Loop asLongAs() in Gatling using Scala - css

`I am trying to use a loop e.g. asLongAs() in Galing but not getting enough data on google about how to use.
My scenrio is to open a HTML page and that page takes some time to load and for that I have a css selector to check that once the report get loaded we have one css selector to check in the source code.
my code is like:
`exec (http("ABC -${ID} - Id -${ID2}")
.exec(session =\> {
val response = session("URL").as\[String\]
println(s"url is: \\n$response")
exec(http("Open the redirected report - ${ID1} Id-${ID2}")
.get(session =\> session("URL").as\[String\])
Some checks
I want to create a loop till this css(.Image) is loading. Because once the URL is hitting at that time this CSS doesn't appear and it takes time to load and i want to calculate that time only.

but not getting enough data on google
Have you tried the official documentation ? It has samples for Java, Scala and Kotlin.


Understand Dynamic Links Firebase

I would like to understand better Firebase Dynamic Links because i am very new to this subject.
What i would like to know :
FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.getInitialLink() is supposed to return "only" the last dynamic link created with the "initial" url (before it was shorten) ?
Or why FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.getInitialLink() doesn't take a String url as a parameter ?
FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.getDynamicLink(String url) doesn't read custom parameters if the url was shorten, so how can we retrieve custom parameters from a shorten link ?
My use case is quite simple, i am trying to share an object through messages in my application, so i want to save the dynamic link in my database and be able to read it to run a query according to specific parameters.
FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.getInitialLink() returns the link that opened the app and if the app was not opened by a dynamic link, then it will return null.
Future<PendingDynamicLinkData?> getInitialLink()
Attempts to retrieve the dynamic link which launched the app.
This method always returns a Future. That Future completes to null if
there is no pending dynamic link or any call to this method after the
the first attempt.
FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.getInitialLink() does not accept a string url as parameter because it is just meant to return the link that opened the app.
Looks like there's no straightforward answer to getting the query parameters back from a shortened link. Take a look at this discussion to see if any of the workarounds fit your use case.

How to figure out where is the raw data in a table?

After I access the above URL, I open Developer Tools in Firefox. Then change the date in HISTORIC PRICES, then click 'GO'. The table is updated. But I don't see relevant HTTP requests sent in devtools.
So this means that the data has already been downloaded in the first request. But I can not figure out how to extract the raw data of the table. Could anybody take a look at how to extract the raw data from the table? (Note that I don't want to use methods like selenium, I want to stay with raw HTTP requests to get the raw data.)
EDIT: websocket is mentioned in the comment. But I can't see it in Developer Tools. I add websocket tag anyway in case somebody knows more about websocket can chime in.
I am afraid you cannot extract javascript rendered content without selenium. You can always make use of a headless browser(you don't see any instance on your screen, the only pitfall is that you have to wait until the page fully loads) and it won't bother you anymore.
In other words, all the other scraping libs are based on urls and forms. Scrapy can post forms but not run javascripts.
Selenium will save the day, all you lose is a couple of seconds for each attempt(will be milliseconds if it is run in frontend). You can share page source with driver.page_source and it can be directly used for parsing(as a html text) with BeautifulSoup or whatever.
You can do it with requests-html, for example let's grab the first row of the table:
from requests_html import HTMLSession
session = HTMLSession()
url = 'https://www.nyse.com/quote/XNYS:A'
r = session.get(url)
first_row = r.html.find('.flex_tr', first=True)
As #Nikita said you will have to wait the page loading (here 7sec but maybe less), but if you want to do multiple requests you can do it asynchronously !

