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I was wondering whether these is some tool that could help me find packages in AFP that depend on some specific package.
For example I see that Jacobson_Basic_Algebra
has been used as a basis for definitions in Grothendieck_Schemes . I was wondering whether there exists some extension of Jacobson_Basic_Algebra to the theory of fields.


Common Lisp style: multiple packages in same repo

May I get recommendations or links to representative code repositories with good style for multiple related Common Lisp packages, please?
For instance, consider a high-level workflow library with accompanying lower-level API, each in its own CL package but same git repo due to synchronized releases.
Each system (*.asd file) isolates tests and may be invoked using:
(asdf:test-system foo :force t)
Separate systems may be built via make, which definitely helps isolate SBCL code-coverage reports.
Some users of the library may only want to load the lower-level API. For simplifying dependencies for those using higher-level API, it seems best to keep everything bundled in one repo. Any revision to one library would likely require updating all for the same release.
I currently have a single directory tree with a subdirectory for each CL package. There's a top-level Makefile plus one in each subdirectory that the library maintain would use. The top-level also contains symbolic links for .asd files pointing into relevant subdirectories. (It's a library deeply dependent upon POSIX calls via uiop-posix, so it's only applicable on an OS with sym-links.)
This seems to be an issue at large considering issue #1 for Quicklisp-docs [0].
Found nothing relevant in Google's CL style guide [1], State of the Common Lisp Ecosystem, 2015 [2], Edi's CL Recipes [3] or Lisp-lang [4]. Browsing repos seem to have quite a mix of styles.
[4] but see also their section on Continuous Integration
Repo to be fixed:
(commit a23bd88d of 2018-07-14; release will be tagged when fixed)
You could consider using asdf-inferred-package. With that, you could have a mmap/high package that depends on a mmap/low package. With that setup, you can actually ask Quicklisp to load either of them directly:
(ql:quickload "mmap/high")
(ql:quickload "mmap/low")
You can see an example in my cl-bulk repo.
Attempting to reach a specific audience that might not have seen the question here, it was posted to Common Lisp Pro mailing list.
A summary of the various responses-- apart from great insights to various possible future directions-- there is no de facto convention, mechanism or style for addressing the combination of factors:
dependency synchronization across interrelated libraries/packages/systems
accommodating loading each individually
accommodating testing each individually
accommodating code-coverage reports of each individually
At time of adding this answer, the closest to a consistent, concrete, existing solution seems to align with what had already been implemented by the package mentioned in the original post-- or close enough. (There are of course subtle design and naming differences as indicated by the earlier answer here, but I see these variations as comparable.)
Highlights of packages and systems suggested as examples:
An early implementation of CLIM (predating McCLIM) for its separation of API versus implementation
Despite conventional use of ASDF systems and packages, explore how UIOP within ASDF itself is structured
ASDF and LIL import and reexport
all symbols in a directory; see Faré's full summary
Future directions and suggested reading included:
Consider that intersection to be a software engineering question, and construct accordingly, because "In short: it depends!"
Modules of Racket or Gerbil Scheme
Perhaps internal updates to Google's CL style guide have added something relevant?
(Much thanks to Pascal J. Bourguignon, Ken Tilton, Scott McKay, Faré, Svante v. Erichsen, Don Morrison and Pascal Costanza for participating in the email thread.)

Documentation tool for Ada software

Brief: I'm looking for some kind of tool to produce a software description from the comments in existing software source code.
In more detail: I've got existing source code written in Ada. Changes need to be made to this source code and I also need to generate a document containing a description of the software as a whole and all of its packages, routines etc. (if possible as PDF). For the existing routines these source code comments already exist and contain sufficient detail for my needs.
The description shall include at least
overall software design
textual description of packages, routines, variables, constants etc.
call and caller graphs
For projects based on C I'd do this using Doxygen. Doxygen itself, however, does not cope with sotware written in Ada. My thought was to (automatically) convert existing comments in the source code so that Doxygen can read these. The conversion itself was no problem (using Doxygen's filter mechanism), but as keywords and syntax between C and Ada differ a lot, this did not produce any useable output.
I then had a look at Understand from SciTools. While this analyses the software to a good detail and generates nice metrices, I was not able to get anything out of it, that resembles a document with what I need.
I want to avoid (manually) writing a separate document, but instead would like to generate this from the code base. I will have to put all the necessary information (perhaps with the the exception of a general overview) there anyhow, so why not use it for documentation purpose as well.
Is there any tool that is able to do what I need?
There's a tool called "AdaDoc", which seems to do a part of what you're asking for. You can of course use "a2ps" for the textual part of your needs (I like that better than what AdaDoc generates).
There are several UML tools ("Umbrello" is one name I remember), which offer to create graphs of inter-package relations, but for a seriously sized project, the best option is to use the original design documents, and simply verify that the source text actually matches that design.
For languages not supported by Doxygen, I've written my own "general purpose" filter.
It's very basic, but useful for me.

