Why using <Link> is better than router.push? - next.js

I have an ecommerce application in NextJS and I have a problem with my main menu. In fact, if I use the <Link> tag of Next, with or without the "prefetch" param, I still have the links that are prefetch (either on hover or if the item is in the viewport). My pages are loaded with getStaticProps.
I would like to use <Link> to keep all of benefits of Next and SPA, but I think that prefetching all of my products page before I need them destroys the performance of the backend.
Do you think I can use router.push to do this part of my app?

By using router.push instead of Link Component, your app would lose its capabilities such as
SPA (because it would redirect to a new page) and
SEO (because it cannot be
detected by crawlers)
Ideally for an e-commerce platform, i think it would be best to utilize the Link component and not overthink about your prefetch concern because these built in Components by nextJs are already optimized by the Vercel Team.
We should also only use router.push when Link Components are not enough. A good example of this would be upon clicking a button we want to trigger other frontend/backend functions and then redirecting to another page.
function handleClick(){


Using Preact in Lightning Web Component

Recently installed the project noted here: https://developer.salesforce.com/blogs/2020/11/how-to-use-apex-natively-with-svelte-vue-and-preact-within-lwc.html to test a theory on using Preact in a Lightning Web Component. Observed that in the Preact component any click in the component fires the onclick function for the first element rendered in the component (with an onclick property), any additional clicks or clicking directly on other elements (with or without an onclick properties) only fire the function for the first element. This behavior tracks with a separate project I've been working on that includes Preact. Does anyone know what would cause this and/or have suggestions on ways to address?
I'm assuming this is related to the LWC wrapper and how it redirects browser events to be processed, but I'm out of my depth in terms of fully debugging that path.
I ran this by the author of the linked blog post and we confirmed this doesn't work in an actual org, though it works fine in a local dev sandbox. Likely culprit is locker service, but neither the author nor I was willing to try to verify that, and there wouldn't be a whole lot to be done about it even if it were confirmed.
Short answer, Preact doesn't work in LWC framework currently.

Svelte3 adding <svelte:head> without Sapper?

After all day following the google rabbit hole, I’m still wondering about google/bing/etc being able to crawl svelte apps. I want to convert my personal portfolio to svelte, which will be a SPA. If I add tags for the header data on the svelte SPA, will google pick it up, or do I need ssr for google to see the rendered page?
Google crawlers will most likely run your JavaScript so that the title etc. inside <svelte:head> is picked up, but Bing and others will not.
If you go with Sapper you can use sapper export on your site to get a pre-rendered html/svelte hybrid which will solve your issue.
Be aware of using svelte:headfor your base meta stuff. Things like open graph images or twitter cards will not work this way! This is just useful if you need to inject something to the head on mount, but not safe if you have to deal with SEO.

Single-Page Website with Ajax NAvigation

I am planing a simple website layout: Header with navigation, sidebar and a content block.
The whole site should be a single-page application because I am using a Cesium Visualization and a page reload would delete the current JS objects that are displayed in the Viewer.
Therefore I would like to reload the content container using AJAX to display my different "pages" and therefore keep all the JS Objects in the browser.
My question is:
Do you know a way to add a url-based navigation to this architecture?
For example: I am on the index page /index/ and enter the new url /content1/. The new url reloads the content container using AJAX and keeps the rest as it is. Therefore I would also be able to use the forward and backwards buttons of the browser.
May this be possible with ASP.net MVC routing?
I am pretty new to this so I hope I discribed my problem well enough.
Thanks a lot!
Try Pjax which uses ajax to load content dynamically via ajax
and pushState to maintain url history i.e is a HTML5 api. You shall find more details in the link below
If you are familiar with angularjs then using ngRoute is a better alternative to Pjax as it has an effective url management through the routing service, please check the below link for more details on ngRoute

Meteor - how to change page title with route/page changes, NOT using JS

I'm building a site with Meteor, and it has to be SEO-friendly. This means that page titles must all reflect the content. When the user navigates to different pages, I need the page title to change, but it has to be served up from the back-end, not changed via Javascript, as spiders won't pick up on that.
How would I do this?
You can render templates into HTML pages on the server side using Arunoda's SSR package - https://atmospherejs.com/meteorhacks/ssr

Recaptcha missing if wrong captcha input, jquery mobile, asp

I have an ASP mobile site and I am using jQuery mobile. I have problem using recaptcha on my contact page. it disappears when the captcha is wrong. It works fine when i am not using jQuery mobile. Any help pls? i am using jQuery validate plugin too.
I was experiencing a similar issue - my team used jQuery mobile's ajax page linking to navigate to our sign-in page which used reCaptcha. The ajax call would cause the page to load, at which point the reCaptcha form would render and hide all other content. Refreshing the page would load everything properly.
My fix to this was to remove the ajax linking to the page. From the jQUery mobile manual:
Linking without Ajax Links that point to other domains or that have
rel="external", data-ajax="false" or target attributes will not be
loaded with Ajax. Instead, these links will cause a full page refresh
with no animated transition. Both attributes (rel="external" and
data-ajax="false") have the same effect, but a different semantic
meaning: rel="external" should be used when linking to another site or
domain, while data-ajax="false" is useful for simply opting a page
within your domain from being loaded via Ajax. Because of security
restrictions, the framework always opts links to external domains out
of the Ajax behavior.
In version 1.1, we've added support for using data-ajax="false" on a
parent container which allows you to excluded a large number of links
from the Ajax navigation system. This avoids the need to add this
attribute to every link in a container.
Note: When building a jQuery Mobile application where the Ajax
navigation system is disabled globally or frequently disabled on
individual links, we recommend disabling the $.mobile.pushStateEnabled
global configuration option to avoid inconsistent navigation behavior
in some browsers.
This fixed our loading issue, but now we experience another issue: when navigating from the sign-up page back to our landing page, and back to the sign-up page jQuery mobile causes the browser to reload the landing page. Still working on fixing this.
After thoroughly reviewing my code I noticed that the page I was calling had html, head and body tags, pulled jquery.mobile-1.0.min.js and jquery-1.6.4.min.js twice, and was included in a template.
Once I removed the extra html, head and body tags (as well as the js includes), the page displayed properly.
