How to subscribe to entity update event in Drupal theme file? - drupal

I know we can subscribe to entity update event hook in a module like
function my_module_entity_update($entity) {
// do something with $entity
Is there a function to do the same in mythemename.theme file?
As I see the function above doesn't work in such a theme file like mythemename_entity_update()


How I can print all variable of a hook in drupal 8?

I'm very new in Drupal 8 and I have issue now with hook. Mainly I though that I don't clearly understand structure and hook definition in Drupal 8.
So my main problem is that I have some hook to interact with main menu (add custom class name to ul, li and link, a tag). I can do it by changing template file and now try to do it with any hook.
Although I found that some hook relating to menu ex. hook_contextual_links_alter (link:
At the end of this hook we have the code related:
function hook_contextual_links_alter(array &$links, $group, array $route_parameters) {
if ($group == 'menu') {
// Dynamically use the menu name for the title of the menu_edit contextual
// link.
$menu = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
$links['menu_edit']['title'] = t('Edit menu: #label', [
'#label' => $menu
So I have installed devel module with kint function and in my .theme file and try:
function hook_contextual_links_alter(array &$links, $group, array $route_parameters) {
and then reload my Home page but nothing showed. But I can get some information about other like:
function eg_learn_theme_suggestions_page_alter(&$suggestions, $variables) {
So what happens here? Can you help to explain if how I can print the variable of this hook (in .theme file) and the site page to see the printing variable?
In general when I found a hook, how I can print there array and check it in website?
There are some problems about your approach:
When implementing a hook, you must replace "hook" with the module name/theme name where you put the hook function inside. For example, if you want implement hook_contextual_links_alter in your_custom module, it becomes your_custom_contextual_links_alter().
Not all hook can be implemented in the theme. Some hook can only be implemented in modules (in .module file). You can read more here.
In your case, I think hook_preprocess_menu would be more suitable. You can implement it in your custom theme like this:
function <your_theme_name>_preprocess_menu(&$variables) {
if ($variables['menu_name'] == 'main') {

Silverstripe 4 - Adding a FormAction via getCMSFields

I have a DataObject called "Event". This is in a managed_model for "EventsAdmin" (extending ModelAdmin). When editing an Event, I want a tab on the record called "Moderation" that has a few fields and two buttons: "Approve" and "Reject". These two buttons call an action each that performs relevant actions.
Event extends DataObject
public function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
$eventStatus = $fields->dataFieldByName("EventStatus")
->setTitle('Current Status')
$approveButton = FormAction::create('doApproveEvent', _t('SiteBlockAdmin.Approve', 'Approve'))
->addExtraClass('btn-outline-success font-icon-check-mark-circle');
$rejectButton = FormAction::create('doRejectEvent', _t('SiteBlockAdmin.Reject', 'Reject'))
->addExtraClass('btn-outline-danger font-icon-cancel-circled');
$fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Moderation', [
return $fields;
This displays the buttons just fine. But they don't do anything. So I am trying to work out how they can plug into action methods doApproveEvent and doRejectEvent (And where they should go)
I did find docs that led me to adding the buttons to the action bar at the bottom of the CMS page via updateFormActions(). But this isn't what I want as the other fields I am adding above the buttons are part of the Approve/Reject process. Here is the code for this method. This works fine barring the buttons are not in a logical place for the process I'm trying to create.
class CMSActionButtonExtension extends DataExtension
public function updateFormActions(FieldList $actions)
$record = $this->owner->getRecord();
if (!$record instanceof Event || !$record->exists()) {
$approveButton = FormAction::create('doApproveEvent', _t('SiteBlockAdmin.Approve', 'Approve'))
->addExtraClass('btn-outline-success font-icon-check-mark-circle');
$rejectButton = FormAction::create('doRejectEvent', _t('SiteBlockAdmin.Reject', 'Reject'))
->addExtraClass('btn-outline-danger font-icon-cancel-circled');
public function doApproveEvent($data, $form) {
$record = $this->owner->getRecord();
// Approve logic
public function doRejectEvent($data, $form) {
$record = $this->owner->getRecord();
// Reject logic
The above Extension is attached to GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
- My\Namespace\CMSActionButtonExtension
Interestingly, if I have both sets of buttons on the page at the same time, the updateFormActions option works while my desired option still doesn't. Despite the buttons being of identical markup and sitting inside the exact same form tag. I assume that has something to do with how Silverstripe loads the main content panel and the DOM.
Any thoughts on achieving this? Anyone seen a button added to the main CMS panel in a module that I could take a look at? I found this post from 5 years ago, but it's for SS3 and the answer doesn't work for me.
Short answer:
you have to add custom FormActions through an Extension on the Controller that controls the form (or on the form itself
Long Answer:
A bit of background on how SilverStripe does forms:
Generally speaking, forms are always served through Controllers/RequestHandlers (they need to be accessible on some route, usually that's an Action on a Controller that is often named Form, EditForm, ItemEditoForm, ...).
Inside the CMS you rarely ever have to create your own form, that's done by the CMSs built in Controllers/RequestHandlers for the admin area (GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest in this case).
Basically (pseudo code here), what those controllers do is:
public function EditForm() {
$fields = $myCurrentlyEditingDataObject->getCMSFields();
$actions = ...;
$validator = ...;
$form = new Form('ItemRequestForm', $fields, $actions, $validator);
$this->updateItemEditForm(&$form); // or $this->updateEditForm()
return $form;
So, getCMSFields() and in some cases getCMSActions()/getCMSValidator() (not sure if those 2 are still used in SilverStripe 4.x), you can add things to the form, without ever seeing the form object.
Also, the getCMSFields() will always be put into the ``` section of the Form, that's why your button is somewhere in the middle with all the fields and not with the other actions.
When a form is submitted (eg to /admin/pages/edit/EditForm/265/field/NameOfMyGridField/item/542/ItemEditForm), it will call the action GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest->ItemEditForm() which returns the Form object where subsequently FormRequestHandler->httpSubmission() is called. This will then look at the submitted data to figure out what action was clicked (eg $_REQUEST['action_doApproveEvent']) and try to find that action.
The way it tries to find that, is checking if it itself has a method called doApproveEvent, if that fails, it will try Form->getController()->doApproveEvent() or something like that. In the case of a GridField, that controller is GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest which means it will try to call GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest->doApproveEvent()
So, that means DataObject->getCMSFields() lets you easily add FormFields (and FormActions) into your form body.
But it does not provide a means of adding a method to handle the submission.
That's why, for custom actions you need to modify the Controller (GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest in this case).
You are doing this by creating a Extension which you attached to GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest.
Any method in your Extension is added to the thing it's attached to, so if you add a method called updateFormActions, it will kind of become GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest->updateFormActions().
And if you recall from earlier, the controller will call $this->updateFormActions() during the creation of the form.
Additionally, as I explained earlier, when a FormAction is named doApproveEvent it will look for a GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest->doApproveEvent(), which now exists because you added it through that Extension.
So, in summary: you have to add custom FormActions through an Extension on the Controller that controls the form (or on the form itself
PS: the old post from
bummzack you linked to worked in 3.x, because the Controller in his example that created the form was an instance of LeftAndMain.

