How to find a specific vector2 point on the edge of a circle on a grid - math

Problem illustrated
I'm making a 2D game and got stuck on a mathematical issue. How do I find this missing X in the vector2 point in the picture illustration above?
Any help is appreciated!
I have tried to think in terms of Math.Cos() for the x value but that would require an exact angle which I usually get from two vector2s and I only have one and a half vector2 and getting the X in this vector2 is what I'm after.

Solve equation (cx,cy in circle center) for circle:
(x - cx)^2 + (y - cy)^2 = r^2
In your case y is known and
(x - cx)^2 = r^2 - (yy - cy)^2
If right part is negative, there is no solution.
If right part is positive, there are two possible solutions
x1 = cx - sqrt(r^2 - (yy - cy)^2)
x2 = cx + sqrt(r^2 - (yy - cy)^2)
If right part is zero - one solution x = cx


How to efficiently compute the future position of a point that will move in a box and bounce on its walls (2D)?

I have a simple maths/physics problem here: In a Cartesian coordinate system, I have a point that moves in time with a known velocity. The point is inside a box, and bounces orthognally on its walls.
Here is a quick example I did on paint:
What we know: The red point position, and its velocity which is defined by an angle θ and a speed. Of course we know the dimensions of the green box.
On the example, I've drawn in yellow its approximate trajectory, and let's say that after a determined period of time which is known, the red point is on the blue point. What would be the most efficient way to compute the blue point position?
I've tought about computing every "bounce point" with trigonometry and vector projection, but I feel like it's a waste of resources because trigonometric functions are usually very processor hungry. I'll have more than a thousand points to compute like that so I really need to find a more efficient way to do it.
If anyone has any idea, I'd be very grateful.
Apart from programming considerations, it has an interesting solution from geometric point of view. You can find the position of the point at a specific time T without considering its temporal trajectory during 0<t<T
For one minute, forget the size and the boundaries of the box; and assume that the point can move on a straight line for ever. Then the point has constant velocity components vx = v*cos(θ), vy = v*sin(θ) and at time T its virtual porition will be x' = x0 + vx * T, y' = y0 + vy * T
Now you need to map the virtual position (x',y') into the actual position (x,y). See image below
You can recursively reflect the virtual point w.r.t the borders until the point comes back into the reference (initial) box. And this is the actual point. Now the question is how to do these mathematics? and how to find (x,y) knowing (x',y')?
Denote by a and b the size of the box along x and y respectively. Then nx = floor(x'/a) and ny = floor(y'/b) indicates how far is the point from the reference box in terms of the number of boxes. Also dx = x'-nx*a and dy = y'-ny*b introduces the relative position of the virtual point inside its virtual box.
Now you can find the true position (x,y): if nx is even, then x = dx else x = a-dx; similarly if ny is even, then y = dy else y = b-dy. In other words, even number of reflections in each axis x and y, puts the true point and the virtual point in the same relative positions, while odd number of reflections make them different and complementary.
You don't need to use trigonometric function all the time. Instead get normalized direction vector as (dx, dy) = (cos(θ), sin(θ))
After bouncing from vertical wall x-component changes it's sign dx = -dx, after bouncing from horizontal wall y-component changes it's sign dy = -dy. You can see that calculations are blazingly simple.
If you (by strange reason) prefer to use angles, use angle transformations from here (for ball with non-zero radius)
if ((ball.x + ball.radius) >= window.width || (ball.x - ball.radius) <= 0)
ball.theta = M_PI - ball.theta;
if ((ball.y + ball.radius) >= window.height || (ball.y - ball.radius) <= 0)
ball.theta = - ball.theta;
To get point of bouncing:
Starting point (X0, Y0)
Ray angle Theta, c = Cos(Theta), s = Sin(Theta);
Rectangle coordinates: bottom left (X1,Y1), top right (X2,Y2)
if c >= 0 then //up
XX = X2
XX = X1
if s >= 0 then //right
YY = Y2
YY = Y1
if c = 0 then //vertical ray
return Intersection = (X0, YY)
if s = 0 then //horizontal ray
return Intersection = (XX, Y0)
tx = (XX - X0) / c //parameter when vertical edge is met
ty = (YY - Y0) / s //parameter when horizontal edge is met
if tx <= ty then //vertical first
return Intersection = (XX, Y0 + tx * s)
else //horizontal first
return Intersection = (X0 + ty * c, YY)

How to check if an infinite line intersects a rectangular prism in 3d space?

