Xamarin Fingerprint displaying Fingerprint name enrolled on device - xamarin.forms

Good Day
Im using the fingerprint plugin for Xamarin to authenticate a user whos fingerprint is already enrolled on the device.
I want to know if there is a way to display the fingerprint name after successful authentication.
Or even better , give different access to the application according to the fingerprint
using Plugin.fingerprint from Nuget.
Try to contact owners for plugin
No success


Multiple Authentication Firebase?

I am trying to figure out a problem I currently have. I have a software platform where restaurant owners can make and publish their own mobile apps. Menu access, reservation control, etc etc. I am using Firebase as my backend.
For each restaurant app I make, requires a customer login. The problem is that the customer can download another app from my restaurant client and has the ability to log in with the same credentials because I am using the same Firebase project for multiple apps, under the same company.
This is not what I want.. can I make multiple instances of Firebase Authentication? Or when the user registers, do I hardcode the username and password into the database, and check that, upon registration and signing in? If I did that, I would lose the power of third party log ins.
Please let me know of any ideas you guys might have..
Firebase Auth can't have multiple instances per project. You would need to create multiple projects to in order to get more instances.
However, what you're talking about could be called "multi-tenancy", where you have multiple organizations each sandboxed from each other in a single project. For that, you will need to adopt Google Cloud Identity Platform and work with it using the Firebase APIs as described by the documentation.

Unknown user in my firebase user authentication (Flutter/firebase)

I developed an app to test the google login feature using flutter and google authentication. The project is a closed project and only I have access to it. But recently I saw that there was a google sign in from an unknown Email ID. How did the user login without the build of my app? Has my account been hacked? What is going on?
Anyone with knowledge of your project's API Keys can access your Firebase Project using simple CURL Commands.
This is why it's a good idea to add restriction to those API Keys
In case you haven't, go to https://console.cloud.google.com and
Select your project
Click the menu icon at the top left (hamburger icon)
Go to API & Services and then credentials
You can view the APIs for your Google Cloud Project (linked to your Firebase Project) and then set restrictions for the API keys, refresh them or restrict access to specific platforms like Android or iOS.
You can also set restrictions on which components of Firebase the API key is allowed to access. For example, if your project doesn't require the use of Cloud Firestore, you can ensure that the API Key cannot be used to make calls to the Firestore Database
All said and done, I would still recommend that you shoot a mail to the Firebase Support team at https://firebase.google.com/support/troubleshooter/contact
To anyone still wondering about this:
If you provide a native google sign in and the registered
email adresses look like this:
they are probably test accounts used to generate Google Plays Pre-Launch reports.
You can read about it in the Play Console Help here.
If your app has a sign-in screen and you want the crawler to test the
sign-in process or the content behind it, you need to provide account
Note that you do not need to provide credentials if your
app supports "Sign-in with Google,” which enables the crawler to log
in automatically.

How does FirebaseUI/Firebase auth authenticate a mobile number without OTP after 1st attempt?

I am using FirebaseUI and Firebase authentication to authenticate users using phone number. During testing I saw that when I first used my phone number I was sent an OTP but after that I have uninstalled and installed my app many times but now it does not ask for OTP and just verifies the phone number and logs me in. So I would like to know how is firebaseUI/auth doing it. Is it linking android device Id to a phone number or saving it in shared preferences which is saved on cloud?
If this is not the case how is firebase UI/auth doing it ? . My app only has location permission.
Firebase tries to keep some data in your device even if it was deleted. It is called making backups.
I think this is related to my question
You just need to add these lines in your manifest file inside application tag:

without using SDKs how can we scan fingerprint on mobile screen itself for validation of attendence?

I am using "Cordova" platform. I want to scan fingerprint and store in local storage and next time this finger print is taken for validation and attendance should be sent.
There is a fingerprint auth plugin available for Android here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/cordova-plugin-android-fingerprint-auth
It seems pretty up to date.

Creating APN Development Profile Error, "Valid signing identity not found"

I have an iOS App projects that needs push notifications. I followed tutorials on how to create a provisioning profiles for APN such as
but I am always having this error in Provisioning Profile section under Devices
Valid Signing Identity not found
and in Code Signing Identities i have the error
Profile doesn't match any valid certificate/private key pair in your settings
Or is it somehow related to the fact that I already have 2 existing provisioning profiles for an app? I will greatly appreciate tips to fix this problem. Thanks!
Create the provisioning profile using xCode organizer instead of iOS Dev Centre.
Generate CSR using Keychain Access. You can specify any email
Create an APP ID at iOS Dev Center. Specify the certSigningRequest file created in step 1
Create the Provisioning Profile using xCode organizer
Generate the PEM files
