What are the differences between OpenFOAM 10 and OpenFOAM® v2212? - openfoam

While OpenFOAM 10 (release date July 2022) is located on OpenFOAM.org and GitHub,
OpenFOAM® v2212 (published December 2022) is from OpenFOAM.com and on GitLab.
Both versions sharing an unofficial Wikipedia representation on Unofficial OpenFOAM wiki.
Is there a difference on results from each versions implemented solvers running and if so, what are tasks for providing compatibility between these newest release versions (also considering source included tutorials)?

This is an age old question (openfoam.org vs openfoam.com). The direct answer can be found in the links below.
Basically, both are two forks of the same software, with some code added or removed. Community contribution is higher in OpenFOAM.org's version and some advanced solvers are added in OpenFOAM.com's version.
They are very similar in most aspects and differ only in very advanced solvers / simulations. By the time people start to understand those differences, they can choose the version for themselves.
Also, note that ESI-OpenFOAM can and will contain code from OpenFOAM.org, but not the other way around. The code added in ESI-OpenFOAM stays only there. It is one of the reasons it is used more in industries.
For basic usage or learning, both versions are nearly equal. I generally stick with the OpenFOAM.org's version as it is used in more academia (from personal experiences) and it is more accessible (the documentation and tutorials) (personal opinion).
To find what exact code differs for both versions, we have to see the commit history and examine solvers manually. I'll keep on adding to this answer as I find more stuff (asking friends and professors).


Navigating the automatic differentiation ecosystem in Julia

Julia has a somewhat sprawling AD ecosystem, with perhaps by now more than a dozen different packages spanning, as far as I can tell, forward-mode (ForwardDiff.jl, ForwardDiff2.jl
), reverse-mode (ReverseDiff.jl, Nabla.jl, AutoGrad.jl), and source-to-source (Zygote.jl, Yota.jl, Enzyme.jl, and presumably also the forthcoming Diffractor.jl) at several different steps of the compilation pipeline, as well as more exotic things like NiLang.jl.
Between such packages, what is the support for different language constructs (control-flow, mutation, etc.), and are there any rules of thumb for how one should go about choosing a given AD for a given task? I believe there was a compare-and-contrast table on the Julia Slack at some point, but I can't seem find anything like that reproduced for posterity in the relevant discourse threads or other likely places (1, 2)
I'd also love to hear an informed answer to this. Some more links that might be of interest.
Diffractor now has a Github repo, which lays out the implementation plan. After reading the text there, my take is that it will require long-term implementation work before Diffractor is production ready. On the other hand, there is a feeling that Zygote may be in "maintenance mode" while awaiting Diffractor. At least from a distance, the situation seems a bit awkward. The good news is that the ChainRules.jl ecosystem seems to make it possible to easily swap between autodiff systems.
As of Sept 2021, Yota seems to be rapidly evolving. The 0.5 release brings support for ChainRules which seems to unlock it for production use. There is a lot of interesting discussion at this release thread. My understanding from reading through those threads is that the scope of Yota is more limited compared to Zygote (e.g., autodiff through mutation is not supported). This limited scope has the advantage of opening up optimization opportunities such as preallocation, and kernel fusion that may not be possible in a more general autodiff system. As such, Yota might be better suited to fill the niche of, e.g., PyTorch type modeling.