decluttering UI, order Extension gets applied

A few years ago I made a SilverStripe website and added too many fields to Page.php. I'm reworking some of this at the moment but cannot afford do reinvent the Project - now on SilverStripe 3.1.10.
I thought to declutter the UI for Page Sub-Classes, that do not need all the inherited fields, with a few Extensions.
An example how this extension could look
class NoClutter extends Extension {
public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields) {
$fields->removeFieldFromTab("Root.Main", "MenuTitle");
$fields->removeFieldFromTab("Root.Main", "Workflow");
- NoClutter
This works on all classes for fields added in SiteTree (such as the MenuTitle field), but not for fields added in Page (such as the Workflow field). If the Extension is on UserDefinedForm, Workflow is also removed. But it does not work if the extension is on RedirectorPage. MenuTitle on the other hand is removed in both classes. My guess it's about order. My project is After: 'framework/','cms/' and hope I can make an extension like NoClutter work within the project.
How can I achieve this or how else could I work around the problem?
You need to add $this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields) at the end of your Page getCMSFields() function.
class Page extends SiteTree {
// ...
public function getCMSFields() {
// call updateCMSFields after adding your fields
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
// ...
$this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields);
return $fields;
$this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields) declares where your code updateCMSFields() function will get called.
The problem you are having is updateCMSFields() is getting called before you add your custom fields in the Page getCMSFields() function. So you are trying to remove the Workflow field before it is added. This is because the updateCMSFields extension hook is declared in the parent SiteTree getCMSFields() function.
UserDefinedForm solves this by calling $this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields) at the bottom of its getCMSFields(). SiteTree::disableCMSFieldsExtensions() is required before parent::getCMSFields() is called for the extension hook to work.

Wordpress plugins - divide in (OOP) Classes

So, i am developing a Plugin, and I am using a main Class so it can be more easily managed:
class MyPlugin{
function __construct(){
//my add_actions here
add_action('template_redirect', array($this, 'template_redirect'));
//my_class_methods here
function template_redirect(){}
Up until now, this is all working just fine. But as the plot thickens, I need to add more and more complexity in the plugin so I would like to do something like:
create a new Class Comment
in MyPlugin's __construct instantiate $comment = new Comment()
delegate, in my template_redirect(), an action to a method in $comment like:
add_action('wp_insert_comment', array($this->comment,'wp_insert_comment'));
create a new Class Comment
in MyPlugin's __construct instantiate $comment = new Comment()
in my Class Comment's __construct add the action to it's method comment_method:
add_action('wp_insert_comment', array($this, 'comment_method'));
Is this even possible? in either way, my behaviour isn't being called.
Thanks for your help
Yes, it's possible, but you should probably add most actions and filters with the plugins_loaded hook rather than using the template_redirect hook, which probably is not called at all when a comment is posted (the form goes to wp-comments-post.php, wordpress deals with request, then redirects the user back to the page where the comment form was before the template is needed.)
class MyPlugin{
function __construct(){
add_action("plugins_loaded", array($this,"_action_plugins_loaded"));
function _action_plugins_loaded(){
//add actions & filters here...

After submit action in form_alter

i need to insert data in my tables after user creation. I think to use hook_form_alter() for $form_id == "user_register" but I don't know how to say "after you created user, do this."
How can I do it in hook_form_alter()?
You can add custom submit handler to forms like this.
function hook_form_user_register_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
// ...
$form['#submit'][] = 'yourModule_user_register_submit';
function yourModule_user_register_submit($form, &$form_state) {
// do what you want to do after registration
I'd also recommend to use Drupal's Triggers & Actions to achieve this. AFAIK there was a bug with one of the triggers that fire after user registration. Don't know if that has been fixed.