If I have a line segment defined by two points p1, p2, and then a rectangular prism defined by (x,y,z) (lowest corner point) with length/width/height (l, w, h), how can I check if the line will intersect the prism? And also get the point of intersection if there is one?
Does anyone know?
Seems that your prism is axis-aligned box (rectangular parallelepiped).
So use any algorithm intended for line clipping - for example, 3D-version of Liang-Barsky algorithm
In short - make parametric equation for line segment
X = X1 + t * (X2 - X1)
Y = Y1 + t * (Y2 - Y1)
Z = Z1 + t * (Z2 - Z1)
find parameters t for intersection with faces: substitute X = x or X = x + l in equation, find t, check if point with this t lies inside face rectangle

Find a vector tangent to a circle

I need to move a point by vectors of fixed norm around a central circle.
So to do this, I need to calculate the circle tangent vector to apply to my point.
Here is a descriptive graph :
So I know p1 coordinates, circle radius and center, and the vector norm d. I need to find p2 (= finding the vector v orientation).
I put on the graph some ideas I got to find it : p1' is p1 projected on the circle. And t is the tangent vector to C in p1'.
That should be easy, but I'm too weak in maths to figure how to implement this. So I would like an idea of the implementation this (language agnostic is okay, javascript is cool).
Extra cool if you can also get me how to implement clockwise and counter clockwise movement with this.
Edit : Obtained this
let vx = cx - p1x,
vy = cy - p1y,
norm = Math.sqrt((vx * vx) + (vy * vy)),
p2x = p1x - (vy * d / norm),
p2y = p1y + (vx * d / norm);
But there is still a quirk : using this on time, the point is slowly getting away from the center of the circle, performing a spiral.
Obtain vector Center of circle - point P1. Let's call this vector
Tangent vector 't' is perpendicular to v1. If v1=(vx, vy) then
t=(-vy,vx) . Just swap values and a sign (I wrote -vy, it could also be -vx, but not both -vy,-vx).
Setting one direction or the order is just using t2= -t1= (vy, -vx), or (-vy, vx)
For movements you must use normalized (||v|| = 1) vectors.

Given two points and two direction vectors, find the point where they intersect

EDIT: THIS IS NOT A DUPLICATE, please read the description of the problem
Just to be clear, these line segments does not have an end point. They start at a point and goes to infinity based on a direction vector. I've found solutions for finite line segments, but they do not apply in this particular case (I think).
So, the title is basically my entire question - I've got
point p1
point p2
direction vector n1 (a normalized vector)
direction vector n2 (a normalized vector)
The first line segment starts at p1 and points towards n1
The second line segment starts at p2 and points towards n2
I need two answers:
If they intersects and
What is the point of intersection
I've found these two answers, but I'm so bad at math that I could not adapt them to fit my problem, but it could help you guys, I hope.
How do you detect where two line segments intersect?
Given two points and two vectors, find point of intersection
Thanks a lot!
Edit: (BTW, I'm working at 2D Space, so you don't have to worry about the z axis, thanks)
So, I've used the info provided by this post:
Determining if two rays intersect
And the info provided by a friend to solve this problem.
The first post stated that, given two points (p1 and p2) and two direction vectors (n1 and n2), the following formula applies:
bool DoesRaysIntersects(Point p1, Point p2, Point n1, Point n2)
float u = (p1.y * n2.x + n2.y * p2.x - p2.y * n2.x - n2.y * p1.x) / (n1.x * n2.y - n1.y * n2.x);
float v = (p1.x + n1.x * u - p2.x) / n.x;
return u > 0 && v > 0;
if both u and v are greater than 0, it's because the two rays collide.
If they collide, we can use the equation of the line to provide the point of collision. I don't know if this is the best way to achieve it, but it worked for me:
First, we need the slope of each of the lines. With their slopes, we can calculate the y-intercept of each line. And with this two datas, we can calculate the point of collision:
Point GetPointOfIntersection(Point p1, Point p2, Point n1, Point n2)
Point p1End = p1 + n1; // another point in line p1->n1
Point p2End = p2 + n2; // another point in line p2->n2
float m1 = (p1End.y - p1.y) / (p1End.x - p1.x); // slope of line p1->n1
float m2 = (p2End.y - p2.y) / (p2End.x - p2.x); // slope of line p2->n2
float b1 = p1.y - m1 * p1.x; // y-intercept of line p1->n1
float b2 = p2.y - m2 * p2.x; // y-intercept of line p2->n2
float px = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2); // collision x
float py = m1 * px + b1; // collision y
return new Point(px, py); // return statement
Thanks everyone!