Set Timeout for Page loading in robotframework

I want to put a check on response time in page loading when my test runs through multiple pages.
If a page doesn't load within 2 seconds, test should fail.
I am using Robot Framework with Selenium2Library and everytime I would use command Wait Until Page Contains text 2s, the browser will wait for page to be loaded completely and then run this command which does not serve the purpose.
Is it possible to put a timeout on page loading in Robot Framework?
The default selenium behavior is to wait for the page to be loaded before returning the control (with the exception of some ajax calls done by the js). So in the vanilla Go To navigation call the execution will continue after the load has happened - and thus the Wait Until ... passes almost immediately.
Selenium supports overriding this behavior by settings in the desired_capabilities, but that can be a bit involving (the setting for Firefox is called "pageLoadStrategy", with the values none/eager/normal, for example).
Here's something much easier though - just use a timer, get the timestamps before and after the navigation, and the diff will be the full page load.
${before}= Get Current Date result_format=epoch
Go To https://your-url
${after}= Get Current Date result_format=epoch
Should be True ${after} - ${before} < 2 msg=The total page load time was more than 2 seconds!
The keyword Get Current Date is in the DateTime standard library, and when called with the argument "result_format=epoch" it returns a float (the seconds since 1970) - the fractional part is the milliseconds.
By subtracting the two values you get the full page load time.

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload runs twice in preview mode in Qualtrics survey software

Whenever I try to test a Qualtrics survey in preview mode, Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload will be called twice. This is not a problem for conditional events (as in most of the examples), but a large problem for unconditional code a timed page change (this will be triggered twice as well). See the following snippet:
$('NextButton') && $('NextButton').hide();
var that = this;
var timeOutInterval=1000+Math.trunc(Math.random()*10000);
alert(timeOutInterval); //for Testing only
var myVar;
myVar = setTimeout(function(){ that.clickNextButton();}, timeOutInterval);
If I launch the survey, this will lead to a page change after 1-11 seconds. If I preview the survey, this change will happen as well, followed by a second change. The alert will be shown twice as well.
Does anyone have a solution, how this functionality could be tested in preview mode?
I've run into Survey Preview issues with JFE as well. There are ways to get around JFE mode and preview in non-JFE mode.
If only care about a specific set of questions in a block and don't care about the survey flow, the easiest solution is to use View Block. It does not use JFE. Go to the Block drop down and choose View Block.
If you need to preview the whole survey, there are tricks to 'break' JFE and force it to non-JFE mode. These tricks seem to be a moving target as Qualtrics makes changes. The best one (easiest) I've found that is working for me today on my Qualtrics account (notice all the qualifiers) is to add an end of survey object to the survey flow, click custom, and check the "Override Survey Options" box.
If that doesn't work, I've found that once a survey gets over a certain size, it doesn't use JFE mode anymore. I don't know what the limit is, but if you add a bunch of fake questions after your end of survey you can trick it that way as well.
Qualtrics links jQuery as of current writing (albeit the shorthand $ is reserved for the prototype.js library).
Following should skip execution of addOnload javascript in the mobile preview:
console.log('Mobile Preview - skipping rest of addOnload');
return true;
console.log("Running addOnload()");
// The rest of your code. Log statements can obviously be removed
Hope this is helpful
It seems Qualtrics now defaults to JFE mode for live surveys as well. We have been able to resolve this by adding the query string &Q_JFE=0 to the end of our survey URLs, like so:
This had the additional benefit of solving our issue with JFE mode breaking several of our long time running Qualtrics JQuery experiments.

How to download HTML Report from HP ALM Performance Center 11.0 using rest API

I want to download HTML default report for a test run from Performance Center storage (using Rest API). Actually I need just summary.html file.
I was using the following steps in PC 11.5:
Request test scenarios:
Let user choose the scenario (id) and request all its runs:
Let user choose the run (id) and request Report (result entity):
Request "summary.html" file using file-id taken from previous step response:
However it is not working with Performance Center 11.0. It fails at last step:
Not Found
I guess it is because the path of report was changed.
Can someone tell the path for summary.html for Performance Center 11.0?
I've been able to have a little bit of success with this. Rather than use the request you are using above I used the following:
This gave me a zip file, which contained the report inside it.
