when i use curl <ip> it shows the correct default nginx html, but it does not load when i try to access from my browser
Security rules
these are my inbound security rules on the ec2 instance
I am looking to configure NIFI UI access via HTTP. I've set the values necessary (Or so I thought) in nifi.properties.
properties set:
I know NIFI does allow for both HTTP and HTTPS to be used simultaneously so I removed the below default values and left them unset:
Once I saved this file, I restarted the service systemctl restart nifi.service to see if it would read the new config file. I ran netstat -plnt to see if the port was open to no avail.
Did you set the HTTP values? If not, you're not providing a port for NiFi to listen to.
I am currently running a service with systemctl, and it is running as an http proxy, not normal http. Is this something that Google does? I am using port 8080 and I can't connect to it via http. My daemon is using port 8080, while using the type http-proxy (I am seeing this with the command nmap -sV -sC -p 8080 -vvvv -Pn). Instead, I want the daemon I'm running (wings.service) to use http, so it can use that type of connection to connect to my panel.
The panel is part of a piece of software along with the daemon, it's called pterodactyl. Anyways, I have tried everything on what to do, and I think this problem that I am addressing is the problem that causes dysfunction on my panel. I might just have to move to a different service to host my bots for discord.
Let me know if there's anything I can do to fix this.
As per I can understand you are unable to access the panel via web URL.
Pterodactyl web server can be installed using NGINX or Apache web servers, and both web servers by default listed on port 80 based on Pterodactyl web server installation guide, so you must enable HTTP port 80 traffic on your Compute Engine VM instance
The default firewall rules on GCP do not allow HTTP or HTTPS connections to your instances. However, it is fairly simple to add a rule that does allow them following this steps:
1.-Go to the VM instances page.
2.- Click the name of the desired instance.
3.- Click Edit button at the top of the page.
4.- Scroll down to the Firewalls section.
5.- Check the Allow HTTP or Allow HTTPS options under your desired VPC network.
6.- Click Save.
Note: The Pterodactyl panel and Daemon installation are not the same for each operating system, if after checking the VPC firewall rules on the VM settings and also the status of the web server in the instance (NGINX or Apache) you still cannot access your panel, please provide a step by step list with all commands you followed to complete the installation, including the OS version you used.
Currently, I am working on a Wordpress application and I am using AWS hosting. My domain is in GoDaddy.com and I have deployed the application in elastic beanstalk. I have created load balancer and also I need to run the application through HTTPS.
I have done my research and I think I found the right way, but it's not working for HTTPS. when I browse on HTTP on port 80, it runs well. Now I am helpless.
Here's what I have done so far:
1) I created a hosted zone on AWS Route 53 for the domain named "example.com". There are two records are created, NS and SOA.
2) Then, in GoDaddy, I added NS records from AWS as Custom Nameservers.
3) After that, I created A record for the domain in the AWS hosted zone, set ALIAS targeted to the Load Balancer of the Elastic Beanstalk environment.
4) Then, I changed the SITE URL from the wp_options table the wordpress application database.
After doing up to this, my application was running in HTTP. But as I want to change it to HTTPS. So,
1) I requested a certificate from AWS Certificate Manager and created CNAME (provided by ACM after requesting certificate) record in the hosted zone.
2) After the certificate is issued, I edited the listener from EC2 >> Load Balancer >> Listener and changed the protocol from HTTP to HTTPS and also allowed port on Security groups.
3) Also, I changed, the SITE URL from WordPress database and changed it from "http://example.com" to "https://example.com" but it was not working.
4) So I went to Elastic Beanstalk >> Configuration >> Load Balancer and added listener. After the environment is saved and restarted, still, the site was not running on HTTPS [ HTTP 408 ERROR IS SHOWN ]. But if I change SITE URL to "http://example.com", it works
I have found a solution, which says to use RedirectURL and set it to server config but I don't want to do that.
I also found this solution which suggest to Export Zone File and import it to AWS hosted zone. But whenever I click Export Zone File(Unix), the file downloaded is shown empty. I tried this for other accounts, still, this problem exists. So I did not do that.
Sorry for the long story, but I really need this help.
I have solved the issue.
In my load balancer port configuration, I previously set load Balancer port 443 and instance 443. here what I need to do is to call the load balancer on port 443 and backend make the backend call on port 80 and enable https on WordPress.
So I kept load balancer port 443 and changed the instance port to 80. After that, on the browser, there was too many redirects error shown. So then what I needed to do is that add $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on' on wp-config. And then everything was running smoothly.
I hope this will help if some
I have deployed my application using AWS Opsworks. I could see that my application has been deployed successfully, however I am not able to open it in a browser. I tried many many combinations of url, but no luck.
On my localhost, I access my application with this url:
In opsworks my app name is "bootshop" and it has been deployed successfully.
Now how do i access my login page ???
I tried below urls:
login page: http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/bootshop/app/login - 404 Requested resource not available
index.html page: http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/bootshop/app/ - 404 Requested resource not available
http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/bootshop/login - 404 Requested resource not available
http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/bootshop/ - Nothing is displayed on
http://xx.xx.xx.xx - Forbidden
For my EC2 instance, I have custom TCP rule set.. which allows traffic on port 8080 from anywhere.
Your help would be really appreciated.
Thank you
The 8080 address is the internal address that Apache web server uses to communicate with the Tomcat instance. The public address that you should use is 80. Just use the root path of your server to access the application, like this:
where xx.xx.xx.xx is your IP address. You can of course use the DNS name if you have any for that IP address.
Make sure that you allow HTTP traffic to port 80 in the security group for the EC2 instance where the application is running.
I have a wordpress site running on apache (Ubuntu 14.04). This server now sits on our parent company network infrastructure which forces all internet traffic through a proxy. My issue is that workpress is trying to call out to the internet but cant because the proxy. I have attempted to set the proxy info in /etc/environment but it doesn't seem to be working. What is the correct way to force all apache calls to go through this authenticated proxy?
In your wp-config.php file add the following information:
define('WP_PROXY_HOST', '');
define('WP_PROXY_PORT', '8080');
define('WP_PROXY_USERNAME', 'user');
define('WP_PROXY_PASSWORD', 'password');
define('WP_PROXY_BYPASS_HOSTS', 'localhost, www.example.com');
Make sure to replace the dummy content with the content from your internal network team. Once configured, that should allow you to access the internet through that proxy.