I have a raster type object in R that is a lat/long grid and each cell has a value that is the depth or elevation of that cell (downloaded from marmap's getNOAA.bathy(), bathymap in toy example).
Then I have a list of points with lat,long coordinates (points). For each point, I want to find the closest grid cell to the point that has a negative (depth) value. If there are multiple cells, then I want to pick one of them randomly. Once I have the/one nearest negative grid cell, then I want to find and save a random lat,long that falls within this cell.
The end goal here is to "move" each point to a random location within the nearest cell that has a negative value.
Note that these points nor the bathymap are not currently projected. They are just lats and lons in decimal degrees.
Here is a toy set-up to work with:
#get a map
bathymap <- getNOAA.bathy(lat1 = -30, lon1 = 65, lat2 = 55, lon2 = 155, resolution = 10, keep = FALSE, antimeridian = FALSE, path = NULL)
#sample points
points = data.frame("x" = c(138.605,139), "y" = c(35.0833,35.6))
#visualize the problem/set-up
ggplot() +
#build map
geom_raster(data = bathymap, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=z)) +
geom_contour(data = bathymap, aes(x=x, y=y, z=z),
breaks=0, #contour for land
colour="black", size=0.3) +
scale_fill_gradient2(low="skyblue", mid="white", high="navy", midpoint = 0) +
#add points
geom_point(data = points, aes(x=x, y=y), color = "blue", alpha = 1, size = 1) +
lims(x = c(138,139.5),
y = c(34,36)) +
coord_fixed() +
geom_text(data = bathymap, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=z, label=z), size = 2)```
Here is a solution. Basically, for each original geographical point, I did the following:
I used marmap::dist2isobath() to locate the closest point with a negative value along a given isobath.
Since the location of isobaths can be rather imprecise with low resolution bathymetries, a negative isobath sometimes crosses cells with positive values. So, I checked the depth of each point identified above with marmap::get.depth(). If the depth returned is negative, this is a success, if not, I go back to step 1 and look for the closest point along a deeper isobath (hence the depth_increment argument). This is thus an incremental process that stops only when a point is finally located in a negative cell.
I packaged all this in the find_closest_negative() function that you can apply to every point in a dataset with purrr::map2_df().
The function returns a table with:
the original coordinates of each point,
the coordinates of the closest point in the closest negative cell, and
the depth at the new location.
Points that were originally located in negative cells are not affected by the function. Be careful: it can be rather time-consuming with large bathymetries and many points...
# Custom function to get location of closest point along a given isobath
# bathy: bathymetric object from marmap::getNOAA.bathy
# x, y: longitude and latitude of a single point
# isobath: negative integer. Minimum depth at which the point should be located
# depth_increment: positive integer to look for deeper cells. Big values allow
# the function to run faster but might lead to more imprecise results
find_closest_negative <- function(bathy, x, y, isobath = -1, depth_increment = 50) {
# Duplicate point to avoid weird dist2isobath() error message
point <- data.frame(x, y)
a <- point[c(1,1), ]
depth_a <- get.depth(bathy, a, locator = FALSE)
depth <- unique(depth_a$depth)
if (depth < 0) {
} else {
while(depth >= 0 ) {
b <- dist2isobath(bathy, a, isobath = isobath)
depth_b <- get.depth(bathy, b[,4:5], locator = FALSE)
depth <- unique(depth_b$depth)
isobath <- isobath - depth_increment
# Get (a small) bathymetric data
bathymap <- getNOAA.bathy(lat1 = 34, lon1 = 138, lat2 = 36, lon2 = 140,
resolution = 10)
# Sample points
points <- data.frame("x" = c(138.605, 139, 138.5, 138.85, 138.95, 139.5),
"y" = c(35.0833, 35.6, 34.2, 35.0, 34.8, 34.4))
# For each point, find the closest location within a negative cell
points2 <- points %>%
mutate(map2_df(x, y, .f = ~find_closest_negative(bathymap, .x, .y,
isobath = -1,
depth_increment = 50)))
#> x y lon lat depth
#> 1 138.605 35.0833 138.5455 34.99248 -1111
#> 2 139.000 35.6000 139.2727 35.36346 -311
#> 3 138.500 34.2000 138.5000 34.20000 -2717