RBloomberg vs Rblpapi

I am working on a project where I am fetching bulk data from Bloomberg, such as the stock of the 1000 highest valued US companies, and then computing summary statistics on them.
I would like to use R for the procedure and I am wondering which package is would suit the task better, RBloomberg or Rblpapi.
This is what I think are the pros and cons of the packages:
Has good Manual from 2010 and more SO questions
+May be more stable since it's been around for longer
May not work on new version of R, Requires Java
Will likely not receive new functions and support
Faster, does not require Java
Will likely receive new functions
If the package is updated significantly, I may have to rewrite my code
In addition, is the functionality of the two packages equivalent?
Thank you for your input.
These opinion based questions are not always the best fit for Stack Overflow but this may help you:
1) This debate may be of use with Whit one of the writers of Rblpapi in 2014 saying go with Rbbg until the functionality is more developed.
2) #Dirk Eddelbuettel write-up explains the history of these packages. Dirk explains how the collaborators are linked from Dirk to Ana to John to Whit. So there is a lot of idea sharing between the two packages.
3) Only the binaries not source is available from which can be a problem for non-Windows users. (please see #GSee comments) Also packages like packrat for sandboxing do not like the lack of src files for Rbbg. (Others might comment on a workaround for this.)
Disclaimer: I do not use Rblpapi yet so I cannot judge it.

How can I contribute to base R in small ways?

Occasionally I see small ways I could improve either R (recently the IQR command) and R documentation (just this week perhaps elaborating differences among and better interconnecting aggregate, tapply, and by). But I don't see a way to really make that contribution back. I looked into the developer site and it seems that my options are either to attempt to become a full fledged developer or create packages, neither of which fit what I wish to accomplish.
I did propose IQR changes on the R mailing list but got no response so I figure that's going nowhere.
And to clarify, I'm talking about base-R. Additional packages are another matter.
Any tips?
Send (or CC) to r-devel. Traffic is quite high on r-help, and things can be overlooked there.
File a bug under the wishlist category detailing the improvement you would like to see.
Having filed the bug, try to provide a patch against the R code and or documentation as appropriate. I've done this before where there was a problem or infelicity in R, supplied a patch and a fix to the help files/manual and had the changes accepted (after suitable modification) by R Core.
If it is an addition to the R code base, you are going to have to show that there is a real pressing need for the addition. Basically you are asking R Core to maintain your code in perpetuity, and they are unlikely to do that unless you can demonstrate a need.
If it is an addition, look for a popular R package that does similar/related things and suggest to the package maintainer that they include your function. That way you don't need to start a whole package for something simple but contribute your code. There are several, popular, *misc packages on CRAN for example.
If you want to contribute fixes to the R documentation and/or manuals, provide patches to the sources. You can find the sources at svn.r-project.org/R
Hopefully that gives you some ideas. Patches and code always help!
How about patches to existing packages?
How about open bug reports on packages? R-Forge projects don't seem to use the issue trackers much, but some folks on the RPostgreSQL team I'm on enabled it (where it is hosted on Google Code), and it has been helpful -- see here. And we had a really useful inflow of fresh blood with a rocking new developer from Japan, probably in part because of the visibility of the project there.
In essence, try to find a project / group / team to become acquainted with and join. In that sense, this is just like any other Open Source project. The r-devel list (gmane view) is a good place for R development in general.
The R Core team, on the other hand, is a little more closed and per invitation only and unlikely to change. So be it, for better or worse. It has worked so far, and hence I am not among those who bemoan this loudly.

