Hunspell Workaround Empty Suggestion out of bounds error in R - r

I am trying to automatically spell-check a string column of a data.table/data.frame.
Looking around, I found several approaches that all give an "out of bounds" error in the case hunspell.suggest returns no suggestions (that is, an empty list, e.g. "pippasnjfjsfiadjg"), see approaches here (the accepted answer here yields NA so does work in principal) and here
We seem to require unlist in order to identify these empty suggestions and then exclude them from the part of the code that picks the first suggestion but I cannot figure out how.
df1 <- data.frame("Index" = 1:7, "Text" = c("pippasnjfjsfiadjg came to dinner with us tonigh.",
"Wuld you like to trave with me?",
"There is so muh to undestand.",
"Sentences cone in many shaes and sizes.",
"Learnin R is fun",
"yesterday was Friday",
"bing search engine"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Get bad words.
badwords <- hunspell(df1$Text) %>% unlist
# Extract the first suggestion for each bad word.
suggestions <- sapply(hunspell_suggest(badwords), "[[", 1)
mutate(df1, Text = stri_replace_all_fixed(str = Text,
pattern = badwords,
replacement = suggestions,
vectorize_all = FALSE)) -> out

You'll want to filter the list of bad words and suggestions to get rid of those without suggestions
badwords <- hunspell(df1$Text) %>% unlist()
# note use of '[' rather than '[['
suggestions <- sapply(hunspell_suggest(badwords), '[', 1)
badwords <- badwords[!]
suggestions <- suggestions[!]


R: find a specific string next to another string with for loop

I have the text of a novel in a single vector, it has been split by words novel.vector.words I am looking for all instances of the string "blood of". However since the vector is split by words, each word is its own string and I don't know to search for adjacent strings in a vector.
I have a basic understanding of what for loops do, and following some instructions from a text book, I can use this for loop to target all positions of "blood" and the context around it to create a tab-delineated KWIC display (key words in context).
node.positions <- grep("blood", novel.vector.words)
output.conc <- "D:/School/U Alberta/Classes/Winter 2019/LING 603/dracula_conc.txt"
cat("LEFT CONTEXT\tNODE\tRIGHT CONTEXT\n", file=output.conc) # tab-delimited header
#This establishes the range of how many words we can see in our KWIC display
context <- 10 # specify a window of ten words before and after the match
for (i in 1:length(node.positions)){ # access each match...
# access the current match
node <- novel.vector.words[node.positions[i]]
# access the left context of the current match
left.context <- novel.vector.words[(node.positions[i]-context):(node.positions[i]-1)]
# access the right context of the current match
right.context <- novel.vector.words[(node.positions[i]+1):(node.positions[i]+context)]
# concatenate and print the results
cat(left.context,"\t", node, "\t", right.context, "\n", file=output.conc, append=TRUE)}
What I am not sure how to do however, is use something like an if statement or something to only capture instances of "blood" followed by "of". Do I need another variable in the for loop? What I want it to do basically is for every instance of "blood" that it finds, I want to see if the word that immediately follows it is "of". I want the loop to find all of those instances and tell me how many there are in my vector.
You can create an index using dplyr::lead to match 'of' following 'blood':
novel.vector.words <- c("blood", "of", "blood", "red", "blood", "of", "blue", "blood")
which(grepl("blood", novel.vector.words) & grepl("of", lead(novel.vector.words)))
[1] 1 5
In response to the question in the comments:
This certainly could be done with a loop based approach but there is little point in re-inventing the wheel when there are already packages better designed and optimized to do the heavy lifting in text mining tasks.
Here is an example of how to find how frequently the words 'blood' and 'of' appear within five words of each other in Bram Stoker's Dracula using the tidytext package.
## Read Dracula into dataframe and add explicit line numbers
fulltext <- data.frame(text=readLines("", encoding = "UTF-8"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
mutate(line = row_number())
## Pair of words to search for and word distance
word1 <- "blood"
word2 <- "of"
word_distance <- 5
## Create ngrams using skip_ngrams token
blood_of <- fulltext %>%
unnest_tokens(output = ngram, input = text, token = "skip_ngrams", n = 2, k = word_distance - 1) %>%
filter(str_detect(ngram, paste0("\\b", word1, "\\b")) & str_detect(ngram, paste0("\\b", word2, "\\b")))
## Return count
blood_of %>%
[1] 54
## Inspect first six line number indices
[1] 999 1279 1309 2192 3844 4135