#> 4 138.850 35.0000 138.7882 35.00619 -101
#> 5 138.950 34.8000 139.0053 34.79250 -501
#> 6 139.500 34.4000 139.5000 34.40000 -181
# Some data wrangling to plot lines between pairs of points below
origin <- points2 %>%
mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
select(lon = x, lat = y, id)
destination <- points2 %>%
mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
select(lon, lat, id)
global <- bind_rows(origin, destination)
# Plot the original points and their new location
bathymap %>%
ggplot(aes(x, y)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill = z)) +
geom_contour(aes(z = z), breaks = 0, colour = 1, size = 0.3) +
geom_text(aes(label = z), size = 2) +
geom_point(data = points2, aes(x = lon, y = lat), color = "red", size = 2) +
geom_point(data = points2, aes(x = x, y = y), color = "blue") +
geom_line(data = global, aes(x = lon, y = lat, group = id), size = 0.4) +
scale_fill_gradient2(low = "skyblue", mid = "white", high = "navy",
midpoint = 0) +
I have a polygon that consists of 1,000 points. Is it possible to calculate the curvature at each point? The polygon originally contains only 13 points:
43748.72 40714.19
43743.99 40716.16
43741.36 40720.19
43740.95 40726.46
43742.67 40729.28
43745.52 40730.97
43748.72 40731.14
43752.86 40729.43
43756.77 40723.24
43757.19 40719.73
43755.27 40716.68
43752.23 40714.76
43748.72 40714.19
Then I use the smooth function in smoothr package for interpolation now that the polygon has 1,000 points and looks like:
And now I want to calculate curvature at each point. But since this is a closed object, how to actually perform the calculation?
I finally found a cell with protrusions to test the robustness. The cell looks like:
And the corresponding K values are:
Indeed, this plot captures two protrusions but can the curvature value be that high? I read a paper and seems like their values are all within 1:
paper link:
Your example is not fully reproducible on its own, though it can be made so with reference to your previous question:
data <- structure(list(x = c(43740.95, 43741.36, 43742.67, 43743.99,
43745.52, 43748.72, 43748.72, 43748.72, 43752.23, 43752.86, 43755.27,
43756.77, 43757.19), y = c(40726.46, 40720.19, 40729.28, 40716.16,
40730.97, 40714.19, 40731.14, 40714.19, 40714.76, 40729.43, 40716.68,
40723.24, 40719.73)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -13L))
smooth_poly <- data %>%
st_as_sf(coords=c("x", "y")) %>%
st_union() %>%
st_convex_hull() %>%
smooth(method='spline', n=1000)
smooth_df <-
ggplot(smooth_df, aes(X, Y)) +
geom_polygon(alpha = 0, colour = "black", size = 1) +
Now we have all the X and Y co-ordinates of the smoothed polygon in a data frame called smooth_df. We can calculate the x and y components of the curvature vectors like this:
dx <- diff(c(smooth_df$X, smooth_df$X[1])) # Distance between x coords with wrap-around
dy <- diff(c(smooth_df$Y, smooth_df$Y[1])) # Distance between y coords with wrap-around
ds <- sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2) # Segment size between points
ddx <- dx/ds # Ratio of x distance to segment size
ddy <- dy/ds # Ratio of y distance to segment size
ds2 <- (ds + c(ds[-1], ds[1]))/2 # Mean segment length either side per point
smooth_df$Cx <- diff(c(ddx, ddx[1]))/ds2 # Change in ddx per unit length
smooth_df$Cy <- diff(c(ddy, ddy[1]))/ds2 # Change in ddy per unit length
These last two are the x and y components of the curvature vectors at each point on the periphery of the polygon. Since this polygon is smooth, the curvatures are small:
#> X Y L1 L2 Cx Cy
#> 1 43748.72 40714.19 1 1 0.02288753 0.1419567
#> 2 43748.67 40714.20 1 1 0.02324771 0.1375075
#> 3 43748.61 40714.21 1 1 0.02356064 0.1332985
#> 4 43748.56 40714.22 1 1 0.02383216 0.1293156
#> 5 43748.51 40714.23 1 1 0.02406747 0.1255458
#> 6 43748.45 40714.24 1 1 0.02427127 0.1219768
Adding these vectors to a plot would just give the inside of the polygon some "fur", since there are so many of them and they are so small, so instead we can show that the directions are correct by plotting a subset of them, magnified by 10, with arrowheads. The arrows should start on the periphery and point directly in the direction of the concavity of the polygon at that point. We should also see longer arrows where the curves are tight, and shorter arrows where the polygon is flat.