transforming coordinates from one distorted coordinate system to another

the problem is best explained with an example:
drag and drop the little red square inside the small square on the right.
it corresponds to the red square in the big quadrilateral on the left.
you can also drag the 4 corners of the big quadrilateral on the left to see how it occupies a distorted version of the space within the square.
given the absolute coordinates for the 4 points of a square and the coordinates of an arbitrary point within the square, it's simple matter to remap the point's coordinates to an arbitrary quadrilateral.
what I want is to be able to start off with an arbitrary quadrilateral, and be able to do the same thing, transforming the quadrilateral to any other 4 sided shape, but maintaining the relative distorted position of the point,
so given the 4 absolute coordinates of each of 2 irregular quadrilaterals, A and B, how can I convert the coordinates of point C given it's absolute coordinates?
also helpful, would be any terminology that I'm missing here for what these transformations would be called, because I'd like to look into them more
ok, I'm attempting to implement btilly's solution, and here's what I have so far:
#define cf complex<float>
cf i=sqrt(complex<float>(-1));
cf GetZ(float x,float y)
return cf(x)+(cf(y)*i);
cf GetPathIntegral(cf p1,cf p2,cf q1,cf q2, int n)
cf sum;
for (int index=0;index<=n;index++)
cf s=cf(float(index)/float(n));
cf weight;
if (index==0||index==n)
else if(index%2)
else weight =2;
return sum/cf((3.0*(n-1.0)));
before I move on from here, I want to make sure I'm right so far...
also, this paragraph confused me a bit:
OK, so we can do path integrals. What
is the value of that? Well suppose we
take a random point z0 = x + iy
somewhere in our region. Suppose that
f(z) is defined on the path. Then the
Cauchy Integral Formula says that the
integral around our region (which is
the sum of 4 piecewise integrals that
we know how to do) of f(z)/(2 * π * i
* (z - z0)) is a really nice function that is going to match our original
function on the boundary.
what does the function do exactly?
(My first pass was a complicated derivation of a natural seeming formula for this. But then I realized that there is a far, far better solution. Which I would have remembered earlier if I had used Complex Analysis in the last 20 years.)
The right way to do this is to apply the Cauchy Integral Formula. With this you can map any polygon to any other polygon. If the polygons don't self-intersect, it will send the boundary to the boundary and the interior to the interior. The mapping will also have the excellent property that it is conformal, meaning that angles are preserved. By that I mean that if a pair of curves intersect in your region, then they will be mapped to a pair of curves that intersect at the same angle. (Many of Escher's drawings are based on conformal mappings.)
Enough hype. How do you do it? I'll explain it, assuming that you know absolutely nothing about complex analysis. I'll use some Calculus terms, but you should be able to follow my directions even if you don't know any Calculus at all. Since I am assuming so little, the explanation has to be kind of long. I'm sorry for that.
Every point (x, y) in the real plane can be viewed as a complex number z = x + iy. We can add and multiply complex numbers using the usual rules of algebra and the fact that i * i = -1. Furthermore note that 1 = (x + iy) * (x - iy)/(x2 + y2) so we can divide if we let 1/z = (x - iy)/(x2 + y2). We therefore have all of the usual rules of arithmetic.
But we can do better than that. We can do Calculus. In particular we can do path integrals around curves. An integral of a function along a curve is a kind of weighted average of that function over the points in that curve. You can read up on how to do it in general. But here is how to do it in this case.
