by side would be much appreciated. Additionally the submit button cant be placed below because the selectInput drops down with choices when selected, obscuring any submit button placed underneath the bar.
You can use fluidRow and column
label = h4(""),
choices = (Choices_cd),
multiple = TRUE,
selected = c("Slc26a5", "Sri"),
selectize = TRUE,
width = '400px'
column(4, offset = 1,

R: shiny: increase width of text input control created by `textInput`

I have almost completed a web app, which allows the user to subset the data frame underlying the web app, using the text input control created by textInput; see my related question for parsing the string as an expression.
It would be more user friendly if I could increase the width of this text input control. Does anybody know how to do this?
Cheers for any help.
If your textInput is as follows:
textInput(inputId="someid", label="somelable", value = 0.0)
tags$head(tags$style(type="text/css", "#someid {width: 150px}")),
you can add some css.
tags$link(rel = 'stylesheet', type = 'text/css', href = 'styles.css'),
and add an appropriate entry in styles.css
I created a custom.css file for things like this.
Put the custom.css file in a www directory in the app home directory.
Add this line to the custom.css file to make all of the selectize inputs fit the full width of their containers.
.shiny-input-container:not(.shiny-input-container-inline) {
width: 100%;
This is very useful for text inputs or dropdowns that have options with long names, or many options. It also just makes the app look more full. I put all of my filters at the top of the page and there is a lot of white space if I don't force the inputs to fill their containers.
Then you can control your input size easily in the ui.R file by setting the width of the column that contains the input container. Something like this...
column(4, offset = 0, align = 'center', uiOutput(ns("select_category_type"))),
column(4, offset = 0, align = 'center', uiOutput(ns("select_category_group"))),
column(4, offset = 0, align = 'center', uiOutput(ns("select_category")))
column(6, offset = 3, align = 'center', uiOutput(ns("select_year")))
You will also need to load you custom.css file in the ui.R file. You can do this as the first statement in the dashboardBody function if using shiny dashboard, or in the fluidPage function if using the standard ui.