smooth_df$Cx_plot <- 10 * smooth_df$Cx + smooth_df$X
smooth_df$Cy_plot <- 10 * smooth_df$Cy + smooth_df$Y
ggplot(smooth_df, aes(X, Y)) +
geom_polygon(alpha = 0, colour = "black", size = 1) +
geom_segment(data = smooth_df[seq(1, nrow(smooth_df), 50),],
mapping = aes(xend = Cx_plot, yend = Cy_plot),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, "cm"))) +
If you want the curvature as a single dimensional number 𝜿, you can do:
smooth_df$K <- (ddy * smooth_df$Cx - ddx * smooth_df$Cy)/
((ddx^2 + ddy^2)^(3/2))
Which then allows you to plot the curvature as a colour. This will also give negative values when the curve is concave outwards, though I have here just plotted the convex hull again. The red indicates areas with high curvature, the blue areas are flatter.
ggplot(smooth_df, aes(X, Y)) +
geom_point(aes(colour = K)) +
coord_equal() + scale_colour_gradient(low = "skyblue", high = "red")
I would like to use gganimate to:
Graph two separate curved lines with geom_path
Call a function that performs a calculation with the data from those lines and returns a single coordinate (x, y)
Plot that coordinate as a geom_point
Move the lines around, with the geom_point updating as the lines move
This is simple if the movement is such that the single (x, y) coordinate moves linearly (just calculate it at each stage ahead of time and then animate it, it will move linearly from each stage to the next), but if it's not I'm not sure what to do. If I call a function within aes(), which seems like the natural solution, it seems to calculate it once at the beginning and then not update it as the lines move.
Here is an example.
# A function to find the x and y coordinate of the minimum y value of either set
min_of_both <- function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
cm <- bind_rows(tibble(x = x1, y = y1),
tibble(x = x2, y = y2))
return(list(x = cm[which(cm$y == min(cm$y)),]$x,
y = min(cm$y)))
# Create two parabola paths, curve A which moves downwards from t = 1 to t = 2
curveA <- tibble(xA = -50:50/10, yA = 5+(-50:50/10)^2, t = 1) %>%
bind_rows(tibble(xA = -50:50/10, yA = -10 + (-50:50/10)^2, t = 2))
# And curve B which is static in both time 1 and 2
curveB <- tibble(xB = -50:50/10, yB = 1 + (-30:70/10)^2)
data <- curveB %>%
bind_rows(curveB) %>%
# Plot Curve A
p <- ggplot(data, aes(x = xA, y = yA)) +
geom_path(color = 'red') +
# And Curve B
geom_path(aes(x=xB,y=yB), color = 'blue')+
# Then plot a single point that uses both curves as input
# Note I also get problems if trying to run the function through data= instead of mapping=
# or if I define two separate functions, one for x and one for y, so as to avoid $
x = min_of_both(xA,yA,xB,yB)$x,
y = min_of_both(xA,yA,xB,yB)$y),
size = 3,
color = 'black') +
This results in (not sure if the animation will play on StackOverflow but the parabola does indeed move):
The black dot is intended to mark the lowest y-coordinate on either parabola at each moment, but instead it marks the lowest y-coordinate on either parabola at any point in the animation (at the end).
Any tips appreciated.
After a lot of head-scratching I think I've understood your point and have found one solution. The best way forward might be to manually tween the paths and calculate the min values using your function whilst grouping by .frame before plotting:
# Same curve setup, but labelling points for grouping later
curveA <- tibble(xA = -50:50/10,
yA = 5+(-50:50/10)^2,
point = 1:101,
t = 1) %>%
bind_rows(tibble(xA = -50:50/10,
yA = -10 + (-50:50/10)^2,
point = 1:101,
t = 2))
curveB <- tibble(xB = -50:50/10,
yB = 1 + (-30:70/10)^2,
point = 1:101,
t = 1)
A_frames <- curveA %>%
tween_along(ease = 'sine-in-out', 100, along = t, id = point) %>%
filter(.phase == "transition") %>%
select(xA, yA, point, .frame) %>%
arrange(.frame, point) # arrange by point needed to keep in order
B_frames <- curveB %>%
bind_rows(curveB %>% mutate(t = 2)) %>%
tween_along(ease = 'sine-in-out', 100, along = t, id = point) %>%
filter(.phase == "transition") %>%
select(xB, yB, point, .frame) %>%
arrange(.frame, point)
data <- A_frames %>%
left_join(B_frames, by = c(".frame", "point")) %>%
group_by(.frame) %>%
mutate(xmin = min_of_both(xA,yA,xB,yB)$x,
ymin = min_of_both(xA,yA,xB,yB)$y)
# Plot Curve A
p <- ggplot(data, aes(x = xA, y = yA)) +
geom_path(color = 'red') +
# And Curve B
geom_path(aes(x=xB,y=yB), color = 'blue')+
# Then plot a single point that uses both curves as input
# Note I also get problems if trying to run the function through data= instead of mapping=
# or if I define two separate functions, one for x and one for y, so as to avoid $
geom_point(aes(xmin, ymin),
size = 3,
color = 'black') +
animate(p, fps = 24)
I am trying to create a graph that plots points, labels, and lines that connect the points given a start and end position. Then transform it into a polar chart. I can plot the points, labels, and lines, but my issue is when I transform my chart into polar. I have used both geom_curve and geom_segment.
