How do I add location to formula for calculation in Netsuite Saved Search - formula

The following formula works fine to calculate the Fill Rate % for the shippable value / total.
sum(case when ({quantitycommitted} is not null AND ({quantity} - {quantitypacked}) \>0) then {quantitycommitted}\*{rate} ELSE 0 end)/NULLIF(SUM(({quantity} - {quantityshiprecv}) \* {rate}),0)
But, when I add the transaction location, I get the fillable % against the total, not the location total.
sum(case when ({quantitycommitted} is not null AND ({quantity} - {quantitypacked}) \>0) AND ({location} = 'Norcross') then {quantitycommitted}\*{rate} ELSE 0 end)/CASE WHEN (({location} = 'Norcross') THEN NULLIF(SUM(({quantity} - {quantityshiprecv}) \* {rate}),0) END)
Tried several variations of including the location field, but no luck.

There is both a location field and an {inventorylocation} field. For this calculation you want {inventorylocation}
You may see older examples where the location field is used.
The location field is the body level field used for setting access permissions.

The way you are using the formula is what is causing this. You are using the Maximum summary column to trigger the aggregate functions in your formula. This makes aggregate functions in the formula work on the whole set.
so try this:
instead of Maximum use Sum
alter your formula to something like:
when ({quantitycommitted} is not null
AND ({quantity} - {quantitypacked}) >0)
AND ({location} = 'Norcross')
then {quantitycommitted} * {rate} ELSE 0 end
CASE WHEN ({location} = 'Norcross')
THEN {quantity} - {quantityshiprecv}) * nullif({rate},0) end

To fix, I just kept trying variations of inserting the "IF {location} =" formula.
The final looks like this:
sum(case when {location} = 'Norcross' AND ({quantitycommitted} is not null AND ({quantity} - {quantitypacked}) >0) then {quantitycommitted}*{rate} ELSE 0 end)/NULLIF(SUM(CASE WHEN {location} = 'Norcross' THEN ({quantity} - {quantityshiprecv}) * {rate} END),0)


How to find the minimum value for 1-many relationship?

I want to find the minimum date value in a list of transactions that are associated with an investment. There are many transactions for one investment, clearly. How do I write this so that Progress will only give me the minimum transaction date? I get the minimum at the end of my list, but I do not want the list, just the minimum value.
FOR EACH ilinvest WHERE ilinvest.inv-num EQ 406885:
FOR EACH iltrans WHERE iltrans.reg-pin EQ ilinvest.reg-pin:
DISPLAY iltrans.tran-dt(MINIMUM).
If you have an index on the tran-dt field, you could do something like
FOR EACH ilinvest WHERE ilinvest.inv-num EQ 406885:
FOR EACH iltrans WHERE iltrans.reg-pin EQ ilinvest.reg-pin
BY iltrans.tran-dt ASCENDING:
// The iltrans.tran-dt value here is the lowest. Note that
// you may see the unknown value .
// Leave after getting the first record
Thank you both for your help. Removing the ascending worked like a charm:
FOR EACH ilinvest:
FOR EACH iltrans WHERE iltrans.reg-pin EQ ilinvest.reg-pin
AND iltrans.acct-num EQ ilinvest.inv-num
BY iltrans.tran-dt:
iMin = iltrans.tran-dt.
Beware if your date field has no value, ie the unknown value (?). If the unknown value sorts before or after other values depends on all sorts of black magic
Additionally, since I do not like leave, I prefer a while:
def var dt min as date no-undo.
for each ilinvest no-lock,
each iltrans
where iltrans.reg-pin = ilinvest.reg-pin
and iltrans.acct-num = ilinvest.inv-num
by iltrans.tran-dt
while dtmin = ?:
if iltrans.trans-dt <> ? then
dtmin = iltrans.tran-dt.

SQLite SUM Problem, it does not sum correctly?