Is it good practice to update R packages often? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've started to use R a little while ago and am not sure how often to update the installed packages (at this time, I'm using mostly ggplot2 and rattle). One one hand it's the typical geek impulse to have the latest version :-) On the other, updates can break functionality and, as an R beginner, I don't want to waste time looking into package incompatibilities and reinstalling libraries, it's almost certain I wouldn't notice any difference with an improved package.
With other applications I have a sense developed from experience on how often to upgrade, how much to wait between the release of an upgrade and installing it and so on. But I'm in the dark with regards to R.
And to be clear: I'm not talking about R itself, but its libraries.
Here is my philosophy: the naïve user never updates. The sophisticated user always updates. The power user updates often, but carefully.
Mindless updating is not always beneficial. Bugs work their way in updated versions of R libraries (or R itself!), and you could break your existing code by updating without reading the change log or commit history. For example, R 2.11 broke lme4 on OS X... it pays to carefully update and run demos of packages between releases. It really sucks to update to a new library or R release and realize something broke when you have a deadline.
Yes it is.
Why exactly would you want to hang on to old bugs and lacking features?
The question is already answered, but I'll offer my 2 cents. In an organization, updating R should be treated like updating gcc or Java: with warnings, with a staging area, a rollback plan, etc. Others' work and results may be affected. [See update #2]
I am more impulsive about updating R packages. As long as you can reproduce the state of your system at any point in time, there's little to worry about. Ensuring that nightly backups occur should be the domain of your sysadmin.
The basic idea is that you should be able to reproduce everything. Actually testing that your earlier results are reproduced is dependent on whether you want to disprove your assumption that there are no bugs or changes that will affect later results. :)
Update 1. As has been mentioned in comments and above, updating in a production environment or any environment where stability is optimal (e.g. bugs are either known or not significant), introducing new bugs, new dependencies, different output, or any variety of other software regressions, should be done quite carefully. Moreover, where you're updating from matters a lot. Updating from R-Forge is more likely to expose you to the newest bugs than from CRAN. Even so, I have found and reported bugs that persisted through 3+ versions of a package on CRAN, as well as other regressions that have just magically appeared. I test a lot, but updating, finding new bugs, and debugging is an effort that I don't always want to (or have time to) undertake.
I am reminded of this question after finding a new bug in a new version of a package that I use a lot. Just to check, I reverted to an earlier version - no more crashes, though tracking down the cause took a couple of hours, because I assumed it was not arising in this package. I'll send a note to the maintainer before long, so others won't have to stumble on the same bug.
Update 2. In an organization, I have to say that the answer is no. In fact, in any case where there may be two or more concurrent instances of R, it is very unwise to blindly update the packages while another may be using them. There are likely to be good methods for hot-swapping packages, I just don't yet know them. Keep in mind that the two instances need only share libraries (i.e. where the packages are stored), and, AFAIK, need not run concurrently on the same machine. Thus, if libraries are placed on shared systems, e.g. over NFS, one may not know where else R is running at the same time, using those libraries. Accidentally killing another R process is not usually a good thing.
Yes, unless you have a good reason not to (see my comment to Dirk)
Although some of the following has been mentioned in previous answers, I think it might be beneficial to make a few things explicit. As a developer, I think that updating packages often (and R-devel for the matter), is a good practice. You definitely want to stick with the latest out there. If your package imports/depends/sugests... interacts with other packages, you want to ensure interoperability on day to day basis, and not face the 'bugs' just before release, when time is short.
On the other hand, some environments will put special emphasis on exact reproducibility. In that case, one may want to adopt a more careful strategy with updating.
But it is worth emphasising that these two behaviours are not exclusive. It is possible to install different versions of R and maintain different libraries, to benefit from a bleeding edge development environment and a more stable one for production.
Hope this helps.
I'd be inclined to respond as often as you need to, and never when you're in a hurry!
Firstly, debate the chances that you're labouring under a bug of which you are unaware. I would moot that is quite rare. If you're suffering under a bug and there's a newer version in which the bug is fixed, plan an upgrade. If you want a new feature, plan an upgrade. If it's your first day back after Christmas and the biggest overhead is trying to remember what you were actually doing last then the overhead of messing about with some new dependency requirements (which may include system components outside of R) is probably relatively small, so consider seeing what updates are available (guess what I did today) ;-)
The golden rule is probably that there isn't a single, recommended schedule other than what makes sense for your use; daily updates will inevitably result in fewer updates each time and thus minimize the pain of the actual update, but it's not worth it if you constantly get different numerical results from one day to the next because of some change to how a function does sampling (different numerical results have plagued Coursera students using caret). Don't underestimate the value of a stable system that allows you to just get on with productive work rather than faffing.

How to release a subset of deliverables?