In using geom_curve I get an error because geom_curve is not implemented for non-linear coordinates. Therefore the furthest I can get is this:
In using geom_segment I get it closer to my desired effect, but it draws the lines along the cirlce's circumfrence, which makes sense given how I pass through the coordinates. Here is a photo:
I essentially need a geom_curve for polar coordinates, but I have been unable to find one. I would like the lines on the inside of the circle and curved, there will be some overlap but anyway suggestions it look nice with spacing or something would be welcomed.
n<-9 ## sets first level radius
b<-13 ## sets second level radius
geom_segment(data=stats,aes(x=from_x,y=from_rad,xend=to_x,yend=to_rad, color=to), ## I need arrows starting at TO and going to FROM. ##
arrow=arrow(angle=15,ends='first',length=unit(0.03,'npc'), type='closed'))+
## transform into polar coordinates coord_polar(theta='x',start=0,direction=-1)
## sets up the scale to display from 0 to 7 scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,14))+
## Used to 'push' the points so all 'k' show up. expand_limits(x=0) p
As others have commented, you can mimic the desired positions produced by coord_polar() by calculating them yourself, in Cartesian coordinates. I.e.:
x = radius * cos(theta)
y = radius * sin(theta)
# where theta is the angle in radians
Manipulate the 2 data frames:
dframe2 <- dframe %>%
mutate(x_vector = as.integer(factor(x_vector))) %>%
mutate(theta = x_vector / n_distinct(x_vector) * 2 * pi + pi / 2) %>%
mutate(x = radius * cos(theta),
y = radius * sin(theta),
y.label = label_radius * sin(theta),
name = as.character(name))
stats2 <- stats %>%
select(from, to, amt, linethick) %>%
mutate_at(vars(from, to), as.character) %>%
left_join(dframe2 %>% select(name, x, y),
by = c("from" = "name")) %>%
rename(x.start = x, y.start = y) %>%
left_join(dframe2 %>% select(name, x, y),
by = c("to" = "name")) %>%
rename(x.end = x, y.end = y)
Plot using geom_curve():
# standardize plot range in all directions
plot.range <- max(abs(c(dframe2$x, dframe2$y, dframe2$y.label))) * 1.1
p <- dframe2 %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y)) +
geom_point() +
geom_text(aes(y = y.label, label = name)) +
# use 2 geom_curve() layers with different curvatures, such that all segments align
# inwards inside the circle
geom_curve(data = stats2 %>% filter(x.start > 0),
aes(x = x.start, y = y.start,
xend = x.end, yend = y.end,
color = to),
curvature = -0.3,
arrow = arrow(angle=15, ends='first',
type='closed')) +
geom_curve(data = stats2 %>% filter(x.start <= 0),
aes(x = x.start, y = y.start,
xend = x.end, yend = y.end,
color = to),
curvature = 0.3,
arrow = arrow(angle=15, ends='first',
type='closed')) +
expand_limits(x = c(-plot.range, plot.range),
y = c(-plot.range, plot.range)) +
coord_equal() +
If you want polar grid lines, these can be mimicked as well using geom_spoke() and ggfortify package's geom_circle():
p +
geom_spoke(data = data.frame(x = 0,
y = 0,
angle = pi * seq(from = 0,
to = 2,
length.out = 9), # number of spokes + 1
radius = plot.range),
aes(x = x, y = y, angle = angle, radius = radius),
inherit.aes = FALSE,
color = "grey") +
geom_circle(data = data.frame(x0 = 0,
y0 = 0,
r = seq(from = 0,
to = plot.range,
length.out = 4)), # number of concentric circles + 1
aes(x0 = x0, y0 = y0, r = r),
inherit.aes = FALSE,
color = "grey", fill = NA)
(Note: If you really want these pseudo-grid lines, plot them before the other geom layers.)
