Unable to validate the gmail in dex Machine - tosca

I am trying to connect to gmail and in the search option trying to search an email. I am getting the following error when executing in Dex but when i execute it in my local it works fine. Please help me understanding this issue. I have used the waiton option and usersimulation option but none of them has been helpful. TIA.
Error: The browser was not ready after 60000 ms. Please refer to the setting (TBox.Synchronization.SynchronizationTimeout) or the testconfiguration parameter (SynchronizationTimeout)


Authenticating Google Cloud Storage in R Studio

I know a similar question has been asked (link), but the response didn't work for me.
TLDR: I keep running into errors when trying to authenticate Google Cloud Storage in RStudio. I'm not sure what is going wrong and would love advice.
I have downloaded both the GCS_AUTH_FILE (created a service account with service admin privileges'--downloaded the key associated with the service account) and also downloaded GAR_CLIENT_WEB_JSON by creating a OAuth 2.0 Client ID and downloading that associated JSON file.
I've tried authenticating my Google Cloud Storage in several ways and hit different errors.
Way 1-automatic setup:
Then I select any one of the options, and get the error: Error in if (file.exists(local_file)) { : argument is of length zero And that error happens no matter which of the three options I select.
Way 2 - basic, following manual setup instructions from the package:
Sys.setenv("GCS_DEFAULT_BUCKET" = "my-default-bucket",
"GCS_AUTH_FILE" = "/fullpath/to/service-auth.json")
In this case, GCS_AUTH_FILE is the file that I mentioned at the beginning of this post, and the GCS_DEFAULT_BUCKET is the name of the bucket. When I run the first line, it seems to be working (nothing goes awry and it runs just fine), but when I run gcs_auth() I get taken to a web browser page that states:
"Authorization Error
Error 400: invalid_request
Missing required parameter: client_id"
Way 3: Following the method from the post that I linked above
This way involves manually setting the .Renviron file w/ the GCS_AUTH_FILE and GAR__CLIENT_WEB_JSON locations, and then running gar_auth(). And yet again, I get the exact same error as in Way 2.
Any ideas about what could be going wrong? Thanks for your help. I wasn't sure how to put in totally reproducible code in this case, so if there is a way I should do that, please let me know.

Artifactory Users Management not loading

I'm trying to open the Artifactory Users Management page, following the Admin->Security->Users tab.
Then I'm getting the following error:
Any idea of what might be causing it? Also, which log I can check this? Couldn't find anything yet.
The server error generally indicates there is problem fetching the user details from Artifactory. This can happen due to any of the following reasons:
when you have a high volume of users and the request is timing out.
There is a chance that you might have created a username with a
special character which is not allowed (using the REST method or some
other method)
There is an issue with the backend database
And the best place to troubleshoot is to first check the request log a good valid entry looks like below:
Next check the artifactory.log file for java stack or check catalina.out under tomcat/logs directory.

TDWALLETERROR(543): Teradata Wallet error. The helper process is already being traced

When I start my jobs using fast export they sometimes end with an error:
TDWALLETERROR(543): Teradata Wallet error. The helper process is already being traced
When I restart them, they work.
I'm using saved-key protection scheme.
Can someone explain to me why is that error occuring and how to fix it?
Looks like you have a trace activated in one of the scripts, run in the system.
Teradata has a shiffer code that attempts to validate if tracing is running during the wallet invocation - which triggers this error.

Alfresco share ClientAbortException

Sometimes when we open folder, Alfresco shows spinning wheel and never opens the folder. The log has below exception.
2016-03-08 11:45:40,652 INFO [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-494] Exception calling (GET) http://localhost:8080/alfresco/s/slingshot/doclib/treenode/site/test/documentLibrary/Books/science?children=true&max=-1&alf_ticket=TICKET_400a73c20348346eed011695af270f837f27a654
2016-03-08 11:45:40,652 INFO [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-494] Error status 500 null
ClientAbortException: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
at org.apache.catalina.connector.OutputBuffer.realWriteBytes(OutputBuffer.java:413)
If I curl the above URL or open directly in webrowser I am able to get the json response successfully.
I am using only Alfresco Share and not anyother client. The localhost:8080 is working perfectly fine in most of the cases except this one.
Can anyone please tell me what is the issue and why connection is closed or ClientAbortException exception is occurring?
Mostly this is an issue of timeout and you'll need active monitoring on your Alfresco & Share environment to see how Alfresco is running.
Easy check is to install some java monitoring or use Jmeter to load test the system and see how it responds on different load.
Mostly the outcome is more CPU/RAM for Alfresco :).
As Tahir Malik mentioned above, the issue is related to performance.
The ClientAbort error itself occurs when the client (in this case, Share) times out or the user cancels a download. The message on the log is type INFO. More details here: https://issues.alfresco.com/jira/browse/ALF-20349
If you are on SSO and using Alfresco Enterprise 5.2.3 or 5.2.4, there is a chance that you may hit a similar bug, which is discussed in the Alfresco Forum. However, this particular bug would not show the ClientAbortException.

Cache exception in symfony2 project

When I excute my code many time I get
server error 500 in the console
and no data has charged when I check the error I get cache error and then I have to refresh the page to get data. I don't know why I get this exception!!!
can someone help me and tell me how can I avoid this exception in symfony :
class: "Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\ContextErrorException"
message: "Warning: rename(C:\wamp\www\myproject\app\cache\dev/doctrine/orm/Proxies\__CG__DefaultAppBundleEntityService.php.568513d40be3a3.02053948,C:\wamp\www\myproject\app\cache\dev/doctrine/orm/Proxies\__CG__DefaultAppBundleEntityService.php): "
unfortunatly I can't resolve this problem can someone help me please ????!!!
Sometimes all queries run without problem or errors but if I refresh the page it may that I get this error for one or more requests
Please check the user and owner of the file. assign them the same user and owner which are running php apache on your system. This worked for me.
