What is BLE data format of Polar H10 sensor for programmatically reading ECG/HRV rr interval? - bluetooth-lowenergy

I want my iphone Swift app to read the ECG/HRV rr interval from Polar H10 bluetooth low energy when app is BLE connected.
Can't find format spec anywhere.
Turns out requirement was NOT respiratory rate (RR) but actually ECG/HRV rr interval.


Arduino movement distance with only ultrasonic senzor

Is it possible measure a robot car movement distance only with ultrasonic sensor ??
I working on robot car, in the picture you can see how i placed my ultrasonic sensors(red points) and my question is if i can get width value??
Yes it is possible.
The low cost HC-SR04 sensor, can measure objects from 2cm to 4-5m.
The sensor will send some pulses and measure the time, until the pulses returns. So you can just measure the time (short pulse = near, long pulse = far).
There is just 1 problem with your car:
- it must reflect your pulses. If you don't have any wall or obstacles, you will always detect the maximal pulse with.
If you are inside a room, you can detect the movement. If you are outside or in a big room (more than 8x8m), this is not possible.

Calculate the speed of car using raspberry pi and sensors

I have senario where I need to calculate the speed of car.
I am going to mount raspberry pi inside car and will be using some kind of sensor to calculate the speed of car in km per hour.
I need that sensor recommendation.
Which sensor should I using to get the speed of car in km per hour??
You can use GPS module. Divide distance traveled in given time slice by the time slice and convert to km/h.

Raspberry Pi as a RealTime wave plotter

I need to plot a real time signal, 140 points/sec, like an oscilloscope of sorts that traces 7 waves (20 values/sec each). It comes in as a UDP broadcast, this is the visualizer of the traffic. Ideally, this should "flow" to the side, like the output I currently get from the arduino IDE's serial monitor.
I plan to use Qt, which would give me both the networking AND the plotting. I will have an undecorated full-screen modal window (kiosk mode). Output is on an HDMI Touchscreen 1920 x 1080 (but I do not need to use the full surface for the plot, some 40% of it will be used by a GUI). I am thinking I could buffer the values and plot them out only 2-3 times/sec.
Problem is: I have a Raspberry Pi 3 for iron. Do you think a R.Pi can make it or am I just wasting my time with something too undersized for the job?.

simulate a real world car on SUMO

Aoa, is there any way to simulate the latitude and longitude of android hardware by using GSM values of any android device on SUMO.
The fcd-output can be used to generate lon-lat traces for vehicles and pedestrians. Afterwards the tool traceExporter.py can be used to convert the trace to various trace file formats. See http://sumo.dlr.de/wiki/Simulation/Output/FCDOutput
and http://sumo.dlr.de/wiki/Tools/TraceExporter

Determining the position/direction of an aircraft

I'm working in a project that involves gyroscopes...
I'm using Arduino and an ITG 3200 to read the data from the gyroscope. I get 3 values in deg/s for each axis (x,y,z).
My question is: How can I know the actual (physical) position or direction of the device (let's say an airplane). There has to be a math formula or something like that.
Using only the gyroscope signal (which you have to integrate numerically), you'll eventually run into trouble, due to drift. What's normally done is combining an accelerometer (for low frequency signals, i.e. drift) with a gyroscope (for high frequency signals). Here's a link few links showing more or less exactly what you want:
Also, see these StackOverflow questions:
Combine Gyroscope and Accelerometer Data
Integrating gyro and accelerometer readings
gyro, accelerometer, magnetometer and Kalman filter
How to determine relative position using accelerometer and gyro data
We are working on a similar problem.
We found this video on YouTube especially helpful, as it came with a paper as well as an implementation (which runs on Arduino):
The paper and source code:
In our case (getting the orientation of a remote-controlled ball), we also had to include an accelerometer and a magnetoscope.