Do yo have to do everything in ggplot2?
If not, then one option would be to create the plot with the points (potentially using ggplot2, or just straight grid graphics, maybe even base graphics), then push to the appropriate viewport and use xsplines to add curves between the points (see this answer: Is there a way to make nice "flow maps" or "line area" graphs in R? for a basic example of using xspline).
If you insist on doing everything using ggplot2 then you will probably need to create your own geom function that plots the curves in the polar coordinate plot.
I am in need of some help with angles.
Calculating bearings with the package fossil and the function fossil::earth.bear we obtain, according to the help,
"the bearing in degrees clockwise from True North between any two points on the globe".
I have a vector of angles obtained with this function, and I need to transform them so the origin (0º) is on the x axis (East) and the angles increment counterclockwise.
Basically I need a way to rotate 90º clockwise my angles (so the 0º will be on the x axis "facing East") and then calculate the angle in the opposite direction (counterclockwise).
Intuitively, I've tried adding 90º to my bearings (to rotate clockwise) and then substracting them from 360 (to calculate the angle in the "opposite direction").
However, it does not work and I highly suspect that there is a different thing to do for each quadrant, but I just can't figure it out.
Below a test with dummy data and polar histograms to prove that the solution is not working as the resulting vector bearings2is not equivalent to the starting vector bearings
# Generate vector with 100 random values between 0 and 360
bearing <- runif(100, 0,360)
# generate a histogram with values binned every 5º
breaks = seq(0, 360, by=5)
bearing.cut = cut(bearing, breaks, right=FALSE)
bearing.freq =
bearing.freq$bearing.cut <- seq(5,360, by = 5)
#plot with ggplot
ggplot(bearing.freq, aes(x = bearing.cut, y = Freq)) +
coord_polar(theta = "x", start = 0 direction = 1) + #start 0 for north, direction 1 for cloclwise
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 360, 5))
This is the plot that this creates
Now I perform the mentioned operations in my bearing vector
bearing2 <- 360-(bearing-90)
# repeat the process to generate freq table and plot
breaks = seq(0, 360, by=5)
bearing.cut2 = cut(bearing2, breaks, right=FALSE)
bearing.freq2 =
bearing.freq2$bearing.cut <- seq(5,360, by = 5)
#plot with ggplot
ggplot(bearing.freq2, aes(x = bearing.cut2, y = Freq)) +
coord_polar(theta = "x", start = -pi/2, direction = -1) + # now start at E and counterclockwise
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 360, 5))
And this is the plot that this generates. Clearly, if my conversion was correct, these two plots should look the same... and they don't.
** I have edited as per Gregor's suggestion (and to set a seed so it is repeatable). Looks better but we lose all angles between 0º and 90º. Which reinforces my initial idea that there's a different operation to do for each quadrant, but still can't figure it out. Still, thanks for the tip!
Ok I think I figured it out but not really sure why it works. I'll just leave it here to mark the question as answered.
The solution is that, for the first quadrant (angles between 0º and 90º, we need to calculate the complementray angle so we need 90-bearing . For the rest of the quadrants, we do what Gregor suggested(360-(bearing-90)).
Below the complete code to a reproducible example
# 0º at North and clockwise
bearing <- runif(100, 0,360)
#create histogram
breaks = seq(0, 360, by=5) # half-integer sequence
bearing.cut = cut(bearing, breaks, right=FALSE)
bearing.freq =
bearing.freq$bearing.cut <- seq(5,360, by = 5)
p1 <- ggplot(bearing.freq, aes(x = bearing.cut, y = Freq)) +
coord_polar(theta = "x", start =0, direction = 1) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 360, 5))
# transform to 0º at E and counterclockwise
bearing2 <- ifelse(bearing <=90, (90-bearing), (360 - (bearing - 90)))
#create histogram
bearing.cut2 = cut(bearing2, breaks, right=FALSE)
bearing.freq2 =
bearing.freq2$bearing.cut <- seq(5,360, by = 5)
# plot
p2 <- ggplot(bearing.freq2, aes(x = bearing.cut, y = Freq)) +
coord_polar(theta = "x", start = -pi/2, direction = -1) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 360, 5))
grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=2)