What is the max length of tag string in NebulaGraph Database? [duplicate] - nebula-graph

This question already has an answer here:
What is the maximum length of the tag's string in NebulaGraph?
(1 answer)
Closed last month.
The Tag name in Nebula Graph is a string. what is the max length of this Tag name?
For example:
CREATE TAG IF NOT EXISTS aveeeeeeerylooooooooongtaaaaaaaagnaaaaaame(name string, age int);

There is no direct restriction on a string's length. But a sentence's length has an upper limit of 4MB.
I.e., The length of any queries or sentences you sent to Nebula Graph should be less than 4MB.


Matching values of a list in karate? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Karate - match fails for inline array
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
while working with the html tables, I have fetched row data in form of list.
For instance: table having 5 columns out of which two columns have blank as value and remaining three have some text values there.
So the list looks like :
["12.5"," ","22","test"," "]
Now, while providing the same as expected list, the assertion fails in exact match and not able to accept blanks as the value for matching purpose which ideally is needed.
Sharing part of the report here:
How to make an exact match in this case having comparison of two lists. Please help, thanks in advance!
I tried this and it worked:
* def response = ["12.5"," ","22","test"," "]
* match response == ["12.5"," ","22","test"," "]
So I have no idea what you are talking about. So please follow this process: https://github.com/intuit/karate/wiki/How-to-Submit-an-Issue

how to find the element in between two elements in a character vector created by an rtf document [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Extracting a string between other two strings in R
(4 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have an object created from an rtf document using the code:sample_doc <- read_rtf("sample.doc") (I had to use read_rtf because the document is actually an rtf).
I know somewhere in the document there are two phrases (an element in the character vector) apple and orange and that there must be an element in between them. I just want to extract that in-between element. What should I do?
You can use positive lookbehind and lookahead to target the pattern in between, this regex should give u what u need:

decode sh256 in oracle [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Decrypt from SHA256
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I want to decode the below hash value to text.
I tried below function but gives me the output in special characters
select UTL_I18N.RAW_TO_CHAR('bb37497f9b8cdcccf20ff6eee342bc1f76f72f35a7305af28a81b75d3967ea2f', 'AL32UTF8') from dual;
any other function would give me the text value?
Hash functions are deliberately one way. So you cannot get the original value from the hash value. (You could use brute force and hash all possible original values and see which yields the given hash value. But that's likely not finishing in your lifetime and will produce false positives because of collisions. So you'd even need some second criteria.) Not in Oracle, not anywhere else...

Replace last characters of a string with its entire elements [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Extracting the last n characters from a string in R
(15 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have an element in my dataframe which I want to modify.
I have a column with the following type of values
I want to replace the entire string with just the last 5 characters (i.e)
Replace the entire character string with 12345 in this case.
How do I achieve this?
Thanks a lot.
One option is using a positive look behind using stringr::str_extract
#Simple option
str_extract('https://mns-xyz-eu.abc.com/ccs/proposal?action=view&proposalId=12345', '\\d+')


I want to select data from oracle where in a certain column I get only where the number of characters in 10.
PS: Not first ten characters of a field, but fields with only ten characters in them.
Reference: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17952_01/refman-5.1-en/string-functions.html#function_char-length
There are several functions you can use, based on the value you want to compare to:
Char_LENGTH() returns the length of a string in characters.
LENGTH() returns the length of a string in bytes.
BIT_LENGTH() returns the length in bits.