Hello there and good morning!
I have a litte problem with the Database of the Time Tracking Software of our company.
The first problem: the time is in a dumb format. If someone works 7h 30m, the database writes 7,30 as value. So far so good. So I have to split the decimals, convert it to industrial time, and put it back together. So far so good. It works, if the value is under 10. Above 10, the value converts itself into INT. But that case should be intercepted by my code.
Here's the code:
SELECT PersNr, Name, CASE WHEN substr(IstStd,3,1) LIKE ',' OR '.' THEN (SUM(CASE WHEN (substr(IstStd,4,2)/60 NOT LIKE 0) THEN ROUND((substr(IstStd,4,2))/60 + (substr(IstStd,1,2)),2) ELSE (IstStd) END)) ELSE (SUM(CASE WHEN (substr(IstStd,3,2)/60 NOT LIKE 0) THEN ROUND((substr(IstStd,3,2))/60 + (substr(IstStd,1,1)),2) ELSE (IstStd) END)) END AS IstStd
FROM ARCHIV_JOURNAL WHERE PersNr ='3041' AND Datum BETWEEN '2019-10-01' AND '2019-10-31'
As you can see in the first CASE, I check if the third character is , or . . The Code works fine, just not for 10h+.
Did I miss something? I'd appreciate any help with that.
If you need more information, just hit me back.
Thank you in advance and have a nice day!
The condition:
WHEN substr(IstStd,3,1) LIKE ',' OR '.'
is not correct.
It is interpreted as:
WHEN (substr(IstStd,3,1) LIKE ',') OR ('.')
If you want to check if the 3d char is ',' or '.' you must do:
WHEN substr(IstStd,3,1) IN (',', '.')
Also in other parts of your code you use the operator LIKE when you should use = or <>.
Change to this:
SELECT PersNr, Name,
WHEN substr(IstStd,3,1) IN (',', '.')
WHEN (substr(IstStd,4,2)/60 <> 0) THEN ROUND((substr(IstStd,4,2))/60 + (substr(IstStd,1,2)),2)
ELSE (IstStd)
WHEN (substr(IstStd,3,2)/60 <> 0) THEN ROUND((substr(IstStd,3,2))/60 + (substr(IstStd,1,1)),2)
ELSE (IstStd)
WHERE PersNr ='3041' AND Datum BETWEEN '2019-10-01' AND '2019-10-31'
Also when you divide integers the result is also an integer.
If you want the result of the division:
to be a decimal number, then change it to:

Only incremental values - PowerBI Calculate between dates

this might look simple.. but dk how to do it
this is the information:
So.. i got the Cumulative Total using this function:
CumulativeTotal = CALCULATE(
SUM(vnxcritical[Used Space GB]),
Datesonly[Date] <= MAX(Datesonly[Date])))
But what i need is to get the differences between the dates, in the first date and the second the difference will be of 210. I need to get another column with that information. know the formula to do that?
So.. i used this:
IncrmentalValueTEST =
VAR CurrDate = MAX(vnxcritical[Date])
VAR PrevDate = CALCULATE(LASTDATE(vnxcritical[Date]), vnxcritical[Date] < CurrDate)
RETURN SUM(vnxcritical[Used Space GB]) -
CALCULATE(SUM(vnxcritical[Used Space GB]), vnxcritical[Date] = PrevDate)
and this is the result:
Ok, so this is is my data table:
You can see all the dates that i have for now, this is a capacity report for diferents EMC Storage Arrays, for diferentes Pools. The idea would be to have the knolwdge to review the incremental space used in a determinated portion of time.
allready tried another idea to get this, but the result was the same.. i used this:
Diferencia =
Var Day = MAX(Datesonly[Month])
Var Month = MAX(Datesonly[Year])
SUM('Used Space'[used_mb])
SUM('Used Space'[used_mb])
,FILTER(ALL(Datesonly[Date]),Datesonly[Date] <= Max(Datesonly[Date])))
But the return is the same.. "47753152401"
i'm using graphical filters, and other things to get a minimal view, because there are only 5 weekly reports and the sql database got more than 150.000 rows.
and this is the relation that i made with a only a table full of "dates" in order to invoke the function in a better way, but the result is the same..
Try something along these lines:
IncrmentalValue =
VAR CurrDate = MAX(Datesonly[Date])
VAR PrevDate = CALCULATE(LASTDATE(Datesonly[Date]), Datesonly[Date] < CurrDate)
RETURN SUM(vnxcritical[Used Space GB]) -
CALCULATE(SUM(vnxcritical[Used Space GB]), Datesonly[Date] = PrevDate)
First, calculate the current date and then find the previous date by taking the last date that occurred before it. Then take the difference between the current value and the previous value.

