CSS Animation timing issue on modal close - css

I am using a w3Schools tutorial for a modal. I would like to run an animation after the user clicks the close button. I am using a blind animation and have it working on open but would like the reverse on close.
Should I be using Javascript to change the classes inline? I've experimented with that but the animation doesn't have time to run because I'm closing the modal with display:hidden right after the animation call, so it's being executed before the animation has time to complete.
Here is my html. I have the animation class inline and the only thing I can think of is to switch the out animation with javascript:
<div id="modal-one" class="modal">
<div class="modal-content modal-parent blind-content in origin-middle">
<div class="modal-header">
<span class="modal-close"></span>
content here
How can I get the blind effect to run on open and close?

Next time please provide a link to the tutorial (or some such).
You could use javascript.
change your html to...
<div id="modal-one" class="modal">
<div class="modal-content modal-parent blind-content in origin-middle">
<div class="modal-header">
<span class="modal-close d-none"></span>
<span class="model-close-dummy"></span>
content here
then add javascript
let modal = document.querySelector("#modal-one");
let modal_close_dummy = modal.querySelector(".modal-close-dummy")
let modal_close = modal.querySelector(".modal-close")
modal_close_dummy.addEventListener("click", function () {
runClosingAnimation();//run animation - do what you need to do
modal_close.click(); //programatically click the actual close button after 500ms
}, 500) //500 time in miliseconds to wait, before the stuff inside setTimeout runs
Hope this helps.


Applying a broad css-changing function to a particular div ID with 'onClick' React/Nextjs

I have a multi-stage dropdown component that works, but unfortunately is applied to all divs that share the same className. I.e: all items drop down when one is clicked - when I obviously just want the one clicked.
Ive tried other solutions that involve mapping, using (this) and also selecting the div by id via document query then iteration with for loops but nothing has worked. Mainly because even if I can isolate the div (say with useRef e.g.), trigging the function inherently involves applying the style change to all divs with the same classname. With this in mind, I'm pretty sure I need to change the initial css hook. Alternative is obviously to give each dropdown item its own css class which I feel would be too repetitive to even try.
Here is my code (for berevity Ive just included the dropdown and not scroll up, also just one of the items - html is identical for the other 7 items:
const [content, Toggle] = useState(styles.CT007Content)
const [TrackList, Drop] = useState(styles.songContainer)
const [artwork, Slide] = useState(styles.artworkContainer)
const [title, Darkmode] = useState(styles.releaseTitle)
const [arrow, Unlock] = useState(styles.arrow)
const open = () => {
if (arrow==styles.arrow){
if (title==styles.releaseTitle){
if (TrackList==styles.songContainer){
if (content==styles.CT007Content){
if (artwork==styles.artworkContainer){
{/* item 1 of 10 */}
<div className={styles.Release} id="CT007">
<div className={styles.releasesHeader} id="CT007">Releases (2014-2018, 2022)</div>
<div className={title} onClick={open} id="CT007">CT007
<div className={arrow} id="CT007">></div>
<div className={arrow} id="CT007">></div>
<div className={arrow} id="CT007">></div>
<content className={content} id="CT007">
<div className={TrackList} id="CT007">
<div className={styles.trackContainer} onClick={changeStyle} id="CT007">
<audio controls className={audiostyle} src="/TEX86.mp3" id="CT007">
{/* <source src="/TEX86.mp3" type = "audio/mpeg"/> */}
<div className={styles.trackText} id="CT007">
<h4>You&apos;ll Never Get Rich</h4>
<div className={styles.trackContainer} id="CT007">
<audio controls className={audiostyle} id="CT007">
<source src="" type = "audio/mpeg"/>
<div className={styles.trackText} id="CT007">
<h4>Death by Dole</h4>
<div className={artwork} id="CT007">
<svg src=""/>
To iterate, the functionality works fine, I just dont want it applied to all divs when only one is clicked. Many thanks in advance. Im sure it is something obvious but I am new to react, any help would be appreciated
documentQuery Selector, wrapping hook in a function for each div OnClick, mapping/for looping

Reveal Foundation modal displaying repeat content on all modal rather dynamic content

I have multiple reveal modals on the page and I trying to display the dynamic custom post type content on each modal when clicked, but the modal keeps repeating the same content on all the modals.
I am trying to initiate new modal on every click so the content doesn't repeat but for some reason it's just not working. If I remove Reveal Modal, then can view the dynamic content. Am I initiating the reveal modal properly? I am not seeing any errors on the console.
Here's my code:
<a class="modal" data-open="exampleModal">Reveal Button</a>
<div class="reveal large" id="exampleModal" data-reveal>
<!-- content -->
<button class="close-button" data-close aria-label="Close reveal" type="button">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
jQuery(function($) {
var modal = $('#exampleModal');
$('a.modal').click(function() {
var reveal = new Foundation.Reveal(modal);
Can someone help please. Thanks in advance.

