How do I select a specific property in nested array json rails 5 - multidimensional-array

I need help with this. I would like to access transactionCustomFields and I would like to get the token from the response.
This is the JSON response

Assuming you want to access the first item of the "transactionCustomFields" array and its id/key you could do something like this.
json_object = JSON.parse(response)
json_object['data']['transaction']["transactionCustomFields"][0]["key"] //gives you token
json_object['data']['transaction']["transactionCustomFields"][0]["id"] //gives you "1fc25a5c-ba0b-4959-b295-31628d8da0e1"
Hope this answers your question


In Wordpress can I store a JSON object as a post and retrieve as it through REST?

Is it possible in WP to paste in a post a JSON object such as
name: 'hello',
type: 'myself',
and retrieve it exactly like this?
The maximum I've been able to do is to add this in a code block and then I will get
\n<pre class=\"wp-block-code\"><code> [{\"name\":\"hello\",\"type\":\"myself\",
Obviously if the string is obtained through a variable with content="...", everything there has to have the " escaped, so I don't delete the question but it was a nonsense question

How do i query a Firebase database for a nested property?

Hi i have a noSql db in firebase.
I want to get the object where userId is 288
i'v tried many combinations but i cant figure out how its done.
This is my code so far :
var refTest= database.ref('conversation')
var query = refTest
query.on('value', function(data) {
var a = data.val();
This is a image of my "schema"
I'm obviously a noob when it comes to NoSQL. I do understand SQL
All help is appreciated
You can order/filter on a nested value like this:
var refTest= database.ref('conversation')
var query = refTest.orderByChild('messages/userId').equalTo("288");
query.on('value', function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(child) {
The forEach is needed, since there may be multiple child nodes with messages/userId equal to 288.
The key named "messages" doesn't make sense in your schema. Because if you want to have another message under that conversation, then you wouldn't be able to add it with the same key name and you also couldn't add it under "messages" because it would overwrite the other one. My suggestion is to use the push() method for adding a new message. This way you uniquely identify each message.
Regarding your question, an easy to understand way of parsing your schema is this: you loop through each message of each conversation for finding the messages with userID.
refTest.on('value', function(data) {
var conversations = data.val();
for (conversation in conversations){
for (message in conversation) {
if (message.userId == 288) {
// do whatever you need
// and eventually return something to break the loops
Of course, you can adapt it based on your needs

Best way to make ReactiveAggregate reactive when data changes on a user

I am currently using ReactiveAggregate to find a subset of Product data, like this:
ReactiveAggregate(this, Products, [
{ $match: {}},
{ $project: {
title: true,
image: true,
variants: {
$filter: {
input: "$variants",
as: "variant",
cond: {
$setIsSubset: [['$$'], user.variantFollowing]
], { clientCollection: 'aggregateVariants' }
As you can see, a variant is returned if user.variantFollowing matches. When a user 'follows' a product, the ID is added to their object. However, if I understand correctly, this is not triggering ReactiveAggregate to get the new subset when this happens. Only on a full page refresh do I get the correct (latest) data.
Is this the correct way to approach this?
I could store the user's ID as part of the Product object, but the way this would be stored would be nested two places, and I think I would need the Mongo 3.5 updates to then be able to accurately update this. So i'm looking for how to do this in Meteor 1.5+ / Mongo 3.2.12
So, I've been able to get there by adding autorun to the subscription of the aggregate collection, like this:
Template.followedProducts.onCreated(function() {
this.autorun(() => {
... rest of function
For context, productsFollowed is the subscription to retrieve aggregateVariants from the original question.
Thanks to robfallows in this post:

Cannot append values to an entity

My question is : how to append a value given by a user to an entity. The user provided value is dynamic.
The Watson response overwrites the toppings variable with the value given by the user, as you can see in the attached image.
"output": {
"text": "I got an order to add one or more toppings.
Adding <?context.toppings.append('toppings')?>.
Toppings to provide: <?entities['toppings']?.toString()?>"
"context": {
"toppings": "<? entities['toppings']?.toString()?>"
You can append to an array with the .append() function.
In your example, the expression "toppings": "<? entities['toppings']?.toString()?>" will overwrite the toppings variable every time this node is processed with the actual recognized entities #toppings. First the the $toppings variable needs to be defined as an array, e.g.:
"context" : {
"toppings" : []
Then in context part of a dialog node you can write:
"context" : {
"toppings" : "<?$toppings.append(entities['toppings'].toJsonArray())?>"
More info in our doc: Watson Conversation Doc
EDIT: Thinking about this, it is probably not a good idea to have the same name for the entity and for the variable you store it in. :-)

filter the Json according to string in an array in JSONPATH

I have a situation where I have json String that has a child as Array that contains only Strings. Is there as way I can get the object reference of the arrays that contains a specific String.
{ "Books":{
"name":"Cultures in India"
"name":"Pre-historic Ages"
To Achieve:
From the above JSON String, need to get all books in History which contains "Indian" inside the "tags" list.
I am using JSONPATH in my project but If there is other API that can provide similar functionality, any help is welcome.
If you're using Goessner JSONPath, $.Books.History[?(#.Tags.indexOf('Indian') != -1)] as mentioned by Duncan above should work.
If you're using the Jayway Java port (, then
$.Books.History[?(#.Tags[?(# == 'Indian')] != [])] or more elegantly, use the in operator like this $.Books.History[?('Indian' in #.Tags)]. Tried them both here.
Assuming you are using Goessner JSONPath ( the following should work:
$.Books.History[?(#.Tags.indexOf('Indian') != -1)]
According to the Goessner site, you can use underlying JavaScript inside the ?() filter. You can therefore use the JavaScript indexOf function to check if your Tags array contains the tag 'Indian'.
See a working example here using this JSONPath query tester:
Did you try to use underscoreJS ? You can get the Indian books like this :
var data = {"Books:"....};
var indianBooks = _.filter(data.Books.History, function(book) { return _.contains(book.Tags, "Indian"); })
