Redirect IP and Port to another IP and Port only for specific application - ip

So, im playing an online game that is gonna be shut down. To prevent this game dying from the internet, i created packet sniffer that is able to steal all the outgoing and incooming packets. I simply coded C# TCP listener that records all the packets. The problem is the following. Lets say the game is trying to reach this IP <- this is the server of the game. So i want somehow to force the game to connect to instead, which is my localhost. And my packet sniffer is listening at for any incooming/outgoing packets. After it analizes the packets it sends them back to the original server.
Here is a picture of the situation.
NOTE: I want to make IP forwarding only for that specific game!! I tried the netsh command
netsh int ip add addr 1 st=ac sk=tr
Which makes all applications that wana connect to this IP, connect to instead. But this way i can never send the original packet to .... so, any suggestions?


Networking - sending and receiving data

This could not be the right place, as it's not about pure programming;
nevertheless, as a simple web developer I find myself quite
ignorant on the subject of networking(Wikipedia usually mix
different subjects on the matter), and I feel as it is a "must" to know.
I sort of have an image of what happens when you write
on your browser, and I don't know the whole process(I have a modem,
a router and a few computers connected to it. let's use my case for an example):
You write characters into chrome ->
there is some character encoding done to translate the address(ASCII or else) ->
DNS does something, not sure ->
your router receives a digital request from a computer's internet cable/WIFI, it saves the internal IPV4 address of
the sender in order to know to which computer to respond back. it sends the digital data to the modem ->
your modem receives digital data, and translates it from digital to analog ->
now your network provider does some work - >
the google server receives a request from an IP address - >
not sure how the google server handles the data, nevertheless it sends back data ->
service provider - > router gets translated digital data from the modem and remembers who sent the request, and sends it to the right person.
in order to optimize a web server or maybe to write a better code which involves networking, perhaps each beginner(such as myself) needs to understand this first? Thank you for your time.
EDIT: I did read wikipedia's OSI model, though it's not quite as helpful as I thought it would.
i will try to explain the idea, although its may be much ,more complicate - it depends on how deep you want to go ...
you write ""
your OS will try to resolve the to an IP address
since your OS probably cant, it needs to ask a DNS server
assuming you use an external DNS ( say IP= and your IP= which is on a different networks ), your OS will check if it knows how to reach
a default route exists on your PC (this is also known as 'default-gw' which includes ALL internet, it points to your local router
an IP packet will be sent to the router MAC address with the DNS IP address in the destination
your router will probably change your private IP address to its own public IP address and will sends it to the ISP
ISP will route it to the internet until it reaches which is the DNS
DNS will reply back resolving to an IP address
your PC now knows how to send packets to
packet will be sent to stackoverflow ip address ( to port 80 (http)
stackoverflow web server listen to requests on port 80
once a packet arrives it will generate a response packet
it will send it back to you exactly in the same way
all that traffic can be seen with a network capture utility like wireshark, u can use those commands (windows) to verify...
netstat -rn
tracert -d

Send UDP packets to a node in another network

I'm trying to send UPD packets from node A to node B, both are connected to internet through different routers.
I am able to send (and receive) UDP packets between them when they connected on the same network by giving the local destination ip adddress (192.168..) and port number.
Now I'm finding the dynamic ip address of node B using and consider it as w.x.y.z
When I send the packets from A to this destination, I'm unable to receive them at B. I've also setup port forwarding on both the routers.
This is completely new to me. Is there is something else that needs to be done when I want to send packets to a node connected on another network? Please help!!
I can suggest something to check:
Port Forwarding in both the router are configured for the UDP protocol?
If you ping the remote address w.x.y.z, you receive a response? (check if the routers are configured to do so)
Verify also if there are firewall that block the UDP packet that arrives from the Internet (on the routers or on the target machine).
The thing that you can not receive them at B is because NAT will filter all the messages if you haven't build a connection in the netfilter's table. The way to solve the problem is to use a port mapping like UPNP or NAT-PMP. In this way, the destination node's specific port will receive any message from WLAN and send it to this node. But this needs your router support these protocols, if not, maybe you need to use ICE as a realy server to realize it.

Send TCP/UDP packets from the outside to a client behind a router

I want to send packets to a client on a lan, say, the public address is: and behind this, there are 3 machines:
How would format my packet so that, if I were to send it to this IP address, it'll be received, well, atleast redirected to say,
I know that there's, since it's one of my machines and I was wondering if I can build a notification system for something using no sockets whatsoever, but just a client listening for these. (Using scapy to parse packets)
So, for example: I send a packet from outside saying "Alert!" to and picks it up. Wrote this just to provide some insight!
Made this image to portray the process:
You can also implement a UDP hole punching, but you need a public server with real IP address to do that.

