How to get the role assignments of a resource through Resource Graph API? - azure-management-api

I want to use the Azure Resource Graph API to get the role assignments of a resource (who are owners, contributors, etc.). That is, I want to create a query that finds the role assignments for a specific resource id that I provide. I've been going through the documentation, but I haven't found any way to get this information.
The only thing I found was this question from a couple of years ago, where it is mentioned as something that could be done somehow ("query the RBAC of each one of those resources").
Could anyone point me to how this could be done? Or is it not possible to do in Resource Graph API, and I need to use the Management API or something else?
I searched through the Azure Resource Graph table and resource type reference and the Advanced Resource Graph query samples, but didn't find an answer

I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the results like below:
I created Azure AD Application and added API permissions:
I generated an access token by using below parameters:
To list the Role assignments in the subscription scope, I used the below query:
Based on your requirement you can change the scope and add the filter to get the role assignments. Refer the below MsDoc:
List Azure role assignments using the REST API - Azure RBAC
Currently it is not feasible to retrieve the role assignments via Azure Resource Graph. Alternatively, you can make use of Azure PowerShell or Azure CLI.
Get-AzRoleAssignment -Scope "/subscriptions/SubscriptionId/resourcegroups/RGName/providers/Providername/ResourceType/Resource"


How to add Azure custom Policy for Azure Data Factory to only use Azure Key Vault during the Linked Service Creation?

How to add Azure custom Policy for Azure Data Factory to only use Azure Key Vault during the Linked Service Creation for fetching the Data Store Credentials instead of credentials being put up directly in ADF Linked Service. Please suggest ARM or PowerShell methods for the policy implementation.
As of yesterday, the Data Factory Azure Policy integration is available which means you can now find some built-in policies that can be assigned to ADF.
One of those is exactly what you're asking for as you can see in the image below. You can find more information here
Edit: Based on your comment, I'm editing this answer with the info you want. When it comes to custom policies, it's pretty much up to you to come up with them and create what fits your needs. In your particular case, I've created one policy that does what you want, please see here.
This policy will audit your data factory linked services and check if they're using a self-hosted integration runtime. Currently, that check is only done for a few types of integration runtimes (if you look at the policy, you can see 5 of them) which means that if you want to check more types of linked services, you'll need to add them to the list of allowed values and select them when assigning the policy definition.
Bear in mind that for some linked services types, such as Key Vault, that check won't make sense since that service can't use a self-hosted IR

List Plans of all groups in my organization using Microsoft Graph SDK

I'm using Microsoft Graph SDK for .NET Core. I'm trying to get a list of all Office 365 plans in all Azure Active Directory groups within my organization.
I have been reading through a lot of questions, but haven't found a clear answer to my problem: As it's stated in the official documentation, you cannot list plans in a group using client credentials (application permissions), which is the exact authentication method I'm using. Given this, how can I achieve my objective?
As per documentation, the only way to list plans in groups is to use Delegated Permissions, but in that case, and according to the Microsoft Graph permissions:
either the user or an administrator consents to the permissions that the app requests and the app can act as the signed-in user when making calls to Microsoft Graph.
If the signed-in user is a regular user then the application will only access the groups that user is a member of. Bear in mind that there may not be a single user that is a member of all groups.
Is there a way to get my application to list all plans in all groups within my organization?
You can now use application permissions.
Outdated Reply:
Planner currently does not support application permissions. Depending
on what your scenario is, you have couple of options. One option is to
create a user account to be used by your app, and add that user to all
the groups. Then you'll be able to query the plans with the
credentials of that user.

