Undocumented DEVICE_INFO cookie being dropped for iframe-embedded videos - youtube-iframe-api

After embedding any YouTube video via iframe, the devtools Application tab shows a DEVICE_INFO cookie being dropped, but I could not find any documentation on what that cookie is being used for.
I've tried searching online for this specific cookie, but nothing was found on Google/YouTube documentation nor on any of the cookie Wikis.


GTM consent mode Google analytics not tracking pageviews without consent

we have recently implemented cookies consent mode in Google tag manager. Pageviews in google analytics (both universal and GA 4) dropped to about 4 % of the original page views.
When I visit the web page without giving any consent some requests to google-analytics.com still appears in network tab. This tells me something is still tracked. No cookies are saved as expected.
Do you have a different experience? Should GA track pageviews anonymously even without consent or it this a correct behavior? Why would analytics script send any requests if it not appears in GA?
It is expected that you see requests to Google Analytics. However in consent mode you should not see _ga cookies being set (or existing _ga cookies being used). That's basically what consent mode is, cookie-free tracking. You should also see a parameter gcs=100 in the GA request to confirm that consent mode is indeed active.
However these requests are not surfaced in the reports (there would be no point, since without user identifier you cannot create sessions). Apparently they are being used for some sort of Machine Learning thing in the background, but I don't think this has much effect on the analytics part of GA (afaik this is more for Google Ads and GA audiences).
So yes, seeing requests in consent mode is normal (if this helps in any way with GDPR compliance etc. in entirely another matter). If you do not run campaigns and do not hope for an uplift via ML models applied to consent mode data, then you probably do not need to bother and can just disable the tags if no consent is given.
It happens because you have to set ad_storage and analytics_storage as denied by default in initialization code, like described in the documentation (in the example only ad_storage is denied, just add analytics_storage too): https://developers.google.com/tag-platform/devguides/consent#implementation_example

Azure Content Moderator Portal - Unable to load Azure Media Services Video

We are creating video reviews in the review tool using the code here and everything used to work before (months back).
Now the only problem we are facing is loading the video on the review tool.
From the console, On chrome, it says CORB blocked the response,
Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked cross-origin response https://REDACTED.streaming.media.azure.net/REDACTED/ignite_c_c.ism/manifest with MIME type application/vnd.ms-sstr+xml. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5629709824032768 for more details.
And I can see 0B responses,
And on Firefox,
But if you paste the same video manifest URL in the Azure Media Test Tool, it works fine there.
Any help to fix the video loading issue would be greatly appreciated.
If you say you were able to use tha same without any changes over months ago, maybe a browser update(unless you have updated endpoints or header to Cross site access policies). Refer Configure CDN profile
However, "CORB" referred above seems similar to CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing).
It is an HTTP feature that enables a web application running under one
domain to access resources in another domain. In order to reduce the
possibility of cross-site scripting attacks, all modern web browsers
implement a security restriction known as same-origin policy. This
prevents a web page from calling APIs in a different domain. CORS
provides a secure way to allow one origin (the origin domain) to call
APIs in another origin.
CORS on Azure CDN will work automatically with no additional configuration. When you create a new account, default Streaming Endpoint Azure CDN integration is enabled by default. If you later want to disable/enable the CDN, your streaming endpoint must be in the stopped state. It could take up to two hours for the Azure CDN integration to get enabled and for the changes to be active across all the CDN POPs.
you might want to start using a wildcard (*) to setup the HTTP header, which disables CORS and allows any URL to access the CDN Endpoint.
Refer: Using Azure CDN with CORS
Caution: The Content Moderator Review tool is now deprecated and will be retired on 12/31/2021.
Video moderation enables detection of potential adult content in videos. The review tool internally calls the automated moderation APIs and presents the items for review right within your web browser
There are multiple indications:
SameSite cookie flag error
No decoders for requested formats
CORB error
You can give this a try though:
Set the SameSite by default cookies flag value to Disabled in Chrome 80 and later versions.
In your Chrome browser session, address chrome://flags/ and Search for or find the flag, SameSite by default cookies.
Select Disabled

