I have 2 different shiny apps, and I would like to show them one after ther other (the first should be a survey and the second a memory game).
I tried to find a solution, but I never found exacly what I am looking for. Maybe a third app that combines them?
The only thing I found is :
Switch between two shiny apps in one
You have to click on which app do you want to start, and I want it to be automatically (so that the users won't play the game before the survey)
When I upload it to shinyapps it raises an error
i am working on shiny app.i want to divide my app into two parts. i want like that when i click on 1st tab it redirects to specific portion and same as for 2nd tab.Both scripts will be different from one another there will be no mutual functions or anything between them.how can i do this ?
I'm writing to seek help on the issues in R shiny in relation to the long running process. My codes involved running several simulations which takes about 1 min to run in R console. However, when i run it in the Shiny app, the app just keeps dropping offline at about 20 seconds of running. Does anybody know the reason for this problem and how to fix it?
It would be really helpful to get some insights and potential solutions on this. Thank you.
--- Further edit below: hope the information below would be useful to clarify the problem.
The error message is not a real error message: the app just simply drops offline and asks to reload the page. Here is the app that we developed:https://glasgowhehta.shinyapps.io/MetaInsight_continuous_Bayesian/
(Apologies, due to the nature of the issue we could not think how to give a simple example.)
If you click the ‘Data analysis’ tab - ‘3. Bayesian network meta-analysis’ tab - ‘3d. Nodesplit model’ tab, then click the button ‘Click here to run the main analysis for all studies’, it will drop the app offline before generating results (but this will take nowhere near as long as it would take for the server to disconnect due to user inactivity). The programme behind this button is a series of simulation evaluations using JAGS (which uses Gibbs Sampling and is computationally intensive and can produce a lot of data https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_another_Gibbs_sampler).
When only a small number of simulations are required, results could be rendered, however, when a larger number of simulations are required, the app will drop offline. You could test this by ticking some studies out from the sidebar, say ticking all the studies from ‘Kuo 2006’ down until ‘Derosa 2005’, which will result in only a small proportion of the data entering the ‘nodesplitting analysis with studies excluded’. After ticking these studies out, click the button on the right hand side, ‘Click here to run the nodesplitting analysis with studies excluded’, then the results should be rendered.
So our questions are:
1) Why does the app drop offline when the background computations are more extensive (i.e. is it a memory or a time issue or another altogether)?
2) What can be done to get round this problem (we have tinkered with the server settings but without success)?
We would be very grateful for any advice.
I'm trying to understand the workflow and how to think when working with Power BI.
I'm trying to create the visual side of a logging framework using azure application insights and log analytics in the background.
What I got stuck on right now is using a visualization for different table structures.
So lets say I have an integration workflow that is compiled of different components (starts at one endpoint, being processed and sent to destination endpoint), and this workflow is used in parallel depending on the endpoints.
A ----> (integration process) -----> B
C ----> (integration process) -----> D
A <---- (integration process) <----- B
C <---- (integration process) <----- D
In this process I'm logging traces and exceptions for each workflow for example.
And lets say I have extracted the power BI query from log analytics to import the data into Power BI.
Now as you can see above I have an "Send" and "Receive" flow for both sets of endpoints per parallel integration so to speak and I want to be able to pair these per report in Power BI.
So then to my problem for now;
Let's say I want to put a doughnut chart with total amount sent AND received messages.
Also when clicking on the different parts of the chart I want to change the containing data and also the structure of the single table in the same report.
What I'm struggling with is using a table to display the content of two workflows that are related to each other in the sense of being a "Sent and received" visualization of the integration, but don't have any hard drawn relations to each other in code.
I was reading something about a switch statement but I thought i'd ask the question here to learn "the way of thinking" when using Power BI.
Hope I made my problem clear by the description above, if I forgot anything please ask and I'll do my best to try to further explain what I'm asking for.
Ok so regarding the feedback i got of the question being to broad, does it help i i would say i want to be able to switch everything in a Table (that is: all columns and values), by a clickable slicer for example.
why i'm trying to achieve is something similar to this, but for a table view:
Youtube Link:
Using SWITCH True Logic In Power BI - DAX Concepts
Do i select the content of a table with a measure-query or do i have to do any other special fix to get this to work?
Hope this clarify the problem i'm working on.
If you are looking to switch between two entirely different tables, I'd recommend using buttons to toggle between different bookmarks which show/hide different visuals.
Check out the documentation for bookmarks and buttons for more detailed information and come back if you get stuck and have more specific questions.
I am using classic asp for a web application. I am running the web application on internet explorer.
I had developed few reports related to sales data. All the sales report are linked to Sales Dashboard. Every report has some selection criteria like customer selection date period selection product group selection and other few.
Now the problem which I am facing.
I open a total sales report for the entire year which takes almost 15 minutes to load on screen. while the report is executing if I try to open any other from the sales dashboard the page with selection criteria will appear after the first report is completely executed. If I copy the link location for the second report and open it in new window of internet explorer it will open normally.
I am not able to trace the problem did anyone had face the same problem.
First, I agree with this comment posted under the question:
IIS/ASP only allows one concurrent request per session. This is why the second request does not happen until after the first one completes. If you open a new browser instance or a different browser then this is treated as a different session.
Second, if all that is being asked here is whether other people have similar issues or not, then the answer is yes, due to what johna said in the comment.
If you're looking for a way to get around that for yourself, the way described in the comment (open a new browser instance or a different browser) will work.
However, if you're after a way to bypass the 15 minute wait time entirely, give some though to preparing the data before the report is called. What I mean by that is either schedule the report to run after close of business each day and store the relevant HTML or data separately, and/or provide a button to prepare the report based on current data which can be run whenever the user wants.
I'm implementing google analytics experiment in my website. There are certain queries and doubts I have. Please have a look:
Can we implement two experiment with a same page at a time ? Because to doing this, I'll have to put two experiment code in my original script and its giving me some warnings.
My case is I want to implement A/B Test Variation on two button (iOS App Download and Android App Download) at my website landing page. For this, I've create two goals for each button (Goals are linked with events that I've placed with both button clicked events).
Now for experiment, I've created experiment and selected goal and placed the experiment code at appropriate place.
What about 2nd experiment for other goal ? and how should I create it ?
I hope you clear my concern.
Below is one warning I'm getting while creating one experiment:
Note: Two experiment variations do not appear in the table. More information
The following 2 experiment variations have had no sessions.
I've checked url and everything, but not getting any clue.
Please suggest.
I don't fully understand the warning and the structure of your experiments, but in general you shouldn't create 2 experiments for the same page through the "normal" experiments panel.
For this kind of situations, it is much better to use the Google Content Experiments API (Client-side or Server-side). It is a little more difficult to configure, but allows for several tests in the same page, among other advantages.
If you don't want to do this "complex" configuration, you could use some paid solution like Optimizely or VWO (they include multivariate tests, which could be better for your use case than A/B tests).