Wordpress Forminator Form Browser Back Button Problem - wordpress

My form has two steps. If someone clicks the "Back" button on a browser while using the WordPress Forminator form, it will take them to the previous step, not the previous page.
"I am trying to resolve an issue where, if someone clicks the browser's back button, it returns to the previous step of the form, not the previous page."


Why are redirects not working with a button

I am using constant contact inside of WordPress. I have an email capture form with a submit button. I am trying to use that button to go to another webpage that redirects to an affiliate page. For some reason when I click that button it just goes to the first page and doesn't get redirected. I have edited my cpanel for that page to redirect where I want it to go but it always fails to do so when the button is clicked. What am I missing?

emberJS resetting form fields when the user clicks on a browser's forward and back buttons

I am working on an emberJS application and I have a question regarding a browsers forward and back buttons:
If a user navigates to a form, then fills out some information, then hits the browser back button, then the forward button, what is the proper way to reset the form so that the fields are blank again?
Do I need to explicitly set the fields to empty string or is there some way I can force a refresh rather than having the browser go to the cache?

Clear form data while pressing browser back button in asp.net

I have a web form (page 1) which gets the input from the user and stores in database.
When I click save, after saving the data, it displays a message with application id in a new page (page 2).
If I click back button through browser, then it is going to that page 1 and displaying the input that I have given.
I want to prevent this. I disabled cache of the page 1, but when I click back this time I am getting web page has expired in IE.
But sometimes it is going to the previous page (page 1) and displaying input fields without a data.
Can anyone please help me how to fix this?

Anchoring to clicked item in asp.net page

I've a datagrid on an asp.net page "A" which shows different customer orders.
On clicking on one any row/OrderId,user is redirected to another page "B" which displays order details.
When user clicks "Back to Page A" on page B,I need to have the same order Id "anchored" on page A.
How do i achieve this functionality in asp.net?
Thanks for reading.
Joel's answer is correct, however, if you have a more complicated scenario you could do the following.
Modify the display on Page A to render an <a name="myRecord" /> for each row of the grid.
On page B, you can redirect back to page A and pass #myRecord at the end of the url, to navigate to the specific entry.
In most browsers, the back button remembers where your were in the page. So a simple javascript:history.go(-1) should do just fine, and anyone who doesn't have javascript enabled can just click the back button.

Prevent a PostBack from showing up in the History

I have a page where I submit some data, and return to the original form with a "Save Successful" message. However, the user would like the ability to return to the previous page they were at (which contains search results) by clicking the browser's "Back" button. However, due to the postback, when they click the "Back" button they do not go to the previous page ,they simply go to the same page (but at its previous state). I read that enabling SmartNavigation will take care of this issue (postbacks appearing in the history) however, it has been deprecated. What's the "new" best practice?
*Edit - I added a ScriptManager control, and wrapped the buttons in an UpdatePanel, however now I'm receiving the following error:
Type 'System.Web.UI.UpdatePanel' does not have a public property named 'Button'
Am I missing a reference?
*Disregard the above edit, I simply forgot to add the < ContentTemplate > section to the UpdatePanel :P
If you put your "Save" button in an UpdatePanel, the postback will not show in the users history.
I would avoid if possible. A better solution would be to have a button that just returns them to their search results on the "Save Successful" screen.
The problem with the ajaxy saving and such is that you violate the "Back" rules that users expect. This user might want the Back button to go back to the Search page, but other users might expect that clicking Back would return them to the Add/Update page. So if another user tries to update something, clicks save, and then "woops, i forgot something on the update", they'll click back, and now they're at search results, instead of the expected Update page.