Efficient way to remove all proper names from corpus

Working in R, I'm trying to find an efficient way to search through a file of texts and remove or replace all instances of proper names (e.g., Thomas). I assume there is something available to do this but have been unable to locate.
So, in this example the words "Susan" and "Bob" would be removed. This is a simplified example, when in reality would want this to apply to hundreds of documents and therefore a fairly large list of names.
texts <- (rbind (
'This text stuff if quite interesting',
'Where are all the names said Susan',
'Bob wondered what happened to all the proper nouns'
names(texts) [1] <- "text"
Here's one approach based upon a data set of firstnames:
sets <- data(package = "genderdata")$results[,"Item"]
data(list = sets, package = "genderdata")
stopwords <- unique(kantrowitz$name)
texts <- (rbind (
'This text stuff if quite interesting',
'Where are all the names said Susan',
'Bob wondered what happened to all the proper nouns'
removeWords <- function(txt, words, n = 30000L) {
l <- cumsum(nchar(words)+c(0, rep(1, length(words)-1)))
groups <- cut(l, breaks = seq(1,ceiling(tail(l, 1)/n)*n+1, by = n))
regexes <- sapply(split(words, groups), function(words) sprintf("(*UCP)\\b(%s)\\b", paste(sort(words, decreasing = TRUE), collapse = "|")))
for (regex in regexes) txt <- gsub(regex, "", txt, perl = TRUE, = TRUE)
removeWords(texts[,1], stopwords)
# [1] "This text stuff if quite interesting"
# [2] "Where are all the names said "
# [3] " wondered what happened to all the proper nouns"
It may need some tuning for your specific data set.
Another approach could be based upon part-of-speech tagging.

using lapply to expand lists

I am trying to expand out some input data that comes in character format. In the below example --
jv17 <- list(4.2017,5.2017,6.2017,7.2017,8.2017,9.2017,10.2017)
jv18 <- list(4.2018,5.2018,6.2018,7.2018,8.2018,9.2018,10.2018)
mylist1 <- list("jv17")
mylist2 <- list("jv17", "jv18")
This does what I want:
eval(parse(text = mylist1))
This does not:
eval(parse(text = mylist2))
The output I am looking for:
I feel very confident this could be done with lapply but I'm not as good as I should be with it. Here is my best guess but I get an error that is not intuitive (at least to me).
lapply(x = mylist2, FUN = eval(parse(text = .)))
Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.

Convert character to numeric without NA in r

I know this question has been asked many times (Converting Character to Numeric without NA Coercion in R, Converting Character\Factor to Numeric without NA Coercion in R, etc.) but I cannot seem to figure out what is going on in this one particular case (Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion). Here is some reproducible data I'm working with.
#scrape data from website
url <- ""
ir.pres2014 <- url %>%
read_html() %>%
html_nodes(xpath='//*[#id="content"]/div[16]/table') %>%
html_table(fill = TRUE)
#Get rid of unnecessary rows
ir.pres2014<-ir.pres2014 %>%
subset(province!="Votes Per Candidate") %>%
subset(province!="Total Votes")
#Get rid of commas
clean_numbers = function (x) str_replace_all(x, '[, ]', '')
ir.pres2014 = ir.pres2014 %>% mutate_each(funs(clean_numbers), -province)
#remove any possible whitespace in string
no_space = function (x) gsub(" ","", x)
ir.pres2014 = ir.pres2014 %>% mutate_each(funs(no_space), -province)
This is where things start going wrong for me. I tried each of the following lines of code but I got all NA's each time. For example, I begin by trying to convert the second column (Rouhani) to numeric:
#First check class of vector
#convert character to numeric
Above returns a vector of all NA's. I also tried:
as.numeric.factor <- function(x) {seq_along(levels(x))[x]}
All those return NA's. I also tried the following:
That created a list of single digit numbers so it was clearly not converting the string in the way I have in mind. Any help is much appreciated.
The reason is what looks like a leading space before the numbers:
> ir.pres2014$Rouhani
[1] " 1052345" " 885693" " 384751" " 1017516" " 519412" " 175608" …
Just remove that as well before the conversion. The situation is complicated by the fact that this character isn’t actually a space, it’s something else:
mystery_char = substr(ir.pres2014$Rouhani[1], 1, 1)
# [1] c2 a0
I have no idea where it comes from but it needs to be replaced:
str_replace_all(x, rawToChar(as.raw(c(0xc2, 0xa0))), '')
Furthermore, you can simplify your code by applying the same transformation to all your columns at once:
mystery_char = rawToChar(as.raw(c(0xc2, 0xa0)))
to_replace = sprintf('[,%s]', mystery_char)
clean_numbers = function (x) as.numeric(str_replace_all(x, to_replace, ''))
ir.pres2014 = ir.pres2014 %>% mutate_each(funs(clean_numbers), -province)

R, Getting the top in every category from a data frame?

I have the following data frame
Note, they are already sorted by value within each (id,category). What I would like to be able to do is to get the top from each (id,category) and make a string, followed by the second in each (id,category) and so on. So for the above example it would look like
Is there a way to do it easily in R? Or am I better off relying on a Perl script to do it?
Thanks much in advance
This appears to work, but I'm certain we could simplify it somewhat, particularly if you are able to relax your ordering requirements:
d <- read.table(text = "id,category,value
G,23,0.33",sep = ',',header = TRUE)
d <- ddply(d,.(category),transform,r = seq_along(category))
d <- arrange(d,id)
> paste(d$id[order(d$r)],collapse = ",")
[1] "A,D,G,B,E,C,F"
This version is probably more robust to ordering, and avoids plyr:
d$r <- unlist(sapply(rle(d$category)$lengths,seq_len))
d$s <- 1:nrow(d)
with(d,paste(id[order(r,s)],collapse = ","))