What happens when 2 computers listen to the same port and a router receives a packet through that port

What I am asking is if two computers listen to the same port and a packet of information enters the router through the WAN Ip and the same port. Would the packet go to both computers? Neither? One or the other?
computer 1 -(internal IP)-> -(listens to port)-> 4444
computer 2 -(internal IP)-> -(listens to port)-> 4444
computer 3 -(connects and sends)-> 24.157.358.45:4444
packet -> computer 1 AND computer 2
The code in VB6 is:
LAN.LocalPort = 4444
LAN.Protocol = sckTCPProtocol
I am using a WinSock object in the Microsoft WinSock Control 6.0 in VB6 Professional
If there is something that needs to be clarified I would be more than happy to.
The router won't send an inbound packet to either machine unless communication has already been established.
If calls out to some other machine (e.g. from its port 4444, the router will assign an arbitrary port on its external address (say 24.157.358.45 [sic] :5555) and pass the packets on to will send reply packets to 24.157.358.45:5555 -- because that's the only address it knows about -- and the router will relay those to
That's the normal course of things, but there are a lot of additional details to this scheme that make it possible to establish communication with a machine behind a router via trickery.
The system of having machines with private IP addresses behind a router with a public address is called network address translation (NAT); it's a pretty deep topic.
From my knowledge of routers, unless port forwarding is setup, the router will discard any packets sent on that port.
If port forwarding is setup, only one of the computers could be setup to receive the packets.
If the packet is an inbound request to establish a new TCP connection with a server that is running behind the router, the router must have an explicit port-forwarding rule configured, either statically in the router's configuration or dynamically via uPNP or SNMP, that tells the router where to route inbound packets on 24.157.358.45:4444 to, either to or to, otherwise the packet will be discarded. So no, both of your listening servers will not see the same packet.
Once a TCP connection is established, the router knows which specific LAN machines are associated with which connections and will route incoming packets belonging to those connections accordingly.
The previous answers are correct, you need to enable port forwarding. If it is not enabled port 4444 will be closed on the router.
It sounds like you have multiple servers and want to forward to whatever server is turned on at the moment. This is not possible (*), the router does not care whether or not PC1 or PC2 are listening on port 4444, it will simply forward everything to the address configured in the port forwarding.
(*): Ok it is possible but it takes some extra work.
Solution 1: Trick the router into thinking there is only one server. Give PC1 and PC2 a virtual network interface with the same IP address and forward to that address. Make sure only one of these interfaces is enabled, having duplicate IP addresses in your network can have unintentional behaviour.
Solution 2: Make the router care about which server is on. You will need to write a program to run on the router (or on another server) that can detect which server is on and forward the packets accordingly. If you are using Linux the program iptables can be worth looking at.

UDP Client - Open Ports?

So right now I'm using only TCP for my clients - they connect to the server, open socket and freely getting packets.
But what if I will decide to use also UDP in my game? Will they gonna have to open ports? For example, if they are using a regular WiFi, can I send UDP to the client without having opening ports problem?
TCP and UDP are just two examples of transport layer implementations. Both of them are using term 'port' to determine which app should receive incoming packet, but they could be routed/filtered differently by routers/switches/firewalls/etc.
So the answer is no. You will have similar problems with opening ports. Just except 'TCP port xxx should be opened' you have to demand 'UDP port xxx should be opened'.
In most home networks firewall rules allow outgoing packets (requests) to any remote port (on your server for example, where this port should be opened). And when such a packet goes through a router - it creates temporary rule to allow answers come back to the local port from which request packet.
So, normal scenario is like that:
Packet originated from home computer with IP Lets say it has source UDP port 55555, source IP address and destination port 8888.
Packet reaches home router. As it is going from inside - router allows it to pass through and creates rule say for 2 minutes to allow packets targeted to to UDP port 55555.
Packet reaches corporate router before your server. It has rule to pass packets for port 8888 so packet is allowed to go.
Your server receives the packet and processes it. In response it creates packet for IP and UDP port 55555.
Corporate router allows response to go.
Home router allows response to go according to temporary rule.
Your computer receives the response.
Corporate computers and routers often more restrictive to ensure security, so second point could restrict packet if your user (IP is in corporate network.
It is very simplified as in reality there's almost always things like NAT and rules are more complex... But in general it gives the idea how it works internally.