Set policy and role in AWS to connect API Gateway and DynamoDB

I am trying stream data from the AWS API Gateway to DynamoDB in AWS (directly, without something like lambda). I have looked for several tutorials, such as [1] and [2], who describe exactly this scenario. All of these assume that the right policies and roles are in place. Normally, I play and hack around till I get a working proof of concept, after which I rebuild a proper model, but with access rights I want to make sure I understand what I am doing. For [2], I also found a stack overflow question at [3] from somebody with the same problem that got solved, but not sure exactly how. I also looked at [4], describing API Gateway with Lambda.
Here is my guess:
Create a policy that allows calling from the API Gateway.
"AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess" fits the name, but might not
be necessary + overkill with too much access
Create a policy that allows access to dynamoDB.
Here, "AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess" might be appropriate, even
though it might be overkill (too much access), and might only work
from the Management Console
Create a role that has those two policies attached.
Here, I run into the trouble that when I click create role, and
select AWS service, I can not find the correct "service that will use
this role" that has the policies I described above behind it. For
example, when clicking dynamoDB, I get the following "use-cases", none of which seem to relate to the dynamoDB full access policy:
Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) - DynamoDB access
DynamoDB - Global Tables
DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) - Cluster management
My main question is: How do I set the right minimal set of roles and policies to connect AWS API Gateway to DynamoDB (read and write), as described in [1]?
[3] API Gateway does not have permission to assume the provided role DynamoDB
What you need to do is create an IAM Service Role that allows API Gateway to assume this role. You can easily do this through the UI. When you create a new role, the "Service Role" is selected by default and below the "Choose the service that will use this role" header, you can select API Gateway.
A role is a container of permissions that can be assumed by a certain entity (in our case, an API Gateway API resource). Your role needs "permissions" for the role to have any use. You add this permissions by adding policies to your role. This is explained more in depth here:
Be sure to read the AWS Service Role part. You say that you need to "Create a policy that allows calling from the API Gateway" but this is incorrect: you need to create a role that can be assumed by API Gateway.
In your case, you'll want specific DynamoDB permissions for your role. Following the least-privilege principle as you mention, you should only add the specific actions for the specific DynamoDB table. The list of possible permissions can be found here:
Let's say you only want API Gateway to get items from a specific table. Your policy might look something like this then:
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "dynamodb:GetItem",
"Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:[aws_account_id]:table/[table_name]"
Hope this helps!
This recent new tutorial by ankana likhita sri priya includes starting off in high detail/screenshots of IAM (Policy, Role, etc.):

resource level authorisation in WSO2 API Manager

I want finer level of authorisation and i am using WSO2 API Manager to secure my API's.
I have books and authors in my application and there is an API for editing the book.Editing of the book should only be done by its author.How can restrict this via WSO2?
my book editing may look like /api/book/{bookname} . This book should be edited by its author only.
I am not sure how to do this by APIM. May be generate each scope for each book and programatically associate this to the author OR so. Still how can I give scope to API based on the query para {bookname}Is there some kind of query parameter associated scope ?
Please throw some light on solutions for this scenario
Scopes can be associated with roles only. They can't be associated with users.
But you should be able to get what you want using custom mediation sequences. See docs here.
See this blog post to get to know what data you can read within custom sequences.
You can keep a map between book to author somewhere and use that information in a custom sequence. For example, this map can be exposed as an external service or a static map in a class mediator.

Get access to fusion tables

I'd like to show some map layer on my webpage, so I decided to give a try to this Google service. As the data is collected in a database in my server, I chose to use a service account as explained here and then use the private key generated in my php script.
Everything works fine when creating a table and inserting some test values. I get the table Id and I'm able to play with it from my script. The problem is that I don't know how to access these table from the web browser. In my API console usage stats are shown fine, but when logging with my account to Google Drive I don't see any table in there.
Where am I supposed to access them if at all possible? Do either the or accounts play any role to log into some other service to get access through web?
I also got an api key associated, but when trying to query a table I get a 401 error.
Any hint? I'm feeling a bit lost now. Thanks.
You are using a Service Account right?
So when you create a table with this account, this account will be the table owner. No one else has permission to see this table.
When you access the Fusion Tables web interface with Your Personal Account, you will only see tables that you createdwith your Personal Account.
If you wish to inspect the tables created with your Service Account, you have to use the Google Drive API with your Service Account credentials to give access permission to your Personal Account.
Also if you wish to make your table (or any other type of document) public, you need to use this Google Drive API again.
See more about the topic here:
Tip: if you want to achieve something on behalf of your Service Account that you only need once (so no need to implement a logic for it in your webapp) I'd seriously advise you to consider using the OAuth2 Playground. You can set your Service Account credentials in the "Settings" and issue authorized requests on behalf of your Service Account. Very usefull tool, no coding needed.
