OpenLayers 6 "panning" map with Cypress - pointers

I'm trying to test the panning action in open layers but I can't get the map to move.
The versions I am using are these:
OpenLayers: 6.10.0
Cypress: 9.7.0
This is the code I have:
When('I pan the map to a different area', () => {
cy.get('.ol-layer canvas').trigger('pointerdown', {
clientX: 900,
clientY: 300,
force: true,
pointerId: 1,
cy.get('.ol-layer canvas').trigger('pointermove', {
x: 600,
y: 200,
force: true,
pointerId: 2,
cy.get('.ol-layer canvas').trigger('pointermove', {
x: 300,
y: 100,
force: true,
pointerId: 1,
cy.get('.ol-layer canvas').trigger('pointerup', { force: true, pointerId: 1 })


unable to access reactive nested object returned by useFetch in <script setup> but i am able to access in the html

So I am trying to create a flow where there is a form, when they user modifies the form useFetch is triggered and the results on the page update. things are mostly working well i am able to access the currentPokemon variable within the html and reactivity is working great. The issue is that I am trying to access parts of currentPokemon from within the so that the chart i define will also be reactive.
The graph_data show in the below is in the currentPokemon object, but i cant access it from within <script setup>
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import {
Chart as ChartJS,
} from 'chart.js'
import { Scatter } from 'vue-chartjs'
ChartJS.register(LinearScale, PointElement, LineElement, Tooltip, Legend)
const units = ref('METRIC')
const friction = ref(1)
const payload = ref(1)
const distance = ref(1)
const time = ref(1)
const gearRatio = ref(1)
const motionProfile = ref(0.25)
const conservatism = ref(1.5)
const stage = ref('DEFAULT')
const options = {
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: true
const { data: currentPokemon } = await useFetch(`http://localhost:3000/`, {
method: "POST",
body: {
unit_system: units,
motion_profile: motionProfile,
move_time_sec: time,
move_distance_deg: distance,
friction: friction,
payload: payload,
gear_ratio: gearRatio,
safety_factor: conservatism,
be_stage: stage,
manufacturers: ["Bosch"],
motor: "DEFAULT"
const test = ref(currentPokemon.value)
const data = ref({
datasets: [
label: 'Accel Profile 0.25 User',
borderColor: 'red',
backgroundColor: 'red',
borderWidth: 1,
pointRadius: 0,
pointHoverRadius: 5,
// tension: 0,
showLine: true,
fill: false,
data: [
{x: user_graph.x[0], y: user_graph.y[0]},
{x: user_graph.x[1], y: user_graph.y[1]},
{x: user_graph.x[2], y: user_graph.y[2]},
{x: user_graph.x[3], y: user_graph.y[3]}
here is the console output
✔ Vite server hmr 6 files in 54.932ms 13:56:25
object 13:56:25
[Vue warn]: Unhandled error during execution of setup function 13:56:25
at <App>
RefImpl { 13:56:25
__v_isShallow: false,
dep: undefined,
__v_isRef: true,
_rawValue: {
motormatch: {
'1': [Object],
'3': [Object],
'5': [Object],
'7': [Object],
'10': [Object]
stage_details: { DEFAULT: [Object] },
motioncalcs: {
'0.5': [Object],
'0.33': [Object],
'0.1': [Object],
'0.25 User': [Object]
graph_data: {
xlabel: 'Time (s)',
ylabel: 'Velocity (deg/s)',
title: 'Move Profiles',
profiles: [Array]
_value: {
motormatch: {
'1': [Object],
'3': [Object],
'5': [Object],
'7': [Object],
'10': [Object]
stage_details: { DEFAULT: [Object] },
motioncalcs: {
'0.5': [Object],
'0.33': [Object],
'0.1': [Object],
'0.25 User': [Object]
graph_data: {
xlabel: 'Time (s)',
ylabel: 'Velocity (deg/s)',
title: 'Move Profiles',
profiles: [Array]
undefined 13:56:25
test 13:56:25
object 13:56:25
Again the goal is to have the paramater passed to the graph be reactive based on the value of currentPokemon.graph_data. I have tried using let to declare new variables and access graph_data that way, which did allow me to get the value of graph_data but it was no longer reactive.
let res_data1 = currentPokemon.value
let graph_data1 = res_data1.graph_data
let user_graph = graph_data1.profiles[3]
addition note, in html {{ currentPokemon.graph_data }} works perfectly and is reactive...
Whenever you use ref or computed the way you access values template vs script differs, in script you must use the value key accessor, in template you omit it because in templates the value key accessor is injected at compilation run-time.
<script setup>
const myVar = ref([]) // Array
console.log(myVar.value.length) // Outputs 0
console.log(myVar.value.length) // Outputs 1
const count = computed(() => myvar.value.length)
console.log(count.value) // Outputs 2
<div>Total Items: {{ myVar.length }}</div>
<div>Counter: {{ count.length }}</div>
However it is not the same case when working with nested reactive reference objects which is what you want to use if you are altering inner values of a nested object where you want to react to those nested alterations:
<script setup>
const myObject = reference({
myData: [] // Array
console.log(myObject.myData.length) // Outputs 0
console.log(myObject.myData.length) // Outputs 1
<div>Total Items: {{ myObject.myData.length }}</div>
Not sure if this is the best way to do this... I tried using reactive and a few other methods but this finally worked for me
/ Data pased to scatter plot
const data = computed({
get() {
let res_data1 = currentPokemon.value
let user_graph = res_data1.graph_data.profiles[3]
let dataset = {datasets: [
{label: 'Accel Profile 0.5',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'blue',
backgroundColor: 'blue',
borderWidth: 1,
// pointBackgroundColor: ['#000', '#00bcd6', '#d300d6'],
// pointBorderColor: ['#000', '#00bcd6', '#d300d6'],
pointRadius: 0,
pointHoverRadius: 5,
fill: false,
// tension: 0,
showLine: true,
data: [
{x: 0, y: 0},
{x: 0.5, y: 2},
{x: 0.5, y: 2},
{x: 1, y: 0}]},
{label: 'Accel Profile 0.33',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'orange',
backgroundColor: 'orange',
borderWidth: 1,
pointRadius: 0,
pointHoverRadius: 5,
// tension: 0,
showLine: true,
data: [
{x: 0, y: 0},
{x: 0.33, y: 1.49},
{x: 0.66, y: 1.49},
{x: 1, y: 0}]
label: 'Accel Profile 0.1',
borderColor: 'green',
backgroundColor: 'green',
borderWidth: 1,
pointRadius: 0,
pointHoverRadius: 5,
// tension: 0,
showLine: true,
fill: false,
data: [
{x: 0, y: 0},
{x: 0.1, y: 1.11},
{x: 0.9, y: 1.11},
{x: 1, y: 0}]
label: 'Accel Profile 0.25 User',
borderColor: 'red',
backgroundColor: 'red',
borderWidth: 1,
pointRadius: 0,
pointHoverRadius: 5,
// tension: 0,
showLine: true,
fill: false,
data: [
{x: user_graph.x[0], y: user_graph.y[0]},
{x: user_graph.x[1], y: user_graph.y[1]},
{x: user_graph.x[2], y: user_graph.y[2]},
{x: user_graph.x[3], y: user_graph.y[3]}
return dataset
// setter
set(newValue) {
// Note: we are using destructuring assignment syntax here.
[firstName.value, lastName.value] = newValue.split(' ')