What's the definition of Package in Julia-Lang?

I have frequently used Packages in Julia-Lang, there are many articles that describes how to work with them, but I don't know what is the exact definition of that.
Following is a general definition from wiki:
Package (package management system), in which individual files or
resources are packed together as a software collection that provides
certain functionality as part of a larger system
I would like to know the special points of view toward Package that Julia-lang has. e.g. look at this definition from wiki about Java Package
I would say that a Julia package is a module (similar to a namespace in other languages) containing a collection of related functions that provide new functionality for Julia, and that will be useful for other people.
This definition is not unambiguous though. For example, I suggested recently that several image format packages could belong inside a single ImageFormats package, but the replies were that there was a good reason (code size and binary dependencies) for certain kinds of formats to be in separate packages.
If you follow the discussion of the pull requests for new packages on METADATA.jl, you will have a good idea about the community's feeling about what packages should be for / look like. My takeaway from following those discussions is that a more-or-less unified vision is starting to emerge.

Why is there no commented version of the Ada Standard Library

I am a huge fan of source code comments but the comments in the Ada standard library are spartan at best. It is my understanding that the interface of the library is defined with the language definition, but the implementation is left to the compiler manufacturer. I often wondered how they do it, since the pure function names, parameters, and other definitions as I see them in the manual often don't explain what exactly the respective subprograms do and leave much to interpretation. I would expect some documentation along the line of the QT library.
Why is it there no definition of the library with extensive comments for every function?
It sounds like you are looking for the documentation in the wrong place.
The Ada standard library is described in great detail in the standard (the Ada Reference Manual) - and in even greater detail in the Annotated Ada Reference Manual.
The source files of the individual implementations of the Ada standard library are not the documentation of how the standard library should work.
For an example, the ARM section A.18.5 for Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps says in paragraph 1 - which would normally be referred to as "A.18.5 (1)” -
The generic library package Containers.Hashed_Maps has the following declaration:
so I guess that implementors have read this as an instruction.
In the case of Hashed_Maps, you’ll see at A.18.5 (46) a link to A.18.4, which describes the common semantics of Maps; and Length, for example, is at (25).
GPS GPL from AdaCore Help > GNAT has links to a local copy of the ARM (GPS GPL 2014 only goes up to ARM2005); I don’t know what the Debian version does.
(This is how it is; that’s not to deny you have a point about how it might be better!)

What is the idiomatic way to check and document function preconditions and postconditions in R?

What is the idiomatic way to check and document function preconditions and postconditions in R? I would consider Eiffel's built in require and ensure constructs or D's in and out blocks state of the art here, but most languages don't have these baked in so have developed best practices to approximate them.
By checking preconditions, I mean throwing some kind of runtime exception if data that doesn't meet the functions assumptions are passed in. Currently have a stopifnot statement for every precondition I can think of at the start of the function. The same applies for postconditions, but with respect to the return value rather than the parameters.
Furthermore, is there are standard way of documenting what these preconditions and postconditions are? For example, it is pretty standard to spell these out in JavaDoc comments in Java.
What are the best practices in R in this respect?
Validity checking for S4 classes, where the checks are stored with the class definition via 'setValidity'. See for example:
See ?stopifnot
for friendlier error messages but more verbose code if (condition) stop("...message...") .
In terms of documentation I would recommend you take a look at the roxygen2 package. It is comparable to JavaDoc and Doxygen in that it stores the documentation in the source file together with the code. There are a number of items that need to be defined, e.g.:
What are the input arguments
What does the function return
But this does not stop you from creating your own pre and post items that document the pre and post conditions. For more info on roxygen2 see CRAN or StackOverflow.