Correct parameter binding for SELECT WHERE .. LIKE using fmdb?

First time user of fmdb here, trying to start off doing things correctly. I have a simple single table that I wish to perform a SELECT WHERE .. LIKE query on and after trying several of the documented approaches, I can't get any to yield the correct results.
// 'filter' is an NSString * containing a fragment of
// text that we want in the 'track' column
NSDictionary *params =
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:filter, #"filter", nil];
FMResultSet *results =
[db executeQuery:#"SELECT * FROM items WHERE track LIKE '%:filter%' ORDER BY linkNum;"
results = [db executeQuery:#"SELECT * FROM items WHERE track LIKE '%?%' ORDER BY linkNum;", filter];
results = [db executeQuery:#"SELECT * FROM items WHERE track LIKE '%?%' ORDER BY linkNum;" withArgumentsInArray:#[filter]];
I've stepped through and all methods converge in the fmdb method:
- (FMResultSet *)executeQuery:(NSString *)sql withArgumentsInArray:(NSArray*)arrayArgs orDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionaryArgs orVAList:(va_list)args
Depending on the approach, and therefore which params are nil, it then either calls sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(pStmt), which always returns zero, or, for the dictionary case, calls sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(..), which also returns zero, so the parameter doesn't get slotted into the LIKE and then the resultSet from the query is wrong.
I know that this is absolutely the wrong way to do it (SQL injection), but it's the only way I've managed to have my LIKE honoured:
NSString *queryString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"SELECT * FROM items WHERE track LIKE '%%%#%%' ORDER BY linkNum;", filter];
results = [db executeQuery:queryString];
(I've also tried all permutations but with escaped double-quotes in place of the single quotes shown here)
I've also tried fmdb's own …WithFormat variant, which should provide convenience and protection from injection:
[db executeQueryWithFormat:#"SELECT * FROM items WHERE track LIKE '%%%#%%' ORDER BY linkNum;", filter];
Again, stepping into the debugger I can see that the LIKE gets transformed from this:
… LIKE '%%%#%%' ORDER BY linkNum;
To this:
… LIKE '%%?%' ORDER BY linkNum;
… which also goes on to return zero from sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(), where I would expect a positive value equal to "the index of the largest (rightmost) parameter." (from the sqlite docs)
The error was to include any quotes at all:
[db executeQuery:#"SELECT * FROM items WHERE track LIKE ? ORDER BY linkNum;", filter];
… and the % is now in the filter variable, rather than in the query.

Grid View Comparison

I want to compare rows of two grid views.GW1 and GW2.
When I click a Search Button ,I want to check the Values in the GW2,and if GW1 and GW2 have same PayID ,EmpID,then that specific row of GW1 must be disabled
int i = 0;
while(i < GridView1.Rows.Count && i < GridView2.Rows.Count)
GridView1.Rows[i].Cells[column for pay ID].Text == GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[column for pay ID].Text &&
GridView1.Rows[i].Cells[column for emp ID].Text == GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[column for emp ID].Text))
GridView1.Rows[i].Enabled = false;
Only way I can think of is to loop through table one and search for similar rows in table two. This is how you can do this:
Loop through the Table 1.
Use DataTable.Select to find if there are rows with same PayID and EmpID in Table 2.
If the method returns more than 0 rows, then disable the rows.
Apart from this, you can also think about writing/searching a method which can give you intersection of two tables. If these two columns are priamry keys, then this will work. If not, then you will need to tweak the code as per your need.
do something like this, its not the actual code, but you will have the idea.
for i=0 to gw1rowscount-1
for j=0 to gw2rowscount-1
if gw1(i)(column1)=gw2(j)(column1) and gw1(i)(column2)=gw2(j)(column2) then
end if