Chart.js: grid lines only on dataset points

I created a simple chart:
const myChart = new Chart(document.getElementById('myChartChart').getContext('2d');, {
type: 'scatter',
data: {
datasets: [{
label: 'Dataset',
data: [{
x: -40,
y: 34,
}, {
x: -10,
y: 45,
}, {
x: 140,
y: 45,
fill: true,
stepped: true,
options: {
responsive: true,
scales: {
x: {
suggestedMin: -50,
suggestedMax: 150,
ticks: {
callback: function(value, index, values) {
return value + ' °C';
y: {
suggestedMin: 32,
suggestedMax: 46,
ticks: {
callback: function(value, index, values) {
return value + ' bar';
plugins: {
legend: {
display: false
But I don't like to have static periodical grid lines and labels but only on my three data points.
With callbacks I only get the defined steps from the grid. How can I achieve something like this:
Image Link (You need at least 10 reputation to post images)
You can define afterBuildTicks callbacks on both axes. In there, you replace the axis ticks with your own ticks extracted from your data.
Please take a look at your amended code and see how it works.
const data = [
{ x: -40, y: 34 },
{ x: -10, y: 45 },
{ x: 140, y: 45 }
myChart = new Chart('myChartChart', {
type: 'scatter',
data: {
datasets: [{
label: 'Dataset',
data: data,
fill: true,
stepped: true,
options: {
responsive: true,
scales: {
x: {
suggestedMin: -50,
suggestedMax: 150,
afterBuildTicks: axis => axis.ticks = => ({ value: v.x })),
ticks: {
callback: v => v + ' °C'
y: {
suggestedMin: 32,
suggestedMax: 46,
afterBuildTicks: axis => axis.ticks = => ({ value: v.y })),
ticks: {
callback: v => v + ' bar'
plugins: {
legend: {
display: false
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="myChartChart"></canvas>