featherlight.js first picture clicked in gallery doesn't have navigation arrows

I'm using the featherlightGallery add on for featherlight.js.
It works OK except when I click on the 1st image in a set, the image opens but not as a "gallery". In other words, there is no "next" navigation button.
If I click the 2nd (or later) image, the gallery opens and I can click next and forward as expected.
<div class="tidy">
<div class="pfTitle" data-fid="12">
<div class="tih"><img src="img/upload.png" class="tup" alt="upload" title="upload"></div>
<div class="tpHolder">
<div class="tiWrap">
<div class="tiLink" data-imglink="ANNAWAN/Photos-Misc/100_0708.jpg">
<img src="../data/towerFiles/ANNAWAN/Photos-Misc/100_0708.jpg"
class="ssImg Photos-Misc" title="Photos-Misc"
<div class="tiDel"><img src="img/x.png" class="ssImg delTpic" title="delete"></div>
<div class="tiWrap">
<div class="tiLink" data-imglink="ANNAWAN/Photos-Misc/IMGP6500.JPG">
<img src="../data/towerFiles/ANNAWAN/Photos-Misc/IMGP6500.JPG"
class="ssImg Photos-Misc" title="Photos-Misc"
data-featherlight-gallery="Photos-Misc" data-featherlight-target-attr="src">
<div class="tiDel"><img src="img/x.png" class="ssImg delTpic" title="delete"></div>
<div class="tiWrap">
<div class="tiLink" data-imglink="ANNAWAN/Photos-Misc/IMGP6501.JPG">
<img src="../data/towerFiles/ANNAWAN/Photos-Misc/IMGP6501.JPG"
class="ssImg Photos-Misc" title="Photos-Misc"
data-featherlight-gallery="Photos-Misc" data-featherlight-target-attr="src">
<div class="tiDel"><img src="img/x.png" class="ssImg delTpic" title="delete"></div>
When a thumbnail is clicked (bound to class tiLink) , this function is run:
// obj is the object (image thumbnail) that as clicked
function tiLink(obj){
var ilink=$(obj).data("imglink");
if( !ilink ){return;}
// var viewLink="../data/towerFiles/"+ilink;
var gal=$(obj).find("img").attr("title");
// single view
// gallery view
previousIcon: '◀', /* Code that is used as previous icon */
nextIcon: '▶', /* Code that is used as next icon */
galleryFadeIn: 100, /* fadeIn speed when slide is loaded */
galleryFadeOut: 300 /* fadeOut speed before slide is loaded */
One other note: the image data is loaded and created dynamically.
Why doesn't the 1st image have prev/next navigation if it is chosen first?
EDIT: the "non-gallery" problem happens with whatever picture I click first in the set.
EDIT #2:
JSFiddle demonstrating the problem
Looks like you're over complicating things. You have a single gallery, just bind it once. Call something like this once:
$('.tiLink').featherlightGallery({targetAttr: 'data-imglink', ...})
If you have multiple independent galleries, bind them individually, probably something like:
$('.gallery').each(function() { $(this).find('.item').featherlightGallery(...) })

Expand/Collapse all elements of a Semantic UI accordion

I don't find any clue to do that from the Semantic UI documentation/API, is there a clean way to do that?
For now, what I see is to play with :
$('.ui.accordion > .title').addClass('active')
$('.ui.accordion > .content').css('display', 'block')
You actually can do this like so:
$('.ui.accordion .individual').each(function(i){
You just iterate through each individual element to get its index position, then ask the parent (the accordion) to open each one. This way you still get the transition.
Here is the answer:
onOpen(commentID: string){
jQuery(`.replies${commentID}`).accordion('open', 0);
<div class="ui accordion replies{{commentID}}">
<div class="title" (click)="onClick(commentID);">
<div class="content">

Masonry doesn't work properly with Meteor

I have created a test project with Meteor which uses Masonry. I added the package mrt:jquery-masonry(or isotope:isotope), and it works well at the beginning. However, the problem comes now.
Basically, I want to implement the feature that when user clicks the button, the page will be added one more div. Below is my code:
<div class="container">
{{> masonryContent}}
var $container = $('.masonry-container');
columnWidth: 300,
gutterWidth: 50,
itemSelector: '.masonry-item'
.masonry-item {
width: 300px;
<template name="masonryContent">
<div class="masonry-container">
<div class="masonry-item">
<div class="masonry-item">
<div class="masonry-item">
<p>another test...</p>
{{#if showItem}}
<div class="masonry-item">
<p>new added item...</p>
"click #click-me": function(e) {
Session.set('show_me', true);
showItem: function() {
return !!Session.get('show_me');
The problem is when I click the button, the new div was created; however, it wasn't placed by following Masonry rules. The new created item just overlapped to the first item, but I expect it performs the way to append to the last item.
I would appreciate if anyone could help me on this.
Thanks in advance!
As meteor does partial rendering the element needs to be there in the DOM for masonry to work. So there are two ways of getting over the problem
1) Hide or unhide the element when the button click happens
2) re-render the DOM
You can use the chrome dev tools to see what DOM elements are touched/refreshed (Green color).
There is a typo in masonry in the template name insertion.
Check the package state, many mrt packages are not well supported anymore.
