How can I set up a custom domain or URL for my Google Form? - google-forms

I am trying to create a Google Form for a project and I was wondering if it is possible to have a custom domain or URL for the form. I know that the default URL for a Google Form is something like, but I was hoping to have something like instead. Is this possible, and if so, how can I set it up?
Any help or guidance on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Yes, it's possible to have a custom URL. Google provides a way of shortening the URL but it's still not in a readable format. But it seems like you are looking for a way to embed or integrate google forms into another domain with a custom URL. There are great solutions already available for it. I would recommend you to check out BetterCollected. They not only provide the possibility of adding a custom URL to your forms, but if you work in an organization, you can create custom workspaces. You can even have a custom domain if you intend to without any hassles.


Bringing the Wordpress Backend posts search to the frontend

I work on a shop using WordPress and a discontinued (but still used) shopping plugin/theme.
The frontend search was never very good, even after some alterations to the way the search query is built. A fulltext index did help a bit, but it largely fails now, because there are many (almost) three-letter product names like t-700 / 700.
In the backend products search (must be a custom post type) however, the search is fine. It is just what the shop owner wants.
The perfect thing would be to bring just this backend search to the frontend, either by calling the right function / hook or by copying the relevant code.
The code structure pointed me to wp-includes/query.php, but there I failed to understand how backend queries work. I've been searching the web for days now and I just can't find anything at all.
Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!
What you are using on frontend ? you must use query_posts for all posts on frontend as it gives option to pass all possible arguments in it.
You can check this link for reference
We need some more informations to help you! Without knowing the plugin you use or at least what's in the query.php it's impossible to help you.
The code for this search tool is specific so nobody can tell you how to get it to work in your frontend.
Usually I'd try to copy it into a frontend page (or try to call it there) but that might be a risk! Backend and frontend data should have different access rights, this might be the reason why you can't just copy&paste the function.

wordpress plug-in development for dynamic url

I'm new to wordpress plug-in development.
I want to create one plug in. the functionality of plug-in is
# it will catch url like,
param1,param2,param3 are parameters passed to custom_post_type.
# i need to catch these parameters and want to communicate to database accordingly i want to show page content.
i don't know whether i should use custom_post_type.(because i'll use self made tables to check for parameters)
please suggest me.
What you need is the Wordpress Rewrite API. You can get more information about this at the Wordpress Codex
Tutsplus has an great article about using the Rewrite API: The Rewrite API: The Basics
First, you have to validate if you can achieve efficiently what you want to do with Custom Post Type. You do not give enough details to be able to tell you if it would be better, in this particular case, to use CPT or build custom tables. That said, most of the time, you can use both: CPT mixed with custom tables.
As for your URL question, you need to play with the: Rewrite API. This will enable you to manage the URLs the way you want.
Unfortunately, the Codex may be hard to understand. Fortunately, you can check this great resource where Carl Alexander explains exactly how it works: WordPress for the Adventurous : Rewrite API.
Another possibility is to breakdown the URL by using the variable $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']. That said, I would avoid this option if possible. Using the rewrite API is the proper way to go.

ASP.NET website translation

I want to translate my ASP.NET website, just like microsoft does.
I want the urls to have /en-EN/ or /de-DE/
the problem is that my urls ar already routed URLs
How can I do this?
I found this
but I don't want to translate all the urls and this method seems to me too complex, with Views and Controllers.
I need or
The above example is for mvc, is your website in mvc?. You need to setup your website for culture specific setting, here is an article how to do that
Also for further reading
its very easy to setup
This is an important problem. You want the URL to have the language encoded in it for both SEO and usability purposes.
Two common solutions are:
1) Change the domain. or Then the routes don't need to be changed.
2) Use the # for the language code. Search engines nowadays will observe this. So, then you'd have or
You can implement both of these solutions with by simply pasting our javascript into your page and setting the sitetran_url_type variable to either:
var sitetran_url_type = 'sub.domain';
var sitetran_url_type = 'hash';
SiteTran is 100% free and is my company.

How to pull Facebook news feeds onto website using ASP.NET

There seem to be various example using PHP, but need a concrete example of how to do this using .NET.
Facebook seems to be a pain and does not have an easy method like Twitter where you use a widget and it creates the code for you to integrate into your HTML.
Any suggestions appreciated.
If you're happy to use widgets, like the Twitter widget, you can access facebook widgets here:
Facebook provide api for it. Please refer this

Implementing Google Accounts' OpenID like Stackoverflow

Firstly, This question may be asked. But I could not get the information i am looking for.
I am creating a website which should take to where the user enters his account information and it redirect back to my website similar to how stack over flow is doing when we click on gmail image.
I am trying to implement a website in .net.
Please list a step by step procedure to implement it or suggest some documentation to follow.
I clearly dont want other types of openID implemention where u enter the open id and pick ur open id provider.
Thanks in advance.
Check out below articles:
Both has shown example using DotNetOpenAuth - The former list other library named ExtremeSwank.
I used and it was simple enough to do.
It also has the advantage of allowing you to use other vendors without any extra - not only gmail.
Oh, and it's free!