How to define a heavy object in Matter JS

To explain better what I need, think about a tank and a can of soda.
No matter what the speed of that can of soda would be, the tank wouldn't move if it's hit.
But the tank should be able to move when force is applied to it.
Already opened an issue here with more details:
And I also made an example here for what I need.
var Engine = Matter.Engine,
Render = Matter.Render,
World = Matter.World,
Bodies = Matter.Bodies,
Body = Matter.Body;
var engine = Engine.create();
engine.positionIterations = 10;
engine.velocityIterations = 8;
var render = Render.create({
element: document.body,
engine: engine,
options: {
width: 800,
height: 400,
wireframes: false
}); = 0;
var topWall = Bodies.rectangle(400, 50, 720, 20, { isStatic: true });
var leftWall = Bodies.rectangle(50, 210, 20, 300, { isStatic: true });
var rightWall = Bodies.rectangle(750, 210, 20, 300, { isStatic: true });
var bottomWall = Bodies.rectangle(400, 350, 720, 20, { isStatic: true });
var ball =, 200, 5, {
friction: 0.05,
frictionAir: 0.05,
density: 0.001,
restitution: 0.2
var bigBox = Matter.Bodies.rectangle(500, 200, 120, 120, {
inertia: Infinity,
frictionAir: 1,
friction: 1,
density: 0.1
World.add(, [topWall, leftWall, rightWall, bottomWall, ball, bigBox]);;;
// CMD + SHIFT + 7 to reload
$('.shoot').on('click', function () {
var speed = 0.02;
var angle = 0;
let vector = Matter.Vector.create(Math.cos(angle) * speed, Math.sin(angle) * speed);
Body.applyForce(ball, ball.position, vector);

how to hide the filter in ui by using angularjs

$scope.dataTableOpt = {
"aLengthMenu": [[10, 50, 100, -1], [10, 50, 100, 'All']],
"searching": false,
"paging": true,
"info": false,
"lengthChange": false
$scope.dataTableOpt = {
//custom datatable options
// or load data through ajax call also
"aLengthMenu": [[10, 50, 100, -1], [10, 50, 100, 'All']],
"searching": false,
"paging": (listCount > 10 ? true : false),
"info": false,
"lengthChange": false
Add this to your options object:
"enablePaginationControls": false
If that doesn't work, you might also want to remove the "paging": true

Day vs Time on Scatter plot

I want to have a day vs timescatter plot. I have some unix time values. I just need to plot them on X and Y axis such that the days of the week (e.g. Monday, Tuseday etc.) on the X axis and the time e.g.(2:24,13:40 etc. ) on the Y axis. I have tried using the datetime type. But I think I am missing something.
Here is what I have tried to do:
data=[["Saturday", 1390723133.57414], ["Sunday", 1390803027.3852], ["Monday", 1390862581.18321], ["Monday", 1390830748.67335], ["Wedneday", 1391015403.93726], ["Wedneday", 1391006992.20059], ["Sunday", 1390804961.8415]]
chart: {
type: 'scatter',
zoomType: 'xy'
title: {
text: 'test'
xAxis: {
title: {
enabled: true,
text: 'Day of the week'
startOnTick: true,
endOnTick: true,
showLastLabel: true,
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Time of the day'
type: 'datetime',
legend: {
layout: 'vertical',
align: 'left',
verticalAlign: 'top',
x: 100,
y: 70,
floating: true,
backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
borderWidth: 1
plotOptions: {
scatter: {
marker: {
radius: 5,
states: {
hover: {
enabled: true,
lineColor: 'rgb(100,100,100)'
states: {
hover: {
marker: {
enabled: false
series: [{
name: '',
color: 'rgba(223, 83, 83, .5)',
data: data
You need parse your data to correct format, because in data array you need to have timestamps or numbers, not days / strings as you have.