Further to my question at accidentally-released-code-to-live-how-to-prevent-happening-again. After client UAT we often have the client saying they are happy for a subset of features to be released while others they want in a future release instead.
My question is "How do you release 2/3 (two out of 3) of your features".
I'd be interested in how the big players such as Microsoft handle situations like..
"Right we're only going to release 45/50 of the initially proposed features/fixes in the next version of Word, package it and ship it out".
Assuming those 5 features not being released in the next release have been started.. how can you ignore them in the release build & deployment?
How do you release 2/3 of your developed features?
How to release a subset of deliverables?
-- Lee
If you haven't thought about this in advance, it's pretty hard to do.
But in the future, here's how you could set yourself up to do this:
Get a real version control system, with very good support for both branching and merging. Historically, this has meant something like git or Mercurial, because Subversion's merge support has been very weak. (The Subversion team has recently been working improving their merge support, however.) On the Windows side, I don't know what VC tools are best for something like this.
Decide how to organize work on individual features. One approach is to keep each feature on its own branch, and only merge it back to the main branch when the new feature is ready. The goal here is to keep the main branch almost shippable at all times. This is easiest when the feature branches don't sit around collecting dust—perhaps each programmer could work on only 1 or 2 features at a time, and merge them as soon as they're ready?
Alternatively, you can try to cherry-pick individual patches out of your version control history. This is tedious and error-prone, but it may be possible for certain very disciplined development groups who write very clean patches that make exactly 1 complete change. You see this type of patch in the Linux kernel community. Try looking at some patches on the Linux 2.6 gitweb to see what this style of development looks like.
If you have trouble keeping your trunk "almost shippable" at all times, you might want to read a book on agile programming, such as Extreme Programming Explained. All the branching and merging in the world will be useless if your new code tends to be very buggy and require long periods of testing to find basic logic errors.
How do feature branches work with continuous integration? In general, I tend to build feature branches after each check-in, just like the main branch, and I expect developers to commit more-or-less daily. But more importantly, I try to merge feature branches back to the main branch very aggressively—a 2-week-old feature branch would make me very, very nervous, because it means somebody is living off in their own little world.
What if the client only wants some of the already working features? This would worry me a bit, and I would want to ask them why the client only wants some of the features. Are they nervous about the quality of the code? Are we building the right features? If we're working on features that the client really wants, and if our main branch is always solid, then the client should be eager to get everything we've implemented. So in this case, I would first look hard for underlying problems with our process and try to fix them.
However, if there were some special once-in-a-blue-moon reason for this request, I would basically create a new trunk, re-merge some branches, and cherry-pick other patches. Or disable some of the UI, as the other posters have suggested. But I wouldn't make a habit of it.
This reminds me a lot of an interview question I was asked at Borland when I was applying for a program manager position. There the question was phrased differently — there's a major bug in one feature that can't be fixed before a fixed release date — but I think the same approach can work: remove the UI elements for the features for a future release.
Of course this assume that there's no effect of the features you want to leave out with the rest of what you want to ship... but if that's the case just changing the UI is easier than trying to make a more drastic change.
In practice what I think you would do would be to branch the code for release and then make the UI removals on that branch.
Its usually a function of version control, but doing something like that can be quite complicated depending on the size of the project and how many changesets/revisions you have to classify as being desired or not desired.
A different but fairly successful strategy that I've employed in the past is making the features themselves configurable and just deploying them as disabled for unfinished features or for clients who don't want to use certain features yet.
This approach has several advantages in that you don't have to juggle what features/fixes have been merged and have not been merged, and depending on how you implement the configuration and if the feature was finished at the time of deployment, the client can change their mind and not have to wait until a new release to take advantage of the additional functionality.
That's easy, been there done that:
Create a 2/3 release branch off your current mainline.
In the 2/3 release branch, delete unwanted features.
Stabilize the 2/3 release branch.
Name the version My Product 2.1 2/3.
Release from the 2/3 release branch.
Return to the development in the mainline.
