How to simplify Drupal Commerce checkout process - drupal

By default when we are at the cart page and click the button "Checkout", we are redirected to the "Order information" page, then we click "Continue to review" and we are redirected to the "Review" page and then we can click the last button to complete the process and we are redirected to the "Complete" page.
Is it possible and how to simplify the process so that if we click "Checkout" we are redirected to the "Complete" page with automatic choosing only one payment method by default?
I don't see the answer in their docs

Ok, the answer is simple: to disable unnecessary panes in the default checkout flow


Why are redirects not working with a button

I am using constant contact inside of WordPress. I have an email capture form with a submit button. I am trying to use that button to go to another webpage that redirects to an affiliate page. For some reason when I click that button it just goes to the first page and doesn't get redirected. I have edited my cpanel for that page to redirect where I want it to go but it always fails to do so when the button is clicked. What am I missing?

Successfully added to cart message needs to show on a specific page

I have created my own menu page and have created a redirect function so that it redirects after the person hits the "add to cart" button, to go back to the our menu page so they can continue shopping. I would like the 'You have added this product to the cart' message to show up on this page after the redirect. I know that I need to add in a function that will either show this message on the page or create one that shows on the page but not sure exactly how to do so. Please help!
The page is

WooCommerce session expired hooks ( on browser back button click, after successful order )

When an order has been received, the user is redirected from the checkout page to the 'thank you'/confirmation end point.
At this point if/when the user clicks the 'back' button in the browser they are returned to the checkout page with the notice 'Sorry, your session has expired. Return to shop'.
I want to hook into this action so the page automatically redirects at this point instead of remaining on the empty checkout page showing this notice.
I've tried a number of hooks but to no avail -- any pointers here would be appreciated?

Auto refresh after few seconds on submit button pressed

How could I add a redirect to my front page after the submit button is pressed on woo commerce?
I allowed file attachement to my reviews, it takes a while to refresh the page altough the attachement is already uploaded.
I wish to add a refresh or return to homepage automaticly after 10 secondes or so.
I did found hook to do that after comment is send but i m looking to add this at the press of the submit button.
How could i do that?
thankkks a lot///
You can use an jquery script to make this work. Using jquery you can set the time interval and event for refreshing or redirecting to home after pressing submit button.
E.g. jquery and javascript refresh

How to redirect user to login before he can add products to cart and disable AJAX Cart - NopCommerce

I am using NopCommerce version 3.0. I want the users to get redirected to the login page before they can add products to the cart. I also want to disable the AJAXCart (I want full postback and the products to get added to the cart.).
Please guide me as to how to achieve it.
I have done something similar here: if you add an item to the bag, a popup appears, if you click on "Go to bag" it asks you to login.
This is very rough, but should give you an idea:
First, in _ProductVariantAddToCart.cshtml remove the onclick javascript event from the button, so that the button actually posts the form to AddProductVariantToCart in CatalogController. This should remove the AjaxCart.
This will also add the item to the cart and redirect you to the shoppingcart page.
When the ShoppingCart page loads in action Cart. Add the following:
return new HttpUnauthorizedResult("Cart requires the user to have an account");
This will send the user to the login page giving the impression that the user needs to login to add items to the cart.
Hope this helps