Suppose that the starting region has corners P1, P2, P3, P4. The path around the region is defined by the four line segments (P1, P2), (P2, P3), (P3, P4), (P4, P1). I'll talk about how to handle the first line segment. The others are similar.
The path integral of f(z) over (P1, P2) is the integral from 0 to 1 of f((1-s)P1 + sP2)(P2 - P1). To evaluate that integral, the easiest thing to do is numerical integration using Simpson's Rule. To do this pick an odd number n and for the values s = 0, 1/n, 2/n, ..., (n-1)/n, 1 assign them weights in the pattern 1, 4, 2, 4, 2, ..., 2, 4, 1. (The end points are 1, everything else alternates between 4 and 2.) Now for each point calculate f((1-s)P1 + sP2)(P2 - P1), multiply by the weight, and add them all together. Then divide by the magic value 3 * (n-1). The result is approximately your integral. (As n grows, the error in this approximation is O(1/n4). In your case if you take n = 21 then the approximation should wind up good enough to map pixels to the right pixel, except for some pixels near the boundary. Make it a little larger, and the problematic area will get smaller. Right at the edge you'll want some multiple of the number of pixels on a side to make the error small .)
OK, so we can do path integrals. What is the value of that? Well suppose we take a random point z0 = x + iy somewhere in our region. Suppose that f(z) is defined on the path. Then the Cauchy Integral Formula says that the integral around our region (which is the sum of 4 piecewise integrals that we know how to do) of f(z)/(2 * π * i * (z - z0)) is a really nice function that is going to match our original function on the boundary. I won't get into all of the "really nice" things about it, but what I was saying above about conformal is part of it.
Now what function f do we use? Well suppose that our region is being mapped to a region with corners Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4. We want the first path piece to map to the second path piece. So we want f((1-s)P1 + sP2) to be (1-s)Q1 + sQ2. That tells us how to calculate f at all of the points we need to do our integral.
Now, you ask, how do you reverse it? That's simple. Just reverse the role of the two polygons, and calculate the reverse transformation! Which brings a really good unit test. You should define a couple of weird regions, pick a point in the middle, and verify that if you map from the first to the second and back again that you wind up close to where you started. If you pass that test, then you probably have made no mistakes.
And finally what about my general polygon claim that I made? Well we defined our path as four pieces we traversed linearly. A higher degree polygon just has more pieces to its path, but otherwise the calculation is done in exactly the same way.
found the solution. I have to say, it's much more complicated than I had expected:
assuming a square or quadrilateral has the four corners:
you need an interpolation factor: xt for the x axis, and yt for the y axis, so that
if you define a linear interpolation formula:
return (t*(k-j))+j;
a point p within the ABCD quad is defined as:
then the values you need to define are xt and yt
xt= ((2* c.x* a.y) - (d.x* a.y) - (2
*a.x c.y) + (b.x c.y) - (c.x* b.y) + (a.x* d.y) - (a.y* p.x) + (c.y* p.x )+
(b.y p.x) - (d.y p.x) + (a.x p.y)
- (b.x p.y) - (c.x* p.y) + (d.x* p.y) - Sqrt(-4* ((c.x* a.y) - (d.x*
a.y) - (a.x* c.y) + (b.x* c.y) - (c.x*
b.y) + (d.x* b.y) + (a.x d.y) -
(b.x d.y))* ((c.x* a.y) - (a.x* c.y)
- (a.y* p.x) + (c.y* p.x) + (a.x* p.y) - (c.x* p.y)) + ((-2 *c.x a.y) + (d.x a.y) + (2 *a.x c.y) - (b.x
c.y) + (c.x* b.y) - (a.x* d.y) + (a.y*
p.x) - (c.y* p.x) - (b.y* p.x) + (d.y*
p.x) - (a.x* p.y) + (b.x* p.y) +
(c.x* p.y) - (d.x p.y))^2))/(2
((c.x* a.y) - (d.x* a.y) - (a.x* c.y)
+ (b.x* c.y) - (c.x* b.y) + (d.x *b.y) + (a.x *d.y) - ( b.x *d.y)))
and once you have that