Skype Web Control support

I try to find a internet place where I could find support about the Skype Web Control (dedicated support web site, forum, chat, documentation). A place where I can report problem and find help.
Here are my issues, maybe someone has a solution:
I use the Skype Web Control with a Microsoft Chatbot (Azure, LUIS) and it works pretty well.
But the smileys are not displayed in the conversion when the user send one. Space are taken to display the smiley but no smiley in there. If the user is connected, the conversation in the Skype application displays well the smileys.
And when the bot answer with a smiley, it is displayed as text :) not replaced by an image. Is there a way to do it?
I also have the following error:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked:
The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at
(Reason: CORS request did not succeed).
Does anyone know how to fix it?
There are multiple questions. To enable emojis you can customize webchat control. We did it and enabled emojies and other features too. Below is the link of source of webchat:
For CORS issue (cross domain security issue) have you tried placing the code on ms azure app. We faced the issue, with our own server, but not on azure app. CORS can be configured using web.config too.

Google Analytics only showing active MOBILE users?

When I go to my site on mobile it almost instantly shows up as an active user on google analytics. But when I do so on PC it never shows up as an active user. Even tried going to the site through Rabb.it
Also it shows active users 1 but "no data has been received the last 48 hours", does it just take time to update?
Have you looked at the JS debugger on your PC browser? Maybe there is an error that is causing the script to load incorrectly?
I've seen Firefox block the actual HTTP request to the analytics tracker, for example if you have private browsing turned on. I would start with using either Chrome's Developer tools or Firefox in conjunction with Firebug to try to take a peek under the covers as to what is occurring, i.e.
Verify that the JS actually loads correctly
Check for debug errors on the JS console
Check to see if the HTTP request is actually going through.
If your browser is blocking it you will see something like the image below.

User agent switcher doesnt work properly

I use User agent switcher extension for cross browser testing in google analytics.
I am quite surprised to say that tracking test results are not in sync with my results i see in Google Analytics panel.
For example:
I emulated safari 9.0 using user agent switcher. My actual browser from which i emulated is safari 5.0
I see a click event is fired in safari 9.0 when used a user agent switcher. But there are no end results in Google analytics for safari 9.0
Instead i there is nice tracking for safari 5.0 in google analytics.
From which i want to say the User agent switcher is not working as expected.
Can you suggest me an alternative to user agent switcher for my cross browser testing please?
PS: I tried my best to research the issue before posting. I didnt find any answers helpful for my scenario. Please dont say its duplicated. I am actively looking to solve my issue as it quite a priority issue to me.
I use this one https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/modheader/idgpnmonknjnojddfkpgkljpfnnfcklj which permits you to edit the request headers. It works fine for User-Agent switching.
You can have a look to developer tools under "Network" tab to see if the switching was effective
Hope it helps
(fun fact: I'm on Chrome and when I'm switching my user agent, Google asks me to download Chrome)
It's probably because GA only checks your UA once. After that it can identify your browser by cookie
ga.js – cookie usage
The ga.js JavaScript library uses first-party cookies to:
Determine which domain to measure
Distinguish unique users
Throttle the request rate
Remember the number and time of previous visits
Remember traffic source information
Determine the start and end of a session
Remember the value of visitor-level custom variables
The line I highlighted suggests that since the cookie already identifies your unique browser it doesn't need to collect that information again for as long as the cookie exists (which is up to 2 years). It probably checks more often than that to identify browser updates.
I can't be certain of this answer without analysing the GA scripts but it makes sense since it's far more efficient for Google to store your browser profile in their database once and then only update it periodically rather than on every request. It would be sufficient for them to record your browser and subsequent activities using a unique key linked to the cookie.
